Editorial Index



Volume 26
Issue 12

Spectroscopy presents its annual index of authors and articles.



Acosta, Tayro E. See Misra, Anupam K.

Adar, Fran. "Analytical Vibrational Spectroscopy — NIR, IR, and Raman," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. October, p. 14.

Adar, Fran. "Entering Raman's Realm," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. March, p. 22.

Adar, Fran. "Graphene: Why the Nobel Prize and Why Raman?" in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. February, p. 16.

Ahmed, Selver; Wunder, Stephanie L.; and Nickolov, Zhorro S. Raman Spectroscopy of Supported Lipid Bilayer Nanoparticles. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 8.

Almirall, Jose; and Miziolek, Andrzej. Review of the Third North American Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (NASLIBS) 2011 Conference. October, p. 48.

Alonso, David E.; Binkley, Joe; and Siek, Kevin. Comprehensive Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Complex Matrices Using GC with High-Performance TOF-MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 48.

Andrews, Darren. See Matousek, Pavel.

Angel, S. Michael. See Gomer, Nathaniel R.

Artaev, Viatcheslav. See Patrick, Jeffrey S.

Asara, John M. Mass Spectrometry Advances Fossilomics. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 18.

Assi, Sulaf; Watt, Robert; and Moffat, Tony. Comparison of Laboratory and Handheld Raman Instruments for the Identification of Counterfeit Medicines. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 36.

Atkins, P.; Ernyei, L.; Driscoll, W.; Obenauf, R.; and Thomas, R. Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part I. January, p. 46.

Atkins, P.; Ernyei, L.; Driscoll, W.; Obenauf, R.; and Thomas, R. Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part II. February, p. 42.


Ball, David W. "Little Points of Light," in The Baseline. January, p. 20.

Ball, David W. "Maxwell's Equations, Part I: History," in The Baseline. April, p. 16.

Ball, David W. "Maxwell's Equations, Part II," in The Baseline. June, p. 14.

Ball, David W. "Maxwell's Equations, Part III," in The Baseline. September, p. 18.

Ball, David W. "Maxwell's Equations, Part IV," in The Baseline. December, p. 10.

Balogh, Michael. The Nature and Utility of Mass Spectra. February, p. 60.

Baquero, Esteban. See Stephenson, Serena.

Bartsch, G. See Pallua, J.D.

Bates, David E. See Misra, Anupam K.

Baumgartner, C. See Pallua, J.D.

Beechem, Thomas E.; and Serrano, Justin R. Raman Thermometry of Microdevices: Choosing a Method to Minimize Error. November, p. 36.

Begley, Benjamin; and Koleto, Michael. Single Multipoint Calibration Curve for Discovery Bioanalysis. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 8.

Binkley, Joe. See Alonso, David E.

Binkley, Joe. See Patrick, Jeffrey S.

Bittner, L.K. See Pallua, J.D.

Blank, Thomas B. See Ford, Alan R.

Bloomfield, Matthew. See Matousek, Pavel.

Boeker, Peter. See Haas, Torsten.

Bonn, G.K. See Pallua, J.D.

Brill, Laurence M. Responding to Data Analysis and Evaluation Challenges in Mass Spectrometry–Based Methods for High-Throughput Proteomics. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 36.

Brouillette, Carl. See Donahue, Michael.

Brueggemeyer, Thomas. See Lanzarotta, Adam.

Burgess, Chris. See McDowall, R.D.

Burns, William A. See Osborn, Tabetha.

Burrows, Richard; Wilbur, Steve; and Clinkscales, Richard. "Analysis of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters by ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. November, p. 30.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Consequences of Finite Ion Lifetimes in Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. September, p. 12.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Detecting Ions in Mass Spectrometers with the Faraday Cup," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. November, p. 12.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Hybrid Mass Spectrometers," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. March, p. 16.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Mass Spectrometry for First Responders," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. July, p. 12.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Underwater Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. January, p. 30.

Bush, Laura. The Dynamic World of X-ray Fluorescence. July, p. 40.

Bush, Laura. ICP-MS for Forensic Applications. October, p. 57.

Bush, Laura. "LIBS in Forensics," in Lasers and Optics Interface. April, p. 34


Caldwell, Brittany. See Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita.

Carrasco-Pancorbo, Alegria. See Cuadros-Rodriguez, Luis.

Carson, William W.; and Zhou, Ming. GPC-IR Hyphenated Technology to Characterize Copolymers and to Deformulate Complex Polymer Mixtures in Polymer-Related Industries. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 28.

Carter, J. Chance. See Gomer, Nathaniel R.

Cassup, Matthew. "Using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to Measure Trace Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals in Compliance with Proposed Pharmacopeia Chapters," in Atomic Perspectives. March, p. 26.

Castro-Suarez, John R. See Hernández-Rivera, Samuel P.

Chang, Da Hu. See Zhang, Zhen Long.

Chaurand, Pierre. Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Current Performance and Upcoming Challenges. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 30.

Chen, Ping. See Matousek, Pavel.

Chen, Xiaojing; Wu, Di; and He, Yong. An Integration of Modified Uninformative Variable Elimination and Wavelet Packet Transform for Variable Selection. April, p. 42.

Chipara, Alin Cristian. See Chipara, Dorina Magdalena.

Chipara, Dorina Magdalena; Chipara, Alin Cristian; and Chipara, Mircea. Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials: A Concise Review. October, p. 42.

Chipara, Mircea. See Chipara, Dorina Magdalena.

Christesen, Steve D. See Ford, Alan R.

Clinkscales, Richard. See Burrows, Richard.

Cole, Alun. See Haas, Torsten.

Coulier, Leon; Tas, Albert; and Thissen, Uwe. Food Metabolomics: Fact or Fiction? Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 34.

Countryman, Sky. See Li, Shuguang.

Coutinho, Carlos Augusto; and Thomsen, Volker. Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part IV: Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometers. September, p. 44.

Cowin, James P. See Yu, Xiao-Ying.

Cuadros-Rodriguez, Luis; Carrasco-Pancorbo, Alegria; and Iglesias, Natalia Navas. Mass Spectrometry in Analytical Lipidomics. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 8.


David, Frank; Sandra, Pat; and Hancock, Peter. Determining High-Molecular-Weight Phthalates in Sediments Using GC–APCI-TOF-MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 42.

