Cover image courtesy of Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, Massachusetts.
From the Editor 6
Products 49
Ad Index 50
57th ASMS Conference Preview 10
Helen A. Castro
Accelerated Discovery and Quantitation of Lipids in Complex Extracts 12
Brigitte Simons, Gary Impey, and Eva Duchoslav
Anatomy of an Ion's Fragmentation After Electron Ionization, Part I 18
O. David Sparkman, Patrick R. Jones, and Matthew Curtis
High Performance Mass Spectrometry for Small Molecule and Protein Applications 30
Darwin Asa
The Role of Triple Quadrupole GC–MS in Steroid Analysis 33
Aishah Latiff and Melissa Churley
Using High-Resolution LC–MS to Analyze Complex Sample 38
Markus Kellman, Andreas Wieghaus, Helmut Muenster, Lester Taylor, and Dipankar Ghosh
Structured Approach to Method Development for Bioanalytical HILIC–MS-MS Applications 44
A. Carl Sanchez and Monika Kansal
Best of the Week: Chewing Gum with SERS, Soil Carbon Analysis, Lithium-Ion Battery Research
January 17th 2025Top articles published this week include a Q&A interview that discussed using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to investigate microplastics released from chewing gum and an article about Agilent’s Solutions Innovation Research Award (SIRA) winners.
An Inside Look at the Fundamentals and Principles of Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy
January 17th 2025Spectroscopy recently sat down with Isao Noda of the University of Delaware and Young Mee Jung of Kangwon National University to talk about the principles of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D-COS) and its key applications.