2010 Editorial Index



Volume 25
Issue 12

2010 Editorial Index



Adar, Fran. "Analysis of Lignin and Cellulose in Biological Energy Sources by Raman Microscopy," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. February, p. 18.

Adar, Fran. "Depth Resolution of the Raman Microscope: Optical Limitations and Sample Characteristics," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. March, p. 16.

Adar, Fran. "Thoughts About ICORS 2010 and Where Raman Spectroscopy Is Headed," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. October, p. 16.

Adjei-Bekoe, Gloria. See Martin, John E.

Ahn, Joomi; Ivleva, Vera; Skilton, St John; and Yu, Yingqing. Branching Out: Mass Spectrometry and the Shape of Biotherapeutics. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 28.

Akao, Ken-ichi. See Larsen, Richard A.

Almeida, Manuel; Rury, Maura; Condon, John; and Brown, Peter. Determination of Trace Elements in Over-the-Counter Cough Syrup by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 12.

Anderson Smith, Lea L. See Martin, John E.

Atkins, Patricia; Ernyei, Laszlo; Sivakumar, Vanaja; and Obenauf, Ralph. A Common Sense Laboratory Guide to Reducing Errors and Contamination in ICP and ICP-MS Analysis. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 42.


Ball, David W. "Group Theory and Symmetry, Part II: Groups," in The Baseline. January, p. 18.

Ball, David W. "Group Theory and Symmetry, Part III: Representations and Character Tables," in The Baseline. April, p. 16.

Ball, David W. "Group Theory and Symmetry, Part IV: Great or Grand, We've Got GOT," in The Baseline. September, p. 18.

Ball, David W. "Happy Sesquicentennial, Spectroscopy," in The Baseline. June, p. 16.

Ball, David. "Neutron Spectroscopy," in The Baseline. December, p. 12.

Baum, Andreas; Lu, Yao; Muccio, Zeland; Jackson, Glen P.; and Harrington, Peter B. Differentiation Between Origins of Extra Virgin Olive Oils by GC–C-IRMS Using Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. February, p. 40.

Begley, Benjamin. See Thakur, Rohan A.

Bettmer, Jörg. See Hamester, Meike.

Binkley, Joe; and Libarondi, Mark. Comparing the Capabilities of Time-of-Flight and Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 28.

Boquet, Don. See Rodgers, James.

Bowerbank, Christopher R. See Lee, Edgar D.

Bradley, Mike; and Hirsch, Jeffrey. Improved FT-IR Instrumentation and Software for Complete Confidence in QA/QC Testing. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 24.

Briggs, Jenni L. Hollow Waveguides: The Next Generation of Mid-IR Remote Sampling Accessories. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 36.

Brown, Christopher D. See Green, Robert L.

Brown, Peter. See Almeida, Manuel.

Brown, Steve. See Mark, Howard.

Buckley, Steve. See Eichenholz, Jason.

Bukowski, Nick. TOF-MS: A Viable Solution for Crude Oil Extract Analysis. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 22.

Busch, Kenneth L. "A Random Walk Through the Web of Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. March, p. 24.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Derivatization in Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. November, p. 18.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Ion Burn and the Dirt of Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. September, p. 32.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Mass Spectral Libraries: The Next Generation," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. January, p. 24.

Busch, Kenneth L. "Mass Spectrometry–Mass Spectrometry Retrospective," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. July, p. 14.


Cassap, Matthew. Using ICP-OES for Accurate Monitoring of Metallic Contaminants in Water According to U.S. EPA Method 200.7. May, p. 64.

Chang, James S. See Zhang, Allen.

Christesen, Steven D. See Emmons, Erik D.

Churley, Melissa. See Macherone, Anthony.

Clawson, Ernest. See Rodgers, James.

Cognard, Emmanuelle. See Jenkins, Tim J.

Condon, John. See Almeida, Manuel.

Countryman, Sky. See Sanchez, Carl.

Coutinho, Carlos Augusto. See Thomsen, Volker.