Deschaines, Timothy O. See Hirsch, Jeffrey.

Dewald, Lamar. See Stephenson, Serena.

Diem, Max. See Hernández-Rivera, Samuel P.

Donahue, Michael; Huang, Hermes; Brouillette, Carl; Smith, Wayne; and Farquharson, Stuart. Detecting Explosives by Portable Raman Analyzers: A Comparison of 785-, 976-, 1064-, and 1550-nm (Retina-Safe) Laser Excitation. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 24.

Dottery, Edwin L. See Ford, Alan R.

Driscoll, W. See Atkins, P.


Enders, Jeffrey R.; Goodwin, Cody R.; Marasco, Christina C.; Seale, Kevin T.; Wikswo, John P.; and McLean, John A. Advanced Structural Mass Spectrometry for Systems Biology: Pulling the Needles from Haystacks. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 18.

Ernyei, L. See Atkins, P.

Evans, Megan. Developing a Career in FT-IR. April, p. 58.

Evans, Megan. 2011 Salary Survey: The Upside of Science. March, p. 30.

Evans, Megan. Review of the 59th Annual ASMS Conference. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 54.


Farquharson, Stuart. See Donahue, Michael.

Fischer, Steve. See Sana, Theodore.

Fisher, Eric W. Advances in Spectroscopy for Detection and Identification of Potential Bioterror Agents. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 29.

Flory, Wendy. See Stephenson, Serena.

Ford, Alan R.; Waterbury, Robert D.; Vunck, Darius M.; Rose, Jeremy B.; Blank, Thomas B.; Pohl, Ken R.; McVay, Troy A.; Dottery, Edwin L.; Hankus, Mikella E.; Holthoff, Ellen L.; Pellegrino, Paul M.; Christesen, Steve D.; and Fountain III, Augustus W. Explosives Sensing Using Multiple Optical Techniques in a Standoff Regime with a Common Platform. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 6.

Fountain III, Augustus W. See Ford, Alan R.


Gao, Yue. See Yu, Kate.

Gendron, Colleen M. See Smith-Goettler, Brandye.

Gomer, Nathaniel R.; Gordon, Christopher M.; Lucey, Paul; Sharma, Shiv K.; Carter, J. Chance; and Angel, S. Michael. Raman Spectroscopy Using a Fixed-Grating Spatial Heterodyne Interferometer. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 22.

Goodwin, Cody R. See Enders, Jeffrey R.

Gordon, Christopher M. See Gomer, Nathaniel R.

Gorla, Srinivasa. See Roy, Arindam.

Granja, Nara de Matos. See Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita.

Gratz, Samuel. See Lanzarotta, Adam.

Green, Joshua. See Osborn, Tabetha.


Haas, Torsten; Boeker, Peter; Cole, Alun; and Horner, Gerhard. High-Definition Screening for Boar Taint in Fatback Samples Using GC–MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 38.

Hancock, Peter. See David, Frank.

Handler, M. See Pallua, J.D.

Hankus, Mikella E. See Ford, Alan R.

Hargreaves, Michael. See Matousek, Pavel.

He, Yong. See Chen, Xiaojing.

Heinle, Lance; and Jenkins, Gary. Creating a High-Throughput LC–MS-MS System Using Common Components. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 16.

Hernández-Rivera, Samuel P.; Castro-Suarez, John R.; Pacheco-Londoño Leonardo C.; Primera-Pedrozo, Oliva M.; Rey-Villamizar, Nicolas; Vélez-Reyes, Miguel; and Diem, Max. Mid-Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy Standoff Detection of Highly Energetic Materials: New Developments. Defense and Homeland Security, April, Digital Edition.

Herrmann, Otto. See Switzer, Teresa.

Hirsch, Jeffrey; Deschaines, Timothy O.; and Strother, Todd. Improved Principal Component Discrimination of Commercial Inks Using Surface-Enhanced Resonant Raman Scattering. October, p. 32.

Hodkiewicz, Joe. "The Importance of Tight Laser Power Control When Working with Carbon Nanomaterials," in Lasers and Optics Interface. July, p. 22.

Holthoff, Ellen L. See Ford, Alan R.

Horner, Gerhard. See Haas, Torsten.

Howard, James W. See Kay, Richard G.

Huang, Hermes. See Donahue, Michael.

Huck-Pezzei, V. See Pallua, J.D.

Huck, C.W. See Pallua, J.D.

Hussain, Samina; Liba, Amir; and McCurdy, Ed. Validating ICP-MS for the Analysis of Elemental Impurities According to Draft USP General Chapters <232> and <233>. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 14.


Iedema, Martin J. See Yu, Xiao-Ying.

Iglesias, Natalia Navas. See Cuadros-Rodriguez, Luis.

Ilic, Darko. See Switzer, Teresa.

Infantino, Gabe. See Nam, Kwan H.

Isensee, Robert. See Nam, Kwan H.


Jakubowski, Jr., Edward M. See McGuire, Jeffrey M.

Jarvis, Michael J.Y. See Taylor, Adrian M.

Jenkins, Gary. See Heinle, Lance.

Johnson, David W. Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Lubricants, Lubricated Surfaces, and Lubrication Phenomena. July, p. 46.


Kang, Liping. See Yu, Kate.

Kay, Richard G.; Howard, James W.; and Pleasance, Steve. Time-Resolved SRM Analysis and Highly Multiplexed LC–MS-MS for Quantifying Tryptically Digested Proteins. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 24.

Keller, Matthew D. See Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita.

Kelley, Mark C. See Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita.

Kim, Youngjae; and Salhany, Joseph. "Multiphoton Spectroscopy," in Lasers and Optics Interface. January, p. 24.

Klocker, H. See Pallua, J.D.

Koerner, Phil; and McGinley, Michael. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2/D3 Analysis in Human Plasma Using LC–MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 8.

Koleto, Michael. See Begley, Benjamin.

Kremser, L. See Pallua, J.D.


Lanzarotta, Adam; Gratz, Samuel; Brueggemeyer, Thomas; and Witkowski, Mark. A Targeted Approach to Detect Controlled Substances in Suspect Tablets Using Attenuated Total Internal Reflection Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging. February, p. 34.

Layne, Jeff. See Li, Shuguang.

Li, Li; and Schug, Kevin. On- and Off-Line Coupling of Separation Techniques to Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 8.

