Our annual review of products introduced during the past 12 months, along with an assessment of the overarching trends.
We are pleased to present our annual review of new products. As has been the case for many years now, this annual review includes products launched not only at the annual Pittsburgh conference (“Pittcon”), but also throughout the preceding year.
Nevertheless, Pittcon remains an important source of new product announcements. This year’s Pittcon, however, was held online—a first for the event—because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the online format, you could attend technical presentations, keynote talks, short courses, workshops, and networking sessions, as well as see exhibitor demonstrations, attend the employment bureau, and—related to our interests and purposes here—you could visit exhibits and talk to exhibitor representatives. The main difference this year was that we couldn’t unexpectedly run into old friends while traversing the halls or aisles. We also could not participate in a “hands-on” demonstration of equipment.
Presumably because of the online format, there was a decrease in the size of the exposition this year (only 179 exhibitors, compared to 787 last year) and the absence of several large vendors. This year, again presumably because of the online format, no product awards were given out.
There was a significant change in attendance at the conference compared to previous years, but we have to acknowledge that we are comparing the “apples” of a live conference with the “oranges” of an online one. The overall attendance in 2020 was 12,841 registered participants. Although it was clear from the live attendance numbers visible in the online platform for this year’s event that the numbers were comparatively quite small this year, generally around 1000 at any given time, official attendance figures for 2021 were not available by our deadline. Because most features of the conference are available on demand through June 12, the conference organization will not have final numbers until then.
The review that follows is categorized by wavelength region or type of spectroscopy. This arrangement is designed to allow readers to compare instruments from different manufacturers, although this process sometimes compares handhelds and other portable instruments with high-end benchtop research tools. Our included categories fluctuate from year to year, depending on trends in new product launches. The categories appearing in this year’s review are:
Atomic spectroscopy
Mass spectrometry
Mid-infrared (Mid-IR) and terahertz (THz) spectroscopy
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy
As we have reported in previous reviews, manufacturers have recently been producing instruments that incorporate two or more different, and sometimes disparate, technologies. Given that the number of such instruments has been increasing every year, we considered whether a new approach to this question was warranted. Ultimately, we decided to assign a primary category for each product, but also list potential alternate categories that the product might plausibly be listed under. For an ICP-MS instrument, for example, which could plausibly fit under either the “Atomic Spectroscopy” (for the ICP) or the “Mass Spectrometry” category, we have assigned it to the Atomic Spectroscopy category, but in that table, we show the secondary category in parentheses, in the left-hand column, below the company name, like this:
Company name
(Mass spectrometry).
We also employed a similar label for accessories, indicating the primary technology that the accessory is intended for in parentheses.
As in the past, accessories are tools used in conjunction with an instrument, such as sample preparation or attenuated total reflectance (ATR) devices, whereas components, such as lasers or detectors, are used within an instrument. Yet no matter how we present them, there are always marginal cases, such as where a product is so large and integral to the operation of the analytical system that it is unclear where the concept of an “accessory” ends and an “instrument” begins.
For all of these reasons, even the manufacturer is sometimes unsure about what category a given device belongs to. Sometimes, the distinction depends on the perspective of the observer. An example of this is gas chromatography–infrared spectroscopy (GC–IR). From the point of view of the spectroscopist, the GC is “simply” a very sophisticated sample preparation accessory, although from the point of view of the chromatographer, the spectrometer is “merely” a very complicated detector!
The software category includes programs for instrument control, data collection, and data processing, as well as products for storage and transmission of data. The category also includes collections of data, such as databases (libraries) of spectra, as well as collections of calibration models used in conjunction with the still developing field of chemometric algorithms that analyze the data.
As is our custom, Table I lists the categories that the various companies offer instruments in.
