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The the NexION® 5000 Multi-Quadrupole ICP-MS performs reproducible analyses of blood samples with outstanding stability over long sample run times.
Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals per ICH Q3D and USP <232>/<233>
This work demonstrates the effective elemental impurities analysis of pharmaceuticals per USP <232>/<233> harmonized with ICH Q3D using PerkinElmer's NexION® 1100 ICP-MS.
Merck: Ultrapure Water to Assess Trace Element Impurities in Pharmaceuticals
Because blanks should be blank. Learn how reagent water quality can impact trace element analyses in the pharmaceutical industry.
MilliporeSigma: Ultrapure Water to Assess Trace Element Impurities in Pharmaceuticals
Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)
By adding a FLIM module to the inVia Raman microscope, you can directly correlate Raman and fluorescence lifetime images with ease.
Investigating Coatings Using Glow Discharge Spectrometry (Mar 2023)
This application note shows how LECO’s GDS instruments are ideal for investigating PVD coatings and the factors that determine their protection of substrate.
Tracking Polymorphic Changes Using Non-Invasive Analysis
By utilizing the Crystalline device coupled with a Tornado Raman spectrometer, it is possible to monitor and track polymorphism and morphology at low working volumes.