Cui, Xiaoliang. See Rodgers, James.

Curtis, Matthew. See Sparkman, O. David.


David, Frank. See Vanhoenacker, Gerd.

Davidonis, Gayle. See Rodgers, James.

Dey, Dipankar. See Taday, Philip F.

Dickson, Hazel. "Atomic Absorption: Feeding the Food Safety Market," in Atomic Perspectives. July, p. 26.

Dieing, T. See Schmidt, U.

Dodds, Walter K. See Murdock, Justin N.

Dong, Dahai. See Thakur, Rohan A.

Dowd, Mick. See Hirsch, Jeffrey.

Drapcho, David; Zlatkin, Igor; Inscore, Frank; Shende, Chetan; Sengupta, Atanu; Huang, Hermes; and Farquharson, Stuart. High-Throughput Trace Analysis Using SERS-Active Microtiter Plates with a Raman Plate Reader. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 42.


Eichenholz, Jason; Kaye, Kevin; and Buckley, Steve. Laser-Based Technologies Target Terrorists. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 26.

Emmons, Erik D.; Tripathi, Ashish; Guicheteau, Jason A.; Christesen, Steven D.; and Fountain III, Augustus W. Raman Chemical Imaging of Explosive Contaminated Fingerprints for Forensic Applications. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 8.

Ernyei, Laszlo. See Atkins, Patricia.

Evans, Christopher A. See Plumb, Robert S.

Evans, Megan. 58th ASMS Conference Review. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 44.

Evans, Megan. 2010 Salary Survey: A Year of Pluses and Minuses. March, p. 36.

Evans, Michael. See Taday, Philip F.


Fahrenholz, Timothy M. See Rahman, G.M. Mizanur.

Farquharson, Stuart. See Drapcho, David.

Ferguson, Jim. See Ghobarah, Hesham.

Fortier, Chanel. See Rodgers, James.

Fountain III, Augustus W. See Emmons, Erik D.


Gerhards, Petra; Schanen, Pierre; and Horner, Gerhard. Using Novel TOF-MS to Increase Sensitivity and Confidently Detect Drugs of Abuse in Urine. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 18.

Ghobarah, Hesham; Ramagiri, Suma; and Ferguson, Jim. Increasing Productivity of ADME Studies Using Accurate Mass Technology. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 39.

Goshawk, Jeff. See Yu, Kate.

Green, Robert L.; Hargreaves, Michael D.; and Brown, Christopher D. Handheld FT-IR and Raman as Tools in the Analysis of Improvised Explosive Materials. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 14.

Gu, Christine. See Zhang, Allen.

Gu, Ming. Enhancing Mass Spectral Formula Determination by Heuristic Rules. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 42.

Gudihal, Ravindra. See Waddell, Keith.

Guicheteau, Jason A. See Emmons, Erik D.

Gygi, Steven P. Phosphorylation Site Localization Using Probability-Based Scoring. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 28.


Hamester, Meike; McSheehy, Shona; Kutscher, Daniel J.; Konz, Tobias; and Bettmer, Jörg. Reliable and Efficient Sulfur Detection in Proteins Using ICP-MS with Capillary LC. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 21.

Hancock, Peter. See Jenkins, Tim J.

Hargreaves, Michael D. See Green, Robert L.

Harrington, Peter B. See Baum, Andreas.

Heim, John; and Staples, Doug. Using Comprehensive GC×GC–TOF-MS for Enhanced Detection and Separation in Antidoping Control Screening. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 16.

Heim, John. Analyzing Small Molecule Metabolite Profiles of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Urine Samples Using GC×GC–TOF-MS and Statistical Software as a Data Mining Strategy. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 30.

Hinrichs, Joachim. See Oki, Tomoko.

Hirsch, Jeffrey; Lowry, Steven R.; and Dowd, Mick. X-Ray Fluorescence and FT-IR Identification of Strontium and Carbonate in Domestic and Imported Gypsum Drywall. July, p. 30.

Hirsch, Jeffrey. See Bradley, Mike.