Li, Qingbo. See Zhang, Qianxuan.

Li, Shuguang; Layne, Jeff; Countryman, Sky; and McGinley, Michael. A Sensitive, Specific, Accurate, and Fast LC–MS-MS Method for Measurement of Ethyl Glucuronide and Ethyl Sulfate in Human Urine. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 42.

Liba, Amir. See Hussain, Samina.

Lindner, H. See Pallua, J.D.

Loeffen, Paul. See Matousek, Pavel.

Lowry, Steve. Optimizing FT-IR Sampling for a Method to Determine the Chemical Composition of Microbial Materials. June, p. 30.

Lowry, Steve; and Weesner, Forrest. Using Real-Time FT-IR to Characterize UV Curable Optical Adhesives. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 40.

Lucey, Paul. See Gomer, Nathaniel R.


Ma, Baiping. See Yu, Kate.

MacPhail, Neil. See Smith-Goettler, Brandye.

Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita; Keller, Matthew D.; Vargis, Elizabeth; Caldwell, Brittany; Nguyen, The-Quyen; Granja, Nara de Matos; Sanders, Melinda; and Kelley, Mark C. Looking Below the Surface of Breast Tissue During Surgery. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 48.

Marasco, Christina C. See Enders, Jeffrey R.

Mark, Howard. Pittcon 2011 New Product Review. May, p. 32.

Mark, Howard; and Workman, Jr., Jerome. "Classical Least Squares, Part IV: Spectroscopic Theory Continued," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. February, p. 26.

Mark, Howard; and Workman, Jr., Jero me. "Classical Least Squares, Part V: Experimental Results," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. May, p. 12.

Mark, Howard; and Workman, Jr., Jerome. "Classical Least Squares, Part VI: Spectral Results," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. June, p. 22.

Mark, Howard; and Workman, Jr., Jerome. "Classical Least Squares, Part VII: Spectral Reconstruction of Mixtures," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. October, p. 24.

Mason, Michael. See Patrick, Jeffrey S.

Matousek, Pavel; Thorley, Fiona; Chen, Ping; Hargreaves, Michael; Tombling, Craig; Loeffen, Paul; Bloomfield, Matthew; and Andrews, Darren. Emerging Raman Techniques for Rapid Noninvasive Characterization of Pharmaceutical Samples and Containers. March, p. 44.

McCurdy, Ed. See Hussain, Samina.

McDowall, R.D. "Is GMP Annex 11 Europe's Answer to 21 CFR 11?" in Focus on Quality. April, p. 24.

McDowall, R.D. "Periodic Reviews of Computerized Systems, Part I," in Focus on Quality. September, p. 28.

McDowall, R.D. "Periodic Reviews of Computerized Systems, Part II," in Focus on Quality. November, p. 20.

McDowall, R.D.; and Burgess, Chris. "USP <1058> and the GAMP Guide on Laboratory Computerized Systems — Is Integration Possible?" in Focus on Quality. December, p. 14.

McGinley, Michael. See Koerner, Phil.

McGinley, Michael. See Li, Shuguang.

McGuire, Jeffrey M.; Jakubowski, Jr., Edward M.; and Thomson, Sandra A. Monitoring of Biological Matrices by GC–MS-MS for Chemical Warfare Nerve Agent Detection. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 12.

McLean, John A. See Enders, Jeffrey R.

McSheehy-Ducos, Shona. Overcoming the Challenges Associated with the Direct Analysis of Trace Metals in Seawater Using ICP-MS. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 22.

McVay, Troy A. See Ford, Alan R.

Meding, S. See Pallua, J.D.

Meyer, Robert F. See Smith-Goettler, Brandye.

Mikolajczyk, Liane. See Stephenson, Serena.

Millar, Alan. See Yu, Kate.

Misra, Anupam K.; Sharma, Shiv K.; Acosta, Tayro E.; and Bates, David E. Detection of Chemicals with Standoff Raman Spectroscopy. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 18.

Miziolek, Andrzej. See Almirall, Jose.

Mo, Yu Jun. See Zhang, Zhen Long.

Moffat, Tony. See Assi, Sulaf.


Nam, Kwan H.; Isensee, Robert; Infantino, Gabe; Putyera, Karol; and Wang, Xinwei. Microwave-Induced Combustion for ICP-MS: A Generic Approach to Trace Elemental Analyses of Pharmaceutical Products. April, p. 36.

Netzer, M. See Pallua, J.D.

Neubauer, Kenneth; and Thompson, Laura. "Close Enough: The Value of Semiquantitative Analysis," in Atomic Perspectives. May, p. 24.

Nguyen, The-Quyen. See Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita.

Nickolov, Zhorro S. See Ahmed, Selver.


Obenauf, R. See Atkins, P.

Osborn, Tabetha; Burns, William A.; Green, Joshua; and Reeve, Scott W. An Optical Nose Approach to Explosive Detection: One Strategy for Optically Based Sensing. January, p. 34.

Osl, M. See Pallua, J.D.


Pacheco-Londoño Leonardo C. See Hernández-Rivera, Samuel P.

Pallua, J.D.; Schaefer, G.; Bittner, L.K.; Pezzei, C.; Huck-Pezzei, V.; Schoenbichler, S.A.; Meding, S.; Rauser, S.; Walch, A.; Handler, M.; Netzer, M.; Osl, M.; Seger, M.; Pfeifer, B.; Baumgartner, C.; Lindner, H.; Kremser, L.; Sarg, B.; Klocker, H.; Bartsch, G.; Bonn, G.K.; and Huck, C.W. Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption–Ionization Imaging Mass Spectrometry for Direct Tissue Analysis. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 21.

Patrick, Jeffrey S.; Siek, Kevin; Binkley, Joe; Artaev, Viatcheslav; and Mason, Michael. A New Path to High-Resolution HPLC–TOF-MS — Survey, Targeted, and Trace Analysis Applications of TOF-MS in the Analysis of Complex Biochemical Matrices. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 18.

Pellegrino, Paul M. See Ford, Alan R.

Pezzei, C. See Pallua, J.D.

Pfeifer, B. See Pallua, J.D.

Pfeil, David. "Measurement Techniques for Mercury: Which Approach Is Right for You?" in Atomic Perspectives. September, p. 40.