Overview: Broad Trends
Typically, our vendor surveys answer our question about trends in many different ways. The 2021 surveys, however, show a consistent observation about the importance of speed and efficiency. Although similar to comments given over many years, this theme was more noticeable in 2021. Many laboratories downsized or worked with limited staffing in the last year, requiring those who remained to be more productive. Further, as older subject matter experts (SMEs) retired, they were either not replaced or were replaced with less-experienced workers who had little time to gain the benefit of the SMEs’ experience. In addition, those on-site workers were often present in shorter shifts or limited days, as well as performing a lot of remote work, meaning they had to plan and execute their analyses carefully.
These variables resulted in instrument specifications growing more aggressive, with requirements like more automation, intense sources, higher signal-to-noise (S/N), and more-sensitive detectors, resulting in faster data collection. Also, software (particularly the offline analytical type) became even more prominent in instrument sales. Finally, virtual training (both general webinars and instrument-specific training on operations) became very important. Even vendors who did not specifically mention the “faster, more efficient” theme implied this through their product descriptions.
We do not expect this trend will change, even if more people return to the physical workplace for longer hours. The “need” to work at home experienced during the pandemic has transitioned to the “ability” to work at home (as a viable work option, irrespective of need), through various other sharing platforms. Many instruments can now be operated remotely, with autosamplers enabling unattended throughput. Laboratory staff need to be physically present only long enough to set up a batch and start the process; they can then monitor and tweak the process remotely. Even academic teaching laboratories are reaping the benefits of remote instrumentation, because students can now check the progress of a measurement from the library or their dorm rooms.
Another outgrowth of the loss of SMEs has been the emphasis placed on digital science and, more specifically, machine learning. Broadly, this tool enables a system (instrument plus computer plus software) to derive relationships between data and answers that can be reproduced in the absence of human intervention, enabling the system to make “intelligent” decisions about specific characteristics of a sample, such as its usability in a specific application, or an identification based on large datasets. We feel strongly this will be a key driver in the future workspace as the machine learning algorithms improve and become more broadly applicable (consider how online shopping proposes new things based on your past choices; the same logic can be applied to a production process).
We see fewer application-specific analyzers appearing this year, although some fields, like cannabis and microplastics, are attracting attention. In many cases, existing tools are being combined with new software to address these fields, such as the innovations from multiple vendors implementing microplastics analysis onto Raman, FT-IR, and quantum cascade laser (QCL)–based microscopy systems.
Handhelds and portables continue to appear, but not with the same ubiquity as a few years back when we noted every aisle at Pittcon seemed to have a handheld Raman or NIR tool on display. Many articles have appeared in the literature, and in this journal specifically, about the benefits of the handhelds and portables. There has been less discussion about the performance differential between handheld and laboratory instruments; however, this difference is largely driven by the different purposes and applications of the two types of instruments (“What is this pile of white powder? Is it dangerous?” versus “I need to analyze a tiny defect in a sheet of polymer or discolored flecks in an otherwise homogeneous product”).
Review of New Products for 2021
Below, we highlight new introductions in each product category. Individual tables provide more detail for the products mentioned. Table I contains the index of companies and the categories where their products appear.
Atomic Spectroscopy
Agilent Technologies featured a helium mode collision cell and half mass correction to control polyatomic and doubly charged ion interferences.
Exum Instruments, Inc. introduced Massbox, the first commercial instrument combining laser ablation and laser ionization under vacuum.
Lightigo exhibited FireFly, an instrument specializing on chemical imaging of solid samples and featuring a motorized objective turret, laser microfocus, and long depth of field. Lightigo’s FireFly could have also been placed in the “Imaging” category.
PerkinElmer, Inc. presented two instruments. The first is the Avio 560, an inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) instrument. The second is the NexION 5000 Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS, the first ICP-MS instrument in its category to boast four quadrupoles, and engineered to meet and exceed the demanding requirements of ultratrace elemental analysis.
Thermo Fisher Scientific launched the Neoma Multicollector ICP-MS, featuring a new detector array that covers the broadest range of isotopic applications with Qtegra Intelligent Scientific Data Solution (ISDS) software.
See Table II for more information about atomic spectroscopy instruments.
