Ultralow Quantification of Pesticides in Baby Food
July 1st 2010The safety of the food that our children eat is a global concern. Regulations are in place that limit the maximum level of pesticides that can be present in food meant for children, and methods to detect levels well below those limits are needed to ensure the safety of the food supply. Combining the speed and separation efficiency of ultrahigh-pressure liquid hromatography (UHPLC) with the sensitivity and selectivity of triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS)-MS results in a method that can deliver ultralow quantification of pesticides in baby food, with limits of detection more than an order of magnitude below the allowed maximum levels.
Bioanalysis Using Dried Blood Spots: The Biggest Advancement in Bioanalysis Since LC–MS-MS?
July 1st 2010The collection of blood-derived samples from preclinical and clinical trial studies onto paper-based, Guthrie-type cards is gaining momentum within the pharmaceutical industry. This approach holds the potential to minimize animal usage, improve data quality, and reduce shipping costs. However, the small sample volumes and extra matrix effects from the cards result in method development and sensitivity challenges for bioanalysts. Here, we present a discussion on the analytical challenges that both liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry face as well as present some potential solutions to these issues.
Taking Stock of the Mass Spectrometry Marketplace
July 1st 2010With May's ASMS Conference now receding in the collective rearview mirror of the industry, the summer is as good a time as any to take stock of the analytical chemistry marketplace. This year's show, held in Salt Lake City, Utah, demonstrated once again the vitality and robustness of the field of mass spectrometry, as innovation and technological advancement were in evidence everywhere you looked.
Comparing the Capabilities of Time-of-Flight and Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers
July 1st 2010The authors explain some of the primary differences between quadrupole and time-of-flight mass analyzers and provide information regarding the benefits of each in their use for gas chromatography applications.
The Use of Novel Software for the Identification of Trace Compounds in Complex Mixtures
July 1st 2010Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in a variety of consumer products are potentially harmful to human health and the environment. Within industry, to regulate product safety and quality, methods for measuring specific VOCs in a product, typically by thermal desorption gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (TD-GC–MS), are implemented. Such analysis provides a comprehensive VOC profile. However, the nature of some products, such as food, can be chemically complex. Within this complexity, trace-level or coeluting compounds can be difficult or time-consuming to identify. As a potential solution, new software tools are being developed to automate interpretation of the data.