Hollricher, O. See Schmidt, U.

Horner, Gerhard. See Gerhards, Petra.

Huang, Hermes. See Drapcho, David.

Hwang, J. David. See Rahman, G.M. Mizanur.


Inscore, Frank. See Drapcho, David.

Ivleva, Vera. See Ahn, Joomi.


Jackson, Glen P. See Baum, Andreas.

Jauss, A. See Schmidt, U.

Jenkins, Tim J.; Worrall, Keith; Hancock, Peter; Morphet, James; Cognard, Emmanuelle; and Ortelli, Didier. Advancing TOF-MS–Based Screening for Food Safety Residue Analysis with a Positive Approach. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 25.

Jones, Patrick R. See Sparkman, O. David.

Ju, June-Sik. See Kim, Seung-Hyun.


Kang, Sho Yeung. See Rodgers, James.

Kaufmann, Ken. "CMOS Technology for Scientific Imaging," in Laser and Optics Interface. July, p. 20.

Kaye, Kevin. See Eichenholz, Jason.

Kim, Ho-Dong. See Kim, Seung-Hyun.

Kim, Seung-Hyun; Ju, June-Sik; Shin, Hee-Sung; Kim, Ho-Dong; and Yee, Ki-Ju. A Quantitative Analysis of Neodymium and Samarium at Low Pressure by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. November, p. 38.

Kingston, H.M. Skip. See Rahman, G. M. Mizanur.

Koerner, Philip J. See Sanchez, Carl.

Koetzner, Lee. See Thakur, Rohan A.

Koleto, Michael. See Thakur, Rohan A.

Konz, Tobias. See Hamester, Meike.

Koshoubu, Jun. See Larsen, Richard A.

Kutscher, Daniel J. See Hamester, Meike.


Larsen, Richard A.; Akao, Ken-ichi; Koshoubu, Jun; and Sugiyama, Hiroshi. Using FT-IR Microscope ATR Objectives to Resolve Complex Samples. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 42.

Later, Douglas W. See Lee, Edgar D.

Lee, Edgar D.; Smith, Philip A.; Bowerbank, Christopher R.; and Later, Douglas W. Rapid Chemical Threat Identification by SPME-GC–TMS. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 30.

Lee, Eunah; and Adar, Fran. Transmission Raman: A Method for Quantifying Bulk Materials. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 6.

Leona, Marco. See Tague Jr., Thomas J.

Li, Yaping; Li, Qingbo; and Zhang, Guangjun. Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Analysis of Human Blood Glucose: Influence of Repeating Errors on Prediction Accuracy. June, p. 46.

Libarondi, Mark. See Binkley, Joe.

Lindemann, Torsten. See Oki, Tomoko.

Litchfield, David W. See Zhang, Cunjie.

Lowry, Steven R. See Hirsch, Jeffrey.

Lu, Yao. See Baum, Andreas.


Macherone, Anthony; Churley, Melissa; and White, Robert. Ultralow Detection of Estrogenic Compounds by GC–NCI-MS-MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 10.

Macho, Jorge. Low-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy in Science Education. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 12.

MacRae, Michael. Spectroscopy Uncensored: An Insider's Story of the First 15 Years. June, p. 26.

Magarini, Riccardo. Trace Elemental Determination in Residual Fuel Oils Using ICP-MS. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 30.

Mark, Howard; and Brown, Steve. Milestones in Spectroscopy. June, p. 34.

Mark, Howard; and Workman, Jerome. "Classical Least Squares, Part I: Mathematical Theory," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. May, p. 16.

Mark, Howard; and Workman, Jerome. "Classical Least Squares, Part II: Mathematical Theory Continued," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. June, p. 20.

Mark, Howard; and Workman, Jerome. "Classical Least Squares, Part III: Spectroscopic Theory," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. October, p. 22.

Mark, Howard. Pittcon 2010 New Product Review. May, p. 32.

