Mid-Infrared Transmission and Reflection Microcpectroscopy: Analysis of a Novel Biological Imaging System: The Snake Infrared-Imaging Pit Organ
PIKE Technologies, Inc.
Photovoltaic Device Characterization Using the UVISEL Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
HORIBA Jobin Yvon, Inc.
FT-IR Spectroscopy Inside a Glovebox
Bruker Optics
Raman Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT) Films
Lambda Solutions, Inc.
Ultrafast Confocal Raman Imaging
WITec GmbH
Eagle III Micro-XRF: Elemental Imaging Analysis
EDAX, Inc.
Matrix Effects in ICP-AES Analysis
SPEX CertiPrep, Inc.
Sample Preparation of Solid Materials for X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
Retsch, Inc.
Analysis of Environmental Samples by ICP-OES Following US EPA Guidelines
Varian, Inc.
Using Mid-Infrared Fiber Optics for In-Situ Studies of Human Skin
Harrick Scientific Products
Analysis of Mycotoxins in Various Cattle Forages and Food Matrices with the TSQ Quantum Discovery MAX
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Polymorph Discrimination Using Low Wavenumber Direct Lattice Information
Renishaw plc
RoHS & WEEE Compliance: Analysis of PolyVinyl Chloride (PVC) and Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Polymers
PANalytical B.V.
Trace Elements in Fish and Fish Oil Supplements
Forensics Applications of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Combination with Advanced Light Source Sample Discovery
Horiba Jobin Yvon, Inc.
Confocal Raman Imaging for Stress Measurements in Semiconductors
WITec Instruments Corp.
Biological Applications of FT-IR Imaging - Large Samples at High Spatial Resolution
Dynamic Range Improvements on the Hitachi NanoFrontier Linear Ion Trap-TOF LC-MS Platform
Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc.
RoHS/WEEE Application of a Miniature X-Ray Spectrometer
Amptek, Inc.
Compact Ultrafast Spectrometers Inside LED Sorting Machines
Avantes, Inc.
Analysis of Monomolecular Layers on Silicon Using an Optimized Grazing Angle ATR Accessory and FTIR Spectroscopy
PIKE Technologies
Quantitative Absorbance Spectrophotometry
Ocean Optics, Inc.
Advanced Data-Reduction Strategies for LC-MS
Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.(ACD/Labs)
The Impact of Spatial Sampling Density in Raman Imaging
HORIBA Jobin Yvon Inc.
Analysis of Impurities in Composites Using the IMV-4000
Jasco, Inc.
Analysis of Fatty Acid Compositions
DNA and Protein Concentration Measurements Using Fluorescence Analysis
Ocean Optics
Unraveling the Mysteries of Carbon Nanotubes Using a State-of-the-Art Spectral Imaging NIR Photoluminescence System
Princeton Instruments/Acton
Guide for Determining ICP/ICP-MS Method Detection Limits and Instrument Performance
SPEX CertPrep, Inc.
Micro-ATR Identification of Forensic Materials Using the µMAX Microscope Accessory