Raman Analysis of Fatty Acid Unsaturation (PDF)
Lambda Solutions, Inc.
Confocal Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Proteomic Applications (PDF)
Princeton Instruments
Thermal Gravimetric-Infrared (TGA-IR) Analysis of Ammonium Acetate (PDF)
Jasco, Inc.
Gemstone Analysis by FT-IR: Identifying Treated Jades (PDF)
Thermo Electron Corp.
High Throughput Analysis of Polymorphs Using the Avalon RamanStation (PDF)
Avalon Instruments
Biomarker Discovery in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients by MS-based Synovial Fluid Protein Profiling (PDF)
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
A Powerful Tool for XRF and Detector Performance Characterization X-Ray Detector and Digital Pulse Processor (PDF)
Amptek, Inc.
NIR Analysis of White Crystalline Powders and Nasal Solutions (PDF)
Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc.
Carbon Nanotubes - What Information Does Raman Microscopy Bring? (PDF)
HORIBA Jobin Yvon
Point of Origin Profiling of Narcotics and Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals (PDF)
New Technology for X-ray Microanalysis (PDF)
Carbon Nanotube Analysis by Raman Spectroscopy (PDF)
Improved Lifetime and Performance for Your Mass Spectrometer (PDF)
Burle Electro-Optics, Inc.
Performance and Application Comparisons for Single and Three Reflection Diamond Crystals for the MIRacle ATR Accessory (PDF)
PIKE Technologies
ATR Spectra of Materials from the Near to Far-infrared (PDF)
Plastics Analysis Solid Sampling: Environmental Monitoring (PDF)
New Wave Research, Inc.
Open-Path UV Air Monitoring of BTEX and SO2 Compounds (PDF)
Ocean Optics, Inc.
Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Quantum Dots, Monitored by the Spex FluoroMax (PDF)
Jobin Yvon, Inc.
Trace Element Analysis for Waste Solutions (PDF)
Rigaku/MSC, Inc.
High Performance Diode Laser Enables Low-Cost Raman Spectroscopy (PDF)
B&W Tek, Inc.
Long Term Radiation Monitoring of the Environment: Pedestrian Monitoring Station (PDF)
Quantification of Moisture Content in Starch Using NIR (PDF)
Determination of Absolute Configuration (PDF)
BioTools, Inc.
Automated Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Analysis of Sunscreen Using UV-Vis (PDF)
Fluorescence Monitoring of Total Crude Oil in Water (PDF)
Custom Sensors & Technology
Optical Detection of Scale Deposition (PDF)
Fluorescence Detection of Counterfeit US Currency (PDF)
ATR Imaging Applied to the Analysis of Small Polymer Samples (PDF)
Digilab, LLC
Validation of the Far UV Wavelength Scale of Spectrophotometers (PDF)
Starna Cells, Inc.
X-Ray Tube Stability and Beam Integrity Characterization (PDF)