Cubert GmbH demonstrated the Ultris X20, a UV–vis-NIR imaging spectrometer and hyperspectral snapshot camera capable of capturing a hyperspectral image (x, y, lambda) at very high resolution within a millisecond. Cubert GmbH’s product could also fit into the “UV-vis” and “NIR” categories.
Greateyes had two products on display: Alex, a low-noise charged-coupled device (CCD) camera series of highly sensitive, cooled cameras with vacuum flange equipped with ultralow noise 18-bit readout electronics for imaging applications in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), extreme ultraviolet (EUV), and X-ray range up to 20 keV; and ELSE, a low noise CCD camera that integrates cutting-edge low-noise electronics and ultra-deep cooling technology. The Greateyes products could also apply to the “X-Ray” category.
Monstr Sense Technologies, LLC showed Bigfoot, with ultrafast optics and radio-frequency electronics to extract weak ultrafast signals from strong excitation background light. Bigfoot could also be included in the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
Nanobase, Inc. introduced the XperRF, a hybrid Raman spectroscopy microscope instrument and a transmission spectrometer for >90% spectrum peak efficiency. This product could also fall into the “UV-vis” and “Raman spectroscopy” categories.
Pembroke Instruments, LLC introduced the SWIR-200, a short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) microscope featuring a flexible design supporting a wide range in the field of view, magnification, and working distance to the sample. This product could fall into the “NIR” category.
Princeton Infrared Technologies, Inc. showed a 2nd-generation 1280 SciCam, an InGaAs SWIR camera that is the only International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)-free 1.3 MegaPixel-cooled SWIR camera that exhibits high photo response uniformity and low dark current.
Surface Optics Corporation showed its SOC760 Hyperspectral Imaging System uniquely suited for laboratory and ground-based applications requiring high-resolution spectral data collection for the full visible near infrared (vis-NIR). Their product could also apply to the “UV-vis” and “NIR” categories.
See Table III for further details about Imaging instruments.
Mass Spectrometry
The Hiden Analytical SIMS-ToF Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer has the high sensitivity, speed, and data density depth profiling capability of a quadrupole secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) instrument and the surface specificity, mass resolution, and large-molecule detection of a time-of-flight (ToF) SIMS system.
The Thermo Fisher Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 Mass Spectrometer features a fast-scanning high-field Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass analyzer, positive–negative mode switching for comprehensive sample coverage, and one-click calibration and method templates for fast instrument setup and ease of use.
Agilent Technologies, Inc., Exum Instruments, Inc., and PerkinElmer, Inc. also have instruments that could apply to this category; they were all placed in the “Atomic spectroscopy” category.
See Table IV for further details about Mass spectrometry instruments.
Mid-IR and Terahertz (THz)
Ocean Insight’s NanoQuest spectral sensor Fourier-transform IR (FT-IR) spectrometer features a micro electro mechanical system (MEMS)–based FT-IR spectrometer that is smaller and more accessible than traditional laboratory-based instrumentation. The MEMS technology allows for a continuous-wave Michaelson interferometer to be created monolithically on a MEMS chip, which enables detection of all wavelengths simultaneously across the 1350–2500 nm range, using a single-photodetector design. This product could fit into the “NIR” category.
PerkinElmer, Inc. presents three FT-IR instruments. The Spectrum Two+ is a compact, powerful, and portable FT-IR spectrometer for routine compositional and quality analyses, providing fast and accurate results. The Spectrum 3 FT-IR Spectrometer, is a tri-range instrument with full integration. The EGA 4000 is the world’s first fully integrated thermogravimetric analysis-infrared spectrometry (TG-IR) system for evolved gas analysis (EGA). The Spectrum 3 could also apply to the “NIR” category.
See Table V for further details about Mid-IR instruments.
Near-Infrared (NIR)
Avantes B.V. introduced the AvaSpec-Mini-NIR Compact NIR spectrometer, which is the size of a deck of cards and is USB-powered, making it easy to integrate into other devices and handheld applications.
Galaxy Scientific Inc. introduced the QuasIR 2000 with a large area diffuse reflectance probe fiber optic FT-NIR spectrometer; this probe is designed to enable more accurate and repeatable NIR measurements of inhomogeneous samples.