Martin, John E.; Anderson Smith, Lea L.; Adjei-Bekoe, Gloria; and Thomas, Robert. Comparison of Different Sample Preparation Procedures for the Determination of RoHS/WEEE Regulated Elements in Printed Circuit Boards and Electrical Components by EDXRF. April, p. 40.

McCurdy, Ed; Sugiyama, Naoki; and Wilbur, Steven M. Optimizing Performance for a Collision/Reaction Cell ICP-MS System Operating in Helium Collision Mode. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 20.

McCurdy, Ed. See Wilbur, Steven M.

McDonald, Stephen. See Yu, Kate.

McDowall, R.D. "Dear Esteemed Vendor?" in Focus on Quality. September, p. 22.

McDowall, R.D. "Fat Finger, Falsification, or Fraud?" in Focus on Quality. December, p. 15.

McDowall, R.D. "Understanding and Interpreting the GAMP 5 Life Cycle Models for Software," in Focus on Quality. April, p. 22.

McDowall, R.D. "Where Are We Now with USP <1058>?" in Focus on Quality. November, p. 24.

McGinley, Michael; and Sanchez, Carl. Development of a High-Throughput LC–MS Assay for Drugs of Abuse from Biological Matrices. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 24.

McGinley, Michael; and Sanchez, Carl. Translating HPLC Performance Gains of Core-Shell Media to LC–MS Applications. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, May, p. 36.

McSheehy, Shona. See Hamester, Meike.

Millar, Alan. See Yu, Kate.

Morphet, James. See Jenkins, Tim J.

Morris, Robert. "How Optical Advances Helped Deliver the Promise of Miniature Spectrometers," in Laser and Optics Interface. January, p. 30.

Muccio, Zeland. See Baum, Andreas.

Murdock, Justin N.; Dodds, Walter K.; Reffner, John A.; and Wetzel, David L. Measuring Cellular-Scale Nutrient Distribution in Algal Biofilms with Synchrotron Confocal Infrared Microspectroscopy. October, p. 32.

Murphy, Brian. See Yu, Kate.


Narayanaswamy, Sivakumar. Spectroscopy Market: Weathering the Storm and on the Path to Recovery. December, p. 19.

Neubauer, Kenneth. "Reducing the Effects of Interferences in Quadrupole ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. November, p. 30.


Obenauf, Ralph. See Atkins, Patricia.

Oki, Tomoko; Wills, Julian D.; McSheehy, Shona; Hamester, Meike; Lindemann, Torsten; and Hinrichs, Joachim. Direct, Automated Analysis of Organic Solvents Using Quadrupole ICP-MS Coupled with a Dual Syringe Pump Sample System. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 6.

Oppermann, Uwe; and Schram, Jürgen. Interference-Free Drinking Water Analysis Using ICP-OES. Applications of ICP & ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists, November, p. 36.

Ortelli, Didier. See Jenkins, Tim J.


Pace, Nadia. See Schreiber, André.

Pamuku, Matt. See Rahman, G. M. Mizanur.

Pettigrew, William. See Rodgers, James.

Plumb, Robert S.; Rainville, Paul D.; and Evans, Christopher A. Bioanalysis Using Dried Blood Spots: The Biggest Advancement in Bioanalysis Since LC–MS-MS? Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 22.


Rahman, G.M. Mizanur; Fahrenholz, Timothy M.; Kingston, H. M. Skip; Pamuku, Matt; Hwang, J. David; and Young, Lyman A. Speciation of Mercury in Crude Oil Using Speciated Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry. January, p. 36.

Rainville, Paul D. See Plumb, Robert S.

Ramagiri, Suma. See Ghobarah, Hesham.

Reffner, John A. See Murdock, Justin N.

Reffner, John; Smith, Shay; and Adar, Fran. Characterizing Colored Fibers by FT-IR and Raman Spectroscopy. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 6.

Roberts, Gareth M. The Use of Novel Software for the Identification of Trace Compounds in Complex Mixtures. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 16.

