Atomic Spectroscopy

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Blue earth seen from the moon surface | Image Credit: © Romolo Tavani -
Autonomous Mineral Classification Enhances Planetary Exploration

October 22nd 2024

A recent study from American Mineralogist looked at improving mineral classification using dual-band Raman spectroscopy.

The Importance of Routine Maintenance in ICP-MS
The Importance of Routine Maintenance in ICP-MS

October 16th 2024

Studlagil basalt canyon, Iceland | Image Credit: © Jag_cz -
Simultaneous Determination of 50 Elements in Geological Samples by ICP-MS Combined with ICP-OES

October 15th 2024

Wide-Angle shimmer ink containing metallic particles for a shimmering effect. Generated with AI. | Image Credit: © suchetpong -
Analysis of Organometallic Compounds and Metallic Particles in Specialty Gases by Direct Injection Using Gas Exchange Device (GED) Coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)

October 9th 2024

The Latest Spectroscopic Research in Agriculture Analysis ©  Dzikir -
A Review of the Latest Spectroscopic Research in Agriculture Analysis

September 4th 2024

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