Metrohm USA’s DS2500 Liquid Analyzer features smart accessory technology, integrated temperature control to 80 °C, and automatic background correction.
Sensors Unlimited has a high-speed, extended InGaAs photodiode linear array that offers extended wavelength range of 1.1–2.6 μm. This product could also apply to the “Components” category.
Surface Optics Corporation’s 410-Solar-i Portable Vis-NIR Reflectometer features a battery-operated handheld reflectometer for portable solar reflectance and absorbance measurements. This product could also apply to the “UV-vis” category.
Viavi Solutions Inc. presented three NIR instruments. The MicroNIR PAT-L is specifically designed for liquid applications as an immersion NIR spectrometer that features multiple configurations and various mounting options for diverse applications. The MicroNIR PAT-Ux features good manufacturing practice (GMP)–compliant software with an optional open platform communications (OPC) add-in and a rapid acquisition time. The MicroNIR PAT-Wx is rated for hazardous locations and certified as being compliant with ATmospheres EXplosible (ATEX), International Electrotechnical Commission System (IECEx), and National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements.
See Table VI for further details about NIR instruments.
Raman Spectroscopy
B&W Tek LLC, a Metrohm Group Company showcased three Raman spectrometers. The PTRam is a self-monitoring, self-calibrating high-performance 785-nm Raman spectrometer designed for 24/7 operation. The TacticID Mobile Handheld Raman spectrometer is a handheld 1064-nm Raman spectrometer, featuring a 5-in touch screen. The TacticID-1064 ST is a handheld spectrometer that can safely analyze samples through transparent, semitransparent, and opaque packaging to reduce response time (its 1064 nm excitation produces a fluorescence-free spectrum) and can be integrated with the MisaCal mobile app.
Metrohm USA presented two Raman spectrometers. The Mira P Raman spectrometer makes it possible to build custom analytical methods that capture variations of complex natural product starting materials for biopharmaceutical production. The Misa Raman spectrometer is a portable analyzer system used for rapid, trace-level detection and identification of food additives and contaminants, and features a small footprint and long battery life.
Nanobase, Inc. showed its XperRF hybrid Raman spectrometer, which is a Raman microscope with fluorescence lifetime imaging and TCSPC features. It has a transmission spectrometer for over 90% spectrum peak efficiency. This product could also fall in the “UV-vis” and “Imaging” categories.
Ocean Insight presented the QE Pro-Raman+, which is a modular spectrometer for 785 nm Raman excitation applications. The QE Pro-Raman+ is a high-sensitivity instrument with a spectral range from 150 to 3000 cm-1, plus low noise electronics and a TEC-cooled optical bench.
The Renishaw Virsa Raman Analyzer features fiber optic probes equipped with LiveTrack focus-tracking technology, enabling the analysis of microscopic areas of large objects with irregular surfaces, and enabling the measurement of large samples that will not fit under a conventional microscope.
Wasatch Photonics showed the WP 532 EXR, an extended-range Raman spectrometer that offers high signal, fast measurements, and low limits of detection. The design uses the company’s VPH transmission gratings and an f/1.3 input for maximum signal collection. The WP 532 EXR could also apply to the “UV-vis” category.”
See Table VII for further details about Raman instruments.
ACD/Labs introduced the Spectrus JS, which is cross-platform software that works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Spectrus JS (JavaScript) is the first commercially available browser-based 1D and 2D NMR data processing application. The Spectrus JS could have also formed an “NMR” category.
Eigenvector Research, Inc. has five new updated software packages: Solo version 8.9.1 Stand Alone Chemometrics Software; PLS_Toolbox version 8.9.1 Chemometrics Software for use with Matlab; MIA_Toolbox version 3.0.9 Advanced Hyperspectral Image Analysis for use with PLS_Toolbox and Solo; Solo_Predictor version 4.0.5, which is a standalone prediction engine for use with PLS_Toolbox and Solo models; and Model Exporter version 3.7, which is a standalone prediction engine for use with PLS_Toolbox and Solo models.