Rodgers, James; Kang, Sho Yeung; Fortier, Chanel; Cui, Xiaoliang; Davidonis, Gayle; Clawson, Ernest; Boquet, Don; and Pettigrew, William. Preliminary Field Measurement of Cotton Fiber Micronaire by Portable NIR. September, p. 38.

Rury, Maura. See Almeida, Manuel.


Sanchez, Carl; Koerner, Philip J.; and Countryman, Sky. Development of a High-Throughput LC–MS-MS Assay for 13 Commonly Prescribed Pain Management Drugs from Urine with Cleanup Using Solid-Phase Extraction. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 34.

Sanchez, Carl. See McGinley, Michael.

Sanders, Mark. See Zhang, Allen.

Sandra, Pat. See Vanhoenacker, Gerd.

Schanen, Pierre. See Gerhards, Petra.

Schmid, Lawrence S. Spectroscopy Bounces Back. March, p. 40.

Schmidt, U.; Jauss, A.; Dieing, T.; and Hollricher, O. Confocal Raman AFM Imaging of Paper. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 32.

Schram, Jürgen. See Oppermann, Uwe.

Schreiber, André; and Pace, Nadia. LC–MS-MS–Based Strategies for the Targeted and Nontargeted Screening of Contaminants in Food, Environmental, and Forensic Samples. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 34.

Sengupta, Atanu. See Drapcho, David.

Shen, Yaochun. See Taday, Philip F.

Shende, Chetan. See Drapcho, David.

Shin, Hee-Sung. See Kim, Seung-Hyun.

Shion, Henry. See Yu, Kate.

Sivakumar, Vanaja. See Atkins, Patricia.

Skilton, St John. See Ahn, Joomi.

Smith, Philip A. See Lee, Edgar D.

Smith, Shay. See Reffner, John.

Sparkman, O. David; Curtis, Matthew; and Jones, Patrick R. Interaction of Dichloromethane Solvent with n-Alkylamines Analyzed by Electron Ionization GC–MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 8.

Staples, Doug. See Heim, John.

Stevens, Joan; and Szelewski, Mike. Meeting the Surge in Demand for Seafood Screening on the Gulf Coast. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 8.

Sugiyama, Hiroshi. See Larsen, Richard A.

Sugiyama, Naoki. See McCurdy, Ed.

Szelewski, Mike. See Stevens, Joan.


Taday, Philip F.; Evans, Michael; Zeitler, Axel; Shen, Yaochun; and Dey, Dipankar. "Terahertz Technology: Moving from the Laboratory into the Process World," in Laser and Optics Interface. April, p. 32.

Tague Jr., Thomas J.; Leona, Marco; and Wang, Peng. Raman Spectroscopy of Documents. Defense and Homeland Security, April, p. 20.

Thakur, Rohan A.; Koleto, Michael; Dong, Dahai; Begley, Benjamin; and Koetzner, Lee. Dried Blood Spots and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Discovery Fast PK Bioanalysis. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 14.

Thakur, Rohan. A Study of Matrix Effects on Multiply Charged Compounds. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 21.

Thomas, Robert. See Martin, John E.

Thomsen, Volker; and Coutinho, Carlos Augusto. "Electron Transitions in Optical Emission and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. March, p. 30.

Thomsen, Volker; and Coutinho, Carlos Augusto. Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part II: X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers. July, p. 38.

Thomsen, Volker. Assessing Accuracy. February, p. 32.

Thomsen, Volker. Spectrometers for Elemental Analysis, Part I: The Basic Spectrometer. January, p. 46.

Thomsen, Volker. Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part III: Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometers. October, p. 42.

Tripathi, Ashish. See Emmons, Erik D.

Tsuchibuchi, Tsuyoshi. Handling Spectra from FT-IR Foreign Matter Analysis. FT-IR Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, August, p. 16.


Vanhoenacker, Gerd; David, Frank; and Sandra, Pat. Ultralow Quantification of Pesticides in Baby Food. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 10.


Waddell, Keith; and Gudihal, Ravindra. Comprehensive Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Using a Microfluidic Chip-Q-TOF Platform. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, March, p. 15.