Phillips, Joseph X. See Smith-Goettler, Brandye.

Pleasance, Steve. See Kay, Richard G.

Pohl, Ken R. See Ford, Alan R.

Prest, Harry. See Wells, Greg.

Primera-Pedrozo, Oliva M. See Hernández-Rivera, Samuel P.

Putyera, Karol. See Nam, Kwan H.


Rauser, S. See Pallua, J.D.

Reeve, Scott W. See Osborn, Tabetha.

Rey-Villamizar, Nicolas. See Hernández-Rivera, Samuel P.

Rose, Jeremy B. See Ford, Alan R.

Roy, Arindam; and Gorla, Srinivasa. Analytical Strategies in the Development of Generic Drug Products: The Role of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 29.

Russ IV, Charles William. See Wells, Greg.

Ryan, Andrew; and Thomas, Robert. Ensuring the Safety and Quality of Foodstuffs Produced in China: The Role of ICP-MS. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 28.


Salhany, Joseph. See Kim, Youngjae.

Sana, Theodore; Fischer, Steve; and Tichy, Shane E. Metabolomics Workflows: Combining Untargeted Discovery-Based and Targeted Confirmation Approaches for Mining Metabolomics Data. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 12.

Sanders, Melinda. See Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita.

Sandra, Pat. See David, Frank.

Sarg, B. See Pallua, J.D.

Schaefer, G. See Pallua, J.D.

Schmid, Lawrence S. The Demand for Spectroscopy Instrumentation Continues Unabated. August, p. 12.

Schmid, Lawrence S. The Spectroscopy Market Hits Its Stride. March, p. 36.

Schoenbichler, S.A. See Pallua, J.D.

Schug, Kevin. See Li, Li.

Seale, Kevin T. See Enders, Jeffrey R.

Seger, M. See Pallua, J.D.

Serrano, Justin R. See Beechem, Thomas E.

Sharma, Shiv K. See Gomer, Nathaniel R.

Sharma, Shiv K. See Misra, Anupam K.

Siek, Kevin. See Alonso, David E.

Siek, Kevin. See Patrick, Jeffrey S.

Smith-Goettler, Brandye; Gendron, Colleen M.; MacPhail, Neil; Meyer, Robert F.; and Phillips, Joseph X. NIR Monitoring of a Hot-Melt Extrusion Process. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 8.

Smith, Wayne. See Donahue, Michael.

Spencer, Jerald L. See Thomsen, Volker B.E.

Spragg, Richard. Contact and Orientation Effects in FT-IR ATR Spectra. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 18.

Stephenson, Serena; Dewald, Lamar; Baquero, Esteban; Flory, Wendy; Mikolajczyk, Liane; and Tate, J.D. Temporary Online FT-IR Spectroscopy for Process Characterization in the Chemical Industry. December, p. 21.

Strother, Todd. See Hirsch, Jeffrey.

Switzer, Teresa; Herrmann, Otto; and Ilic, Darko. The Determination of 226 Ra in Nontypical Soil Samples by ICP-MS. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 6.


Tas, Albert. See Coulier, Leon.

Tate, J.D. See Stephenson, Serena.

Taylor, Adrian M.; and Jarvis, Michael J.Y. High-Throughput Quantitative Analysis of Vitamin D Using a Multiple Parallel LC–MS System Combined with Integrated On-Line SPE. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 12.

Thissen, Uwe. See Coulier, Leon.

Thomas, R. See Atkins, P.

Thomas, Robert. See Ryan, Andrew.

Thompson, Laura. See Neubauer, Kenneth.

Thomsen, Volker B.E.; and Spencer, Jerald L. "R&D Opportunities in Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. July, p. 18.

Thomsen, Volker. See Coutinho, Carlos Augusto.

Thomson, Sandra A. See McGuire, Jeffrey M.

Thorley, Fiona. See Matousek, Pavel.

Tichy, Shane E. See Sana, Theodore.

Tombling, Craig. See Matousek, Pavel.


Vargis, Elizabeth. See Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita.

Vélez-Reyes, Miguel. See Hernández-Rivera, Samuel P.

Veryovkin, Igor. See Zinovev, Alexander.

Vunck, Darius M. See Ford, Alan R.


Walch, A. See Pallua, J.D.

Wang, Xinwei. See Nam, Kwan H.

Waterbury, Robert D. See Ford, Alan R.

Watt, Robert. See Assi, Sulaf.

Weesner, Forrest. See Lowry, Steve.

Wells, Greg; Prest, Harry; and Russ IV, Charles William. Why Use Signal-To-Noise As a Measure of MS Performance When It Is Often Meaningless? Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 28.

Wikswo, John P. See Enders, Jeffrey R.

Wilbur, Steve. See Burrows, Richard.

Witkowski, Mark. See Lanzarotta, Adam.

Workman, Jr., Jerome. See Mark, Howard.

Wu, Di. See Chen, Xiaojing.

Wunder, Stephanie L. See Ahmed, Selver.


Yang, Li. See Yu, Xiao-Ying.

Yu, HeShui. See Yu, Kate.

Yu, Kate; Ma, Baiping; Yu, HeShui; Kang, Liping; Zhang, Jie; Gao, Yue; and Millar, Alan. Comparison of Extracts from Dry and Alcohol-Steamed Root of Polygonatum kingianum (Huang Jing) by Sub-2-µm-LC–TOF-MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 30.

Yu, Xiao-Ying; Yang, Li; Zhu, Zihua; Cowin, James P.; and Iedema, Martin J. Probing Aqueous Surfaces by TOF-SIMS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 34.


Zhang, Guangjun. See Zhang, Qianxuan.

Zhang, Jie. See Yu, Kate.

Zhang, Qianxuan; Li, Qingbo; and Zhang, Guangjun. Scattering Impact Analysis and Correction for Leaf Biochemical Parameter Estimation Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy. July, p. 28.

Zhang, Zhen Long; Chang, Da Hu; and Mo, Yu Jun. The pH Dependence of the SERS Spectra of Methyl Yellow in Silver Colloid. June, p. 38.

Zhou, Ming. See Carson, William W.

Zhu, Zihua. See Yu, Xiao-Ying.

Zinovev, Alexander; and Veryovkin, Igor. Mass Spectrometry of Organic Molecules and Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption: Applications, Mechanisms, and Perspectives. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 24.