Microtrac MRB, part of Verder Scientific, provides Dimensions Software for the Camsizer series. The Dimensions program is a sleek and modern particle-characterization software for the Camsizer imaging instruments.
Operant LLC has Peak Spectroscopy Software for Optical Spectroscopy that reads and converts more than 60 spectroscopy file formats. It includes library search, spectral manipulations, and many more functions.
Thermo Fisher Scientific promoted its SolstiX X-ray diffractometer software that is a seamless integration with Windows authentication, protected folder for data storage, complete audit trail in time-stamped database, and tamper-proof e-signatures in all files.
Wiley introduced five new software products: A GC–MS library for biologically and environmentally important organic compounds; the Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data 12th edition; the Wiley Registry 12th Edition of the NIST 2020 Mass Spectral Library; the KnowItAll 2020, which contains spectroscopy software and spectral libraries; and AntiBase, a Natural Compound Identifier.
See Table VIII for further details about software.
Ibsen Photonics A/S showed the new Pebble Vis-NIR spectrophotometer. Pebble spectrometers combine a compact form factor of 20 x 15 x 8 mm with high sensitivity and environmental ruggedness, based on Ibsen’s proven diffraction grating technology. This product could also have been included in the “NIR” category.
McPherson’s 251MX is a compact spectrometer with a VUV detection range (50~200 nm) optimized around 120 nanometers. It has been updated to provide improved efficiency over a wider range.
Ocean Insight has a liquid transmission measurement system (LTMS) in-line transmission spectrometer. LTMS is an industrial-grade, IP67 transmission– absorption platform suitable for manufacturing environments.
See Table IX for further details about UV-vis instruments.
PNDetector GmbH introduced the XRP-A X-Ray spectrometer, featuring excellent energy resolution and extraordinary chip performance, even at room temperature.
Rigaku introduced the ZSX Primus IV Wavelength Dispersive XRF Spectrometer (WD-XRF). This tube-below high-performance spectrometer enables uncompromised analysis of samples such as liquids, alloys, and plated metals.
See Table X for further details about X-Ray instruments.
We remind our readers that for Accessories and Components, the parenthesized technology under the company name indicates the technology that the product is intended to be used in conjunction with.
Art Photonics GmbH presents a Mid-IR-Fluorescence combined Fiber Probe for in situ MIR ATR absorption and fluorescence measurements of soft samples, powders, or liquids. This product could also be included in the “Mid-IR and THz” and “UV- vis” categories.
Elemental Scientific, Inc. introduced five new accessories. The first is the imageGEO193/BIO266 laser ablation system for high-speed elemental mapping with ICP-OES or ICP–MS. This tool provides spatial mapping of elemental and iso- tope distribution at speeds of up to 1000 pixels/s when combined with an ICP-OES or ICP-MS instrument. LaserTRAX is a fully automated, robotic, high-throughput elemental analyzer for laser ablation ICP-MS or ICP-OES. The microFAST Single Cell is an automated sample introduction system for single cell and single particle analysis via ICP-MS; the prepFAST IC Clinical pro- vides automation, sample preparation, autosampling, and liquid chromatography for ultra-high throughput ICP-MS. The DXCi SampleSense FAST provides automation and autosampling for trace metal analysis by ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Elemental Scientific’s products could also fall in the “Atomic” and “Imaging” categories.
Glass Expansion has three new accessories: The low-volume laser ablation mixing chamber, which provides a tangential make-up gas input and connects directly to the ICP-MS torch; and a single-cell sample introduction system for ICP-MS that has a cell transport efficiency of up to 95%. The unique design consists of a high efficiency MicroMist nebulizer, low volume, on-axis spray chamber, and a MicroJet gas adapter that entrains and shapes the nebulizer aerosol plume. They also presented the Trident CT In-Line Reagent Additions Kit, at the heart of which is the mixing chamber, designed with zero dead-volume ConstantTorque (CT) fittings. With other mixing chambers, worn or improperly fitted connections leak, injecting a stream of air bubbles into the nebulizer flow, which degrades short-term analytical precision (%RSD). By using CT ratchet style fittings, the Trident CT eliminates air leaks, optimizing analytical performance. Glass Expansion’s accessories could also fall in the “Atomic Spectroscopy” and “Mass Spectrometry” categories.
