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AFM-IR analyzes nanoscale chemical and complex optical properties of 2D materials, including graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, nanoantennae, and semiconductors.
Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals per ICH Q3D and USP <232>/<233>
This work demonstrates the effective elemental impurities analysis of pharmaceuticals per USP <232>/<233> harmonized with ICH Q3D using PerkinElmer's NexION® 1100 ICP-MS.
Merck: Ultrapure Water to Assess Trace Element Impurities in Pharmaceuticals
Because blanks should be blank. Learn how reagent water quality can impact trace element analyses in the pharmaceutical industry.
MilliporeSigma: Ultrapure Water to Assess Trace Element Impurities in Pharmaceuticals
Compositional Depth Profile Analysis of Galvanized Steel
Compositional Depth Profile (CDP) using the LECO GDS950 rapidly provides analysis of various galvanized coatings on steel.
Polymer processing influences on FTIR-ATR results
The polymer processing can impact FTIR-ATR spectra, and if these processing factors are not considered may lead to incomplete or inconsistent results.
3D Raman Imaging - Best Practice Examples (Sept 2024)
This study describes the generation of 3D confocal Raman images of pharmaceutical, food science, semiconductor, chemical and geoscience samples.