"Close Enough: The Value of Semiquantitative Analysis," in Atomic Perspectives. Kenneth Neubauer and Laura Thompson. May, p. 24.

"R&D Opportunities in Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. Volker B.E. Thomsen and Jerald L. Spencer. July, p. 18.

Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part IV: Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometers. Carlos Augusto Coutinho and Volker Thomsen. September, p. 44.

"Using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to Measure Trace Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals in Compliance with Proposed Pharmacopeia Chapters," in Atomic Perspectives. Matthew Cassup. March, p. 26.


"Analysis of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters by ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. Richard Burrows, Steve Wilbur, and Richard Clinkscales. November, p. 30.

"Close Enough: The Value of Semiquantitative Analysis," in Atomic Perspectives. Kenneth Neubauer and Laura Thompson. May, p. 24.

"Measurement Techniques for Mercury: Which Approach Is Right for You?" in Atomic Perspectives. David Pfeil. September, p. 40.

"R&D Opportunities in Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. Volker B.E. Thomsen and Jerald L. Spencer. July, p. 18.

"Using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to Measure Trace Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals in Compliance with Proposed Pharmacopeia Chapters," in Atomic Perspectives. Matthew Cassup. March, p. 26.


"Analysis of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters by ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. Richard Burrows, Steve Wilbur, and Richard Clinkscales. November, p. 30.

Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part I. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. January, p. 46.

Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part II. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. February, p. 42.

"Close Enough: The Value of Semiquantitative Analysis," in Atomic Perspectives. Kenneth Neubauer and Laura Thompson. May, p. 24.

The Dynamic World of X-ray Fluorescence. Laura Bush. July, p. 40.

"LIBS in Forensics," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Laura Bush. April, p. 34.

"Measurement Techniques for Mercury: Which Approach Is Right for You?" in Atomic Perspectives. David Pfeil. September, p. 40.

Microwave-Induced Combustion for ICP-MS: A Generic Approach to Trace Elemental Analyses of Pharmaceutical Products. Kwan H. Nam, Robert Isensee, Gabe Infantino, Karol Putyera, and Xinwei Wang. April, p. 36.

"R&D Opportunities in Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. Volker B.E. Thomsen and Jerald L. Spencer. July, p. 18.

Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part IV: Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometers. Carlos Augusto Coutinho and Volker Thomsen. September, p. 44.

"Using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to Measure Trace Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals in Compliance with Proposed Pharmacopeia Chapters," in Atomic Perspectives. Matthew Cassup. March, p. 26.


"Little Points of Light," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. January, p. 20.

"Maxwell's Equations, Part I: History," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. April, p. 16.

"Maxwell's Equations, Part II," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. June, p. 14.

"Maxwell's Equations, Part III," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. September, p. 18.

"Maxwell's Equations, Part IV," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. December, p. 10.


Optimizing FT-IR Sampling for a Method to Determine the Chemical Composition of Microbial Materials. Steve Lowry. June, p. 30.

Scattering Impact Analysis and Correction for Leaf Biochemical Parameter Estimation Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy. Qianxuan Zhang, Qingbo Li, and Guangjun Zhang. July, p. 28.


"Classical Least Squares, Part IV: Spectroscopic Theory Continued," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. February, p. 26.

"Classical Least Squares, Part V: Experimental Results," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. May, p. 12.

"Classical Least Squares, Part VI: Spectral Results," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. June, p. 22.

"Classical Least Squares, Part VII: Spectral Reconstruction of Mixtures," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. October, p. 24.


"Classical Least Squares, Part IV: Spectroscopic Theory Continued," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. February, p. 26.

"Classical Least Squares, Part V: Experimental Results," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. May, p. 12.

"Classical Least Squares, Part VI: Spectral Results," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. June, p. 22.

"Classical Least Squares, Part VII: Spectral Reconstruction of Mixtures," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. October, p. 24.

An Integration of Modified Uninformative Variable Elimination and Wavelet Packet Transform for Variable Selection. Xiaojing Chen, Di Wu, and Yong He. April, p. 42.


"Analysis of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters by ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. Richard Burrows, Steve Wilbur, and Richard Clinkscales. November, p. 30.

"Underwater Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. January, p. 30.


An Optical Nose Approach to Explosive Detection: One Strategy for Optically Based Sensing. Tabetha Osborn, William A. Burns, Joshua Green, and Scott W. Reeve. January, p. 34.


"Is GMP Annex 11 Europe's Answer to 21 CFR 11?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. April, p. 24.

"Periodic Reviews of Computerized Systems, Part I," in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. September, p. 28.

"Periodic Reviews of Computerized Systems, Part II," in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. November, p. 20.

"USP <1058> and the GAMP Guide on Laboratory Computerized Systems — Is Integration Possible?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall and Chris Burgess. December, p. 14.


Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part I. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. January, p. 46.

Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part II. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. February, p. 42.


ICP-MS for Forensic Applications. Laura Bush. October, p. 57.

"LIBS in Forensics," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Laura Bush. April, p. 34.


Optimizing FT-IR Sampling for a Method to Determine the Chemical Composition of Microbial Materials. Steve Lowry. June, p. 30.


"Maxwell's Equations, Part I: History," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. April, p. 16.


"Analysis of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters by ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. Richard Burrows, Steve Wilbur, and Richard Clinkscales. November, p. 30.

Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part I. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. January, p. 46.

Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part II. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. February, p. 42.

"Close Enough: The Value of Semiquantitative Analysis," in Atomic Perspectives. Kenneth Neubauer and Laura Thompson. May, p. 24.

ICP-MS for Forensic Applications. Laura Bush. October, p. 57.

Microwave-Induced Combustion for ICP-MS: A Generic Approach to Trace Elemental Analyses of Pharmaceutical Products. Kwan H. Nam, Robert Isensee, Gabe Infantino, Karol Putyera, and Xinwei Wang. April, p. 36.

Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part IV: Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometers. Carlos Augusto Coutinho and Volker Thomsen. September, p. 44.

"Using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to Measure Trace Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals in Compliance with Proposed Pharmacopeia Chapters," in Atomic Perspectives. Matthew Cassup. March, p. 26.


A Targeted Approach to Detect Controlled Substances in Suspect Tablets Using Attenuated Total Internal Reflection Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging. Adam Lanzarotta, Samuel Gratz, Thomas Brueggemeyer, and Mark Witkowski. February, p. 34.