Harrick Scientific Products has a Low Volume High Pressure Reaction Chamber suited for studying heterogeneous catalysis, gas–solid interactions, photochemical reactions, and oxidation mechanisms under controlled temperatures and pressures. This accessory could also apply to the “Mid-IR and THz,” “UV-vis,” and “Raman spectroscopy” categories.
Innovative Photonic Solutions offers a bundle consisting of a Raman probe and laser that gives an increased S/N ratio in the H-stretch band versus traditional Raman spectroscopy and allows the customer to collect the entire spectrum on samples that require longer excitation wavelengths to avoid fluorescence. This bundle could be also considered in the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
Inorganic Ventures has a new certified reference material (CRM): a Platinum Cobalt Color Standard that uses the precise starting materials required by the ASTM method.
Kaiser Optical Systems, an Endress+Hauser Company, has a fiberoptic bioprocessing probe optimized specifically to fit the Sartorius BioPAT Spectro platform. Benefits include more efficient model building, providing a more efficient transfer to Biostat STR for single-use manufacturing, delivering non-contact Raman collection, and allowing method transferability across scales to other bioreactors. This product could also fall into the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
Lightigo has the SyncRay Digital Delay Generator that features four output channels and one switchable input–output channel in a small form factor while enabling triggering the ARM of the time base by the external signal. This product is usable for all suitable spectroscopies.
MarqMetrix, Inc. introduced two Raman probes: the Proximal BallProbe (8 mm), which contains a short working distance (8 mm) and small beam spot size (500 μm) for high-signal, noncontact measurement through vials and glass bottles or windows. The second Raman probe is the Proximal BallProbe HV (100 mm), which excels at taking non-contact measurements of in-motion samples on conveyor belts or rotating drums and features a long working distance (100 mm). These probes could also fall under the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
Pike Technologies presented two mid-IR accessories: the Jackfish J2 and ReactorMAX. Jackfish J2 is a new electrochemical cell mode, with a sealed design with its reference electrode directly immersed into the solution. The ReactorMAX is a research-grade, variable angle ATR designed for demanding applications requiring high temperature and pressure. These accessories could also apply to the “Mid-IR and THz” category.
Raptor Photonics introduced the Ninox 640 SU SWIR Camera/Raman probe that features vacuum cooling to –80°C, offering a very low dark current for longer exposure times up to 5 min. Their products could also apply to the “Raman” “NIR,” and “Imaging” categories.
Reflex Analytical Corporation offers accessories for several parts of the E-M spectrum. Their analytical lamps and light sources comprise a huge selection of hollow cathode lamps for atomic absorption spectroscopy that complement the available series of tungsten lamps. In the optics area, they offer ATR hemispheres-prisms-rods, lenses, filters, polarizers, and UHV Conflat Flange viewports representing a comprehensive selection of optical materials for use in the VUV through the Far-IR. They also offer optical manifolds for liquid and gas flow. In terms of sample cells, Reflex Analytical offers more than 150 cuvette and cell types for use in spectroscopy, fluorimetry, calorimetry, polarimetry, cytometry, DNA and protein analysis, blood analysis, and dynamic light scattering. Reflex Analytical Corp.’s accessories could also be applied to the “Atomic,” “NIR,” and “UV-vis” categories.
