Analysis of Morphology and Chemical ID of Micro-Particles Using Particle Correlated Raman Spectroscopy


***Live: Thursday, February 18, 2021, 2pm EST | 1pm CST | 11am PST*** Micro-particles are present everywhere in our daily life, from nasal sprays to paints to microplastic pollutants. Join our webinar to learn how particle correlated Raman spectroscopy (PCRS) enhances particle size and shape characterization by adding automated and definitive chemical identification. *** On demand available after final airing until Feb. 18, 2022***

ICP Nebulizers 101 and Microwave Digestion Vessels

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Event Overview:

Micro-particles are used extensively for a wide variety of applications including food and agriculture, pharmaceutical, and advanced materials manufacturing. While traditional particle size analyzers can provide information on particle size and shape distribution, chemical identification is not possible using techniques such as dynamic light scattering, for example. Raman microspectroscopy combined with automated particle analysis tools provides a complete picture of micro-particles, including both morphological and chemical characterization. In this webinar, the technique of particle correlated Raman spectroscopy (PCRS) will be presented, and will be illustrated by representative application examples from fields including forensics, pharmaceuticals/cosmetics, and microplastics. Included will be a discussion of handling and preparation of a variety of sample types including powders, tablets, and suspensions.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Importance of particle analysis for a wide range of applications
  • Raman spectroscopy as a tool for chemical specificity in particle characterization
  • Automation of Raman spectroscopic measurements for high throughput particle analysis

Speakers: Bridget O’Donnell, Manager of Raman Applications, HORIBA Scientific, USA

Time and Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021, 2pm EST | 1pm CST | 11am PST

On demand available after final airing until Feb. 18, 2022

Sponsor: Horiba

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