"Analytical Vibrational Spectroscopy — NIR, IR, and Raman," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. October, p. 14.

An Optical Nose Approach to Explosive Detection: One Strategy for Optically Based Sensing. Tabetha Osborn, William A. Burns, Joshua Green, and Scott W. Reeve. January, p. 34.

Developing a Career in FT-IR. Megan Evans. April, p. 58.

Optimizing FT-IR Sampling for a Method to Determine the Chemical Composition of Microbial Materials. Steve Lowry. June, p. 30.

Scattering Impact Analysis and Correction for Leaf Biochemical Parameter Estimation Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy. Qianxuan Zhang, Qingbo Li, and Guangjun Zhang. July, p. 28.

A Targeted Approach to Detect Controlled Substances in Suspect Tablets Using Attenuated Total Internal Reflection Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging. Adam Lanzarotta, Samuel Gratz, Thomas Brueggemeyer, and Mark Witkowski. February, p. 34.

Temporary Online FT-IR Spectroscopy for Process Characterization in the Chemical Industry. Serena Stephenson, Lamar Dewald, Esteban Baquero, Wendy Flory, Liane Mikolajczyk, and J.D. Tate. December, p. 21.


Developing a Career in FT-IR. Megan Evans. April, p. 58.

ICP-MS for Forensic Applications. Laura Bush. October, p. 57.


"The Importance of Tight Laser Power Control When Working with Carbon Nanomaterials," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Joe Hodkiewicz. July, p. 22.

"LIBS in Forensics," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Laura Bush. April, p. 34.

"Multiphoton Spectroscopy," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Youngjae Kim and Joseph Salhany. January, p. 24.


ICP-MS for Forensic Applications. Laura Bush. October, p. 57.

"The Importance of Tight Laser Power Control When Working with Carbon Nanomaterials," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Joe Hodkiewicz. July, p. 22.

"LIBS in Forensics," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Laura Bush. April, p. 34.

"Multiphoton Spectroscopy," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Youngjae Kim and Joseph Salhany. January, p. 24.

Review of the Third North American Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (NASLIBS) 2011 Conference. Jose Almirall and Andrzej Miziolek. October, p. 48.


ICP-MS for Forensic Applications. Laura Bush. October, p. 57.

"LIBS in Forensics," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Laura Bush. April, p. 34.

Review of the Third North American Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (NASLIBS) 2011 Conference. Jose Almirall and Andrzej Miziolek. October, p. 48.


The Demand for Spectroscopy Instrumentation Continues Unabated. Lawrence S. Schmid. August, p. 12.

The Spectroscopy Market Hits Its Stride. Lawrence S. Schmid. March, p. 36.

2011 Salary Survey: The Upside of Science. Megan Evans. March, p. 30.


"Consequences of Finite Ion Lifetimes in Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. September, p. 12.

"Detecting Ions in Mass Spectrometers with the Faraday Cup," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. November, p. 12.

"Hybrid Mass Spectrometers," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. March, p. 16.

"Mass Spectrometry for First Responders," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. July, p. 12.

"Underwater Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. January, p. 30.


Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part I. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. January, p. 46.

Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part II. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. February, p. 42.

"Close Enough: The Value of Semiquantitative Analysis," in Atomic Perspectives. Kenneth Neubauer and Laura Thompson. May, p. 24.

"Consequences of Finite Ion Lifetimes in Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. September, p. 12.

"Detecting Ions in Mass Spectrometers with the Faraday Cup," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. November, p. 12.

"Hybrid Mass Spectrometers," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. March, p. 16.

"Mass Spectrometry for First Responders," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. July, p. 12.

The Nature and Utility of Mass Spectra. Michael Balogh. February, p. 60.

A Targeted Approach to Detect Controlled Substances in Suspect Tablets Using Attenuated Total Internal Reflection Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging. Adam Lanzarotta, Samuel Gratz, Thomas Brueggemeyer, and Mark Witkowski. February, p. 34.

"Underwater Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. January, p. 30.

"Using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to Measure Trace Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals in Compliance with Proposed Pharmacopeia Chapters," in Atomic Perspectives. Matthew Cassup. March, p. 26.


Pittcon 2011 New Product Review. Howard Mark. May, p. 32.

Review of the Third North American Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (NASLIBS) 2011 Conference. Jose Almirall and Andrzej Miziolek. October, p. 48.


"Analytical Vibrational Spectroscopy — NIR, IR, and Raman," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. October, p. 14.

"Entering Raman's Realm," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. March, p. 22.

"Graphene: Why the Nobel Prize and Why Raman?" in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. February, p. 16.


"Analytical Vibrational Spectroscopy — NIR, IR, and Raman," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. October, p. 14.

"Classical Least Squares, Part V: Experimental Results," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. May, p. 12.

"Classical Least Squares, Part VI: Spectral Results," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. June, p. 22.

"Classical Least Squares, Part VII: Spectral Reconstruction of Mixtures," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. October, p. 24.

Developing a Career in FT-IR. Megan Evans. April, p. 58.

An Integration of Modified Uninformative Variable Elimination and Wavelet Packet Transform for Variable Selection. Xiaojing Chen, Di Wu, and Yong He. April, p. 42.

Scattering Impact Analysis and Correction for Leaf Biochemical Parameter Estimation Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy. Qianxuan Zhang, Qingbo Li, and Guangjun Zhang. July, p. 28.


An Optical Nose Approach to Explosive Detection: One Strategy for Optically Based Sensing. Tabetha Osborn, William A. Burns, Joshua Green, and Scott W. Reeve. January, p. 34.


Emerging Raman Techniques for Rapid Noninvasive Characterization of Pharmaceutical Samples and Containers. Pavel Matousek, Fiona Thorley, Ping Chen, Michael Hargreaves, Craig Tombling, Paul Loeffen, Matthew Bloomfield, and Darren Andrews. March, p. 44.

"Is GMP Annex 11 Europe's Answer to 21 CFR 11?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. April, p. 24.

Microwave-Induced Combustion for ICP-MS: A Generic Approach to Trace Elemental Analyses of Pharmaceutical Products. Kwan H. Nam, Robert Isensee, Gabe Infantino, Karol Putyera, and Xinwei Wang. April, p. 36.

