With gas and diesel fuel prices rising, there is an increasing need to monitor online quality control and blending mixtures. The benefits include improved accuracy in blending mixtures, solid state reliability, lifetime calibration and fraud avoidance.
With gas and diesel fuel prices rising, there is an increasing need to monitor online quality control and blending mixtures. The benefits include improved accuracy in blending mixtures, solid state reliability, lifetime calibration and fraud avoidance.
Figure 1
BaySpec is now delivering a compact, robust, affordable NIR Spectrometer engine ideal for OEM integration into fuel analyzer applications. The SuperGamut™ features excellent wavelength accuracy and repeatability at a low cost of ownership.
BaySpec's SuperGamut™ Series NIR Spectral Engines solve today's challenges through the application of proprietary Volume Phase Grating (VPG™) technology offering for the first time instrumentation manufacturers the features they need:
The SuperGamut™ Series was born out the telecommunication markets' "boom and bust", which produced an array of components and technologies, such as, revolutionary Volume Phase Gratings (VPG®), high speed electronic chips, reliable low cost light source and high speed NIR photo-detectors. Collectively, they enable the dream of a low-cost, yet highly accurate spectral device. Out of the ashes comes new growth.
SuperGamut™ Series instruments yield high spectral resolution and high optical throughputs under harsh environmental conditions over a broad NIR 800–2500 nm range at attractive total costs of ownership. Both reflectance and transmission modes of spectroscopic measurements and process applications are supported.
Customers in NIR spectroscopy and biomedical industries are now benefiting and building systems to meet the world's current optical system challenges.
BaySpec, Inc.
101 Hammond Avenue
Fremont, CA 94539
Tel. (510) 661-2008, Fax (510) 661-2009
Oligonucleotide Analysis in Pharmaceutical Quality Control
January 14th 2025Melting point determination using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry can be used as a sequence-specific method for identifying therapeutic oligonucleotides in pharmaceutical quality control. This method offers a simple, highly selective approach to differentiate between isomers and ensure the integrity of oligonucleotide active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and drug products.
The Optical Properties of Solid Samples
January 14th 2025Transmittance and reflectance measurements, which are useful for estimating the effects of various physical processes, can include thermal treatments, ionizing radiation exposure, optical exposure, and mechanical treatments—on both crystals and thin films.