Spectra Solutions Inc. has a Dual Wavelength Raman Fiber Optic Probe that allows Raman measurements to be done at both 532 and 785 nm laser excitations simultaneously with the same probe head. This probe could also falls under the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
Spectra Vista Corp. provides a Foreoptic Adapter with an actuator that enables quick field measurements using standard foreoptics mated with the fiber optic light guide. Spectra Vista Corp.’s Foreoptic Adapter can also fall under the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
Timegate Instruments Ltd presented a Raman microprobe that features multipoint surface mapping, an USB camera for image and video capturing. Timegate’s Raman microprobe also can be applied to the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
Tornado Spectral Systems released its SpectroPort Raman Probe designed for upstream biopharmaceutical processing; it is enabled for high-throughput cell fermentation development and production monitoring. Tornado Spectral System’s Raman probe also can fall under the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
WITec GmbH’s ParticleScout for the alpha300 Raman microscope series finds, classifies, and identifies microparticles over large sample areas. WITec GmbH’s ParticleScout can also be applied to the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
See Table XI for further details about Accessories.
We remind our readers that for Accessories and Components, the parenthesized technology under the company name indicates the technology that the product is intended to be used in conjunction with.
Delta Optical Thin Film A/S provides order-sorting filters for compact spectrometers featuring a continuous coating, and the cut-on wavelength changes continuously along the filter. This product could also fit into the “UV-vis” and “Accessories” categories.
Eblana Photonics Ltd. makes 760 nm DM (DFB) lasers that exhibit higher spectral purity and reliability than any similar product on the market. Eblana Photonics Ltd.’s lasers can also fall under the “NIR” category.
Gamma Scientific introduced the RS-7-2 VIS SWIR SpectraLED Uniform Intensity Tunable Light Source, which provides a large 150 mm output port with 35-discrete LED wavelengths in the visible-to-NIR spectrum. This product can also apply to the “UV-vis” and “NIR” categories.
Hubner Photonics provides a 08-NLDM 488 nm laser with 30 mW average power and is a frequency-stabilized diode laser with narrow spectral bandwidth. This laser could also fit under the “Raman spectroscopy” category.
Innovative Photonic Solutions has a Beam Shaped and Homogenized STUB Laser that shapes the laser output beam to optimize system throughput or to match field of view on camera systems. This laser can also fall under the “Raman spectroscopy” and “Imaging” categories.
McPherson provides two X-ray sources. The Model 642 and Model 642-1, respectively, are single- and multi-anode soft X-ray light sources, are available in single anode and multiple anode forms. McPherson’s X-ray sources also fits under the “X- Ray” category.
Micro X-Ray, Inc. has an MXR High Flux End Window tube with geometries matched to sample and detector. This product could also fit under the “X-ray” category.
Sensors Unlimited — a part of Collins Aerospace has a high speed, extended InGaAs Photodiode Linear Array with extended wavelength range. Their product can also fall under the “NIR” category.
Spectrolight Inc. introduced a Flexible Wavelength Selector for Hyperspectral Imaging (FWS-HSI) UV-vis-NIR tunable filter (358–900 nm). It combines the wavelength tuning and bandwidth adjustment capabilities of a monochromator with the imaging functionality of a thin-film filter. This product could also apply to the “UV-vis,” “Near-IR,” and “Imaging” categories.
Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corp. provides two types of high-voltage power supplies for X-ray tubes. The MPD series is a family of high voltage 10-watt modules that provide output voltages ranging from 2.5 to 20kV. The MXR series includes well-regulated high-performance DC-DC converters capable of providing 20 kV at 1 ma current. These power supplies could also apply to the “X-Ray” category.
UniKLasers has single frequency continuous-wave DPSS ultraviolet lasers that can replace and improve on existing sources, such as HeCd or third harmonic Nd:YAG lasers. These lasers can also be categorized under “UV-vis” and “Raman.”
See Table XII for further details about Components.
*This file was updated on May 18, 2021, to add missing information about Wiley products in Table VIII, Software, and in the software section of the article.*
Howard Mark serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of Spectroscopy and is a coauthor of the “Chemometrics in Spectroscopy” column. He also runs a consulting service, Mark Electronics, in Suffern, New York. Michael S. Bradley also serves on Spectroscopy’s Editorial Advisory Board and is a Product Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific in Madison, Wisconsin. Direct correspondence to SpectroscopyEdit@mmhgroup.com ●