A Targeted Approach to Detect Controlled Substances in Suspect Tablets Using Attenuated Total Internal Reflection Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging. Adam Lanzarotta, Samuel Gratz, Thomas Brueggemeyer, and Mark Witkowski. February, p. 34.

"Using ICP-MS and ICP-OES to Measure Trace Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals in Compliance with Proposed Pharmacopeia Chapters," in Atomic Perspectives. Matthew Cassup. March, p. 26.

"USP <1058> and the GAMP Guide on Laboratory Computerized Systems — Is Integration Possible?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall and Chris Burgess. December, p. 14.


Temporary Online FT-IR Spectroscopy for Process Characterization in the Chemical Industry. Serena Stephenson, Lamar Dewald, Esteban Baquero, Wendy Flory, Liane Mikolajczyk, and J.D. Tate. December, p. 21.


"Analytical Vibrational Spectroscopy — NIR, IR, and Raman," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. October, p. 14.

Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Lubricants, Lubricated Surfaces, and Lubrication Phenomena. David W. Johnson. July, p. 46.

Emerging Raman Techniques for Rapid Noninvasive Characterization of Pharmaceutical Samples and Containers. Pavel Matousek, Fiona Thorley, Ping Chen, Michael Hargreaves, Craig Tombling, Paul Loeffen, Matthew Bloomfield, and Darren Andrews. March, p. 44.

"Entering Raman's Realm," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. March, p. 22.

"Graphene: Why the Nobel Prize and Why Raman?" in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. February, p. 16.

Improved Principal Component Discrimination of Commercial Inks Using Surface-Enhanced Resonant Raman Scattering. Jeffrey Hirsch, Timothy O. Deschaines, and Todd Strother. October, p. 32.

"Multiphoton Spectroscopy," in Lasers and Optics Interface. Youngjae Kim and Joseph Salhany. January, p. 24.

The pH Dependence of the SERS Spectra of Methyl Yellow in Silver Colloid. Zhen Long Zhang, Da Hu Chang, and Yu Jun Mo. June, p. 38.

Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials: A Concise Review. Dorina Magdalena Chipara, Alin Cristian Chipara, and Mircea Chipara. October, p. 42.

Raman Thermometry of Microdevices: Choosing a Method to Minimize Error. Thomas E. Beechem, and Justin R. Serrano. November, p. 36.


"Is GMP Annex 11 Europe's Answer to 21 CFR 11?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. April, p. 24.

"Periodic Reviews of Computerized Systems, Part I," in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. September, p. 28.

"Periodic Reviews of Computerized Systems, Part II," in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. November, p. 20.

"USP <1058> and the GAMP Guide on Laboratory Computerized Systems — Is Integration Possible?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall and Chris Burgess. December, p. 14.


Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part I. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. January, p. 46.

Analysis of Toxic Trace Metals in Pet Foods Using Cryogenic Grinding and Quantitation by ICP-MS, Part II. P. Atkins, L. Ernyei, W. Driscoll, R. Obenauf, and R. Thomas. February, p. 42.

Microwave-Induced Combustion for ICP-MS: A Generic Approach to Trace Elemental Analyses of Pharmaceutical Products. Kwan H. Nam, Robert Infantino , Gabe Isensee, Karol Putyera, and Xinwei Wang. April, p. 36.


"Classical Least Squares, Part IV: Spectroscopic Theory Continued," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman, Jr. February, p. 26.

"Little Points of Light," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. January, p. 20.

"Maxwell's Equations, Part I: History," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. April, p. 16.

"Maxwell's Equations, Part II," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. June, p. 14.

"Maxwell's Equations, Part III," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. September, p. 18.

"Maxwell's Equations, Part IV," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. December, p. 10.

Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials: A Concise Review. Dorina Magdalena Chipara, Alin Cristian Chipara, and Mircea Chipara. October, p. 42.


The Determination of 226 Ra in Nontypical Soil Samples by ICP-MS. Teresa Switzer, Otto Herrmann, and Darko Ilic. November, p. 6.

Ensuring the Safety and Quality of Foodstuffs Produced in China: The Role of ICP-MS. Andrew Ryan and Robert Thomas. November, p. 28.

Overcoming the Challenges Associated with the Direct Analysis of Trace Metals in Seawater Using ICP-MS. Shona McSheehy-Ducos. November, p. 22.

Validating ICP-MS for the Analysis of Elemental Impurities According to Draft USP General Chapters <232> and <233>. Samina Hussain, Amir Liba, and Ed McCurdy. November, p. 14.


Advanced Structural Mass Spectrometry for Systems Biology: Pulling the Needles from Haystacks. Jeffrey R. Enders, Cody R. Goodwin, Christina C. Marasco, Kevin T. Seale, John P. Wikswo, and John A. McLean. July, p. 18.

Analytical Strategies in the Development of Generic Drug Products: The Role of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry. Arindam Roy and Srinivasa Gorla. October, p. 29.

Comparison of Extracts from Dry and Alcohol-Steamed Root of Polygonatum kingianum (Huang Jing) by Sub-2-µm-LC–TOF-MS. Kate Yu, Baiping Ma, HeShui Yu, Liping Kang, Jie Zhang, Yue Gao, and Alan Millar. March, p. 30.

Comprehensive Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Complex Matrices Using GC with High-Performance TOF-MS. David E. Alonso, Joe Binkley, and Kevin Siek. July, p. 48.

Creating a High-Throughput LC–MS-MS System Using Common Components. Lance Heinle and Gary Jenkins. October, p. 16.

Determining High-Molecular-Weight Phthalates in Sediments Using GC–APCI-TOF-MS. Frank David, Pat Sandra, and Peter Hancock. May, p. 42.

Food Metabolomics: Fact or Fiction? Leon Coulier, Albert Tas, and Uwe Thissen. May, p. 34.

High-Definition Screening for Boar Taint in Fatback Samples Using GC–MS. Torsten Haas, Peter Boeker, Alun Cole, and Gerhard Horner. July, p. 38.

High-Throughput Quantitative Analysis of Vitamin D Using a Multiple Parallel LC–MS System Combined with Integrated On-Line SPE. Adrian M. Taylor and Michael J.Y. Jarvis. May, p. 12.

25-Hydroxyvitamin D2/D3 Analysis in Human Plasma Using LC–MS. Phil Koerner and Michael McGinley. March, p. 8.

Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Current Performance and Upcoming Challenges. Pierre Chaurand. July, p. 30.

Mass Spectrometry Advances Fossilomics. John M. Asara. March, p. 18.

Mass Spectrometry in Analytical Lipidomics. Luis Cuadros-Rodriguez, Alegria Carrasco-Pancorbo, and Natalia Navas Iglesias. July, p. 8.

Mass Spectrometry of Organic Molecules and Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption: Applications, Mechanisms, and Perspectives. Alexander Zinovev and Igor Veryovkin. July, p. 24.

Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization Imaging Mass Spectrometry for Direct Tissue Analysis. J.D. Pallua, G. Schaefer, L.K. Bittner, C. Pezzei, V. Huck-Pezzei, S.A. Schoenbichler, S. Meding, S. Rauser, A. Walch, M. Handler, M. Netzer, M. Osl, M. Seger, B. Pfeifer, C. Baumgartner, H. Lindner, L. Kremser, B. Sarg, H. Klocker, G. Bartsch, G.K. Bonn, and C.W. Huck. October, p. 21.

Metabolomics Workflows: Combining Untargeted Discovery-Based and Targeted Confirmation Approaches for Mining Metabolomics Data. Theodore Sana, Steve Fischer, and Shane E. Tichy. March, p. 12.

A New Path to High-Resolution HPLC–TOF-MS — Survey, Targeted, and Trace Analysis Applications of TOF-MS in the Analysis of Complex Biochemical Matrices. Jeffrey S. Patrick, Kevin Siek, Joe Binkley, Viatcheslav Artaev, and Michael Mason. May, p. 18.

On- and Off-Line Coupling of Separation Techniques to Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Li Li and Kevin Schug. October, p. 8.

Probing Aqueous Surfaces by TOF-SIMS. Xiao-Ying Yu, Li Yang, Zihua Zhu, James P. Cowin, and Martin J. Iedema. October, p. 34.

Responding to Data Analysis and Evaluation Challenges in Mass Spectrometry–Based Methods for High-Throughput Proteomics. Laurence M. Brill. March, p. 36.

Review of the 59th Annual ASMS Conference. Megan Evans. July, p. 54.

A Sensitive, Specific, Accurate, and Fast LC–MS-MS Method for Measurement of Ethyl Glucuronide and Ethyl Sulfate in Human Urine. Shuguang Li, Jeff Layne, Sky Countryman, and Michael McGinley. July, p. 42.

Single Multipoint Calibration Curve for Discovery Bioanalysis. Benjamin Begley and Michael Koleto. May, p. 8.

Time-Resolved SRM Analysis and Highly Multiplexed LC–MS-MS for Quantifying Tryptically Digested Proteins. Richard G. Kay, James W. Howard, and Steve Pleasance. March, p. 24.

Why Use Signal-To-Noise As a Measure of MS Performance When It Is Often Meaningless? Greg Wells, Harry Prest, and Charles William Russ IV. May, p. 28.


Advances in Spectroscopy for Detection and Identification of Potential Bioterror Agents. Eric W. Fisher. April, p. 29.

Detecting Explosives by Portable Raman Analyzers: A Comparison of 785-, 976-, 1064-, and 1550-nm (Retina-Safe) Laser Excitation. Michael Donahue, Hermes Huang, Carl Brouillette, Wayne Smith, and Stuart Farquharson. April, p. 24.

Detection of Chemicals with Standoff Raman Spectroscopy. Anupam K. Misra, Shiv K. Sharma, Tayro E. Acosta, and David E. Bates. April, p. 18.

Explosives Sensing Using Multiple Optical Techniques in a Standoff Regime with a Common Platform. Alan R. Ford, Robert D. Waterbury, Darius M. Vunck, Jeremy B. Rose, Thomas B. Blank, Ken R. Pohl, Troy A. McVay, Edwin L. Dottery, Mikella E. Hankus, Ellen L. Holthoff, Paul M. Pellegrino, Steve D. Christesen, and Augustus W. Fountain III. April, p. 6.

Mid-Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy Standoff Detection of Highly Energetic Materials: New Developments. Samuel P. Hernández-Rivera, John R. Castro-Suarez, Leonardo C. Pacheco-Londoño Oliva M. Primera-Pedrozo, Nicolas Rey-Villamizar, Miguel Vélez-Reyes, and Max Diem. April, Digital Edition.

Monitoring of Biological Matrices by GC–MS-MS for Chemical Warfare Nerve Agent Detection. Jeffrey M. McGuire, Jr., Edward M. Jakubowski, and Sandra A. Thomson. April, p. 12.


Contact and Orientation Effects in FT-IR ATR Spectra. Richard Spragg. August, p. 18.

GPC-IR Hyphenated Technology to Characterize Copolymers and to Deformulate Complex Polymer Mixtures in Polymer-Related Industries. William W. Carson and Ming Zhou. August, p. 28.

NIR Monitoring of a Hot-Melt Extrusion Process. Brandye Smith-Goettler, Colleen M. Gendron, Neil MacPhail, Robert F. Meyer, and Joseph X. Phillips. August, p. 8.

Using Real-Time FT-IR to Characterize UV Curable Optical Adhesives. Steve Lowry and Forrest Weesner. August, p. 40.


Comparison of Laboratory and Handheld Raman Instruments for the Identification of Counterfeit Medicines. Sulaf Assi, Robert Watt, and Tony Moffat. June, p. 36.

Looking Below the Surface of Breast Tissue During Surgery. Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Matthew D. Keller, Elizabeth Vargis, Brittany Caldwell, The-Quyen Nguyen, Nara de Matos Granja, Melinda Sanders, and Mark C. Kelley. June, p. 48.

Raman Spectroscopy of Supported Lipid Bilayer Nanoparticles. Selver Ahmed, Stephanie L. Wunder, and Zhorro S. Nickolov. June, p. 8.

Raman Spectroscopy Using a Fixed-Grating Spatial Heterodyne Interferometer. Nathaniel R. Gomer, Christopher M. Gordon, Paul Lucey, Shiv K. Sharma, J. Chance Carter, and S. Michael Angel. June, p. 22.


The Dynamic World of X-ray Fluorescence. Laura Bush. July, p. 40.

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