Walsh, David. Spectroscopy Moves into the Digital Age. June, p. 42.

Wang, Peng. See Tague Jr., Thomas J.

Wetzel, David L. See Murdock, Justin N.

White, Robert. See Macherone, Anthony.

Wieboldt, Dick. Understanding Raman Spectrometer Parameters. Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists, June, p. 20.

Wilbur, Steven; and McCurdy, Ed. "Using Qualifier Ions to Validate Multielement ICP-MS Data in Complex Samples," in Atomic Perspectives. May, p. 22.

Wilbur, Steven M. See McCurdy, Ed.

Wills, Julian D. See Oki, Tomoko.

Workman, Jerome; and Mark, Howard. "Statistics and Chemometrics for Clinical Data Reporting, Part III: Using Excel for Data Plotting," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. February, p. 24.

Workman, Jerome. See Mark, Howard.

Worrall, Keith. See Jenkins, Tim J.


Yee, Ki-Ju. See Kim, Seung-Hyun.

Yeung, Ken K.-C. See Zhang, Cunjie.

Young, Lyman A. See Rahman, G. M. Mizanur.

Yu, Kate; Millar, Alan; Shion, Henry; McDonald, Stephen; Goshawk, Jeff; and Murphy, Brian. Qualitative and Quantitative Metabolite Identification for Verapamil in Rat Plasma by Sub-2-µm LC Coupled with Quadrupole TOF-MS. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, October, p. 32.

Yu, Yingqing. See Ahn, Joomi.


Zeitler, Axel. See Taday, Philip F.

Zhang, Allen; Chang, James S.; Gu, Christine; and Sanders, Mark. Nontargeted Screening and Accurate Mass Confirmation of Pesticides Using High-Resolution LC–Orbital Trap Mass Spectrometry. Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July, p. 40.

Zhang, Cunjie; Zhang, Haixia; Litchfield, David W.; and Yeung, Ken K.-C. CHCA or DHB? Systematic Comparison of the Two Most Commonly Used Matrices for Peptide Mass Fingerprint Analysis with MALDI-MS. February, p. 48.

Zhang, Guangjun. See Li, Yaping.

Zhang, Haixia. See Zhang, Cunjie.

Zlatkin, Igor. See Drapcho, David.



"Atomic Absorption: Feeding the Food Safety Market," in Atomic Perspectives. Hazel Dickson. July, p. 26.

"Electron Transitions in Optical Emission and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. Volker Thomsen and Carlos Augusto Coutinho. March, p. 30.

"Reducing the Effects of Interferences in Quadrupole ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. Kenneth Neubauer. November, p. 30.

"Using Qualifier Ions to Validate Multielement ICP-MS Data in Complex Samples," in Atomic Perspectives. Steve Wilbur and Ed McCurdy. May, p. 22.


"Atomic Absorption: Feeding the Food Safety Market," in Atomic Perspectives. Hazel Dickson. July, p. 26.

"Electron Transitions in Optical Emission and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. Volker Thomsen and Carlos Augusto Coutinho. March, p. 30.

A Quantitative Analysis of Neodymium and Samarium at Low Pressure by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Seung-Hyun Kim, June-Sik Ju, Hee-Sung Shin, Ho-Dong Kim, and Ki-Ju Yee. November, p. 38.

"Reducing the Effects of Interferences in Quadrupole ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. Kenneth Neubauer. November, p. 30.

Spectrometers for Elemental Analysis, Part I: The Basic Spectrometer. Volker Thomsen. January, p. 46.

Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part III: Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometers. Volker Thomsen. October, p. 42.

Using ICP-OES for Accurate Monitoring of Metallic Contaminants in Water According to U.S. EPA Method 200.7. Matthew Cassap. May, p. 64.

"Using Qualifier Ions to Validate Multielement ICP-MS Data in Complex Samples," in Atomic Perspectives. Steve Wilbur and Ed McCurdy. May, p. 22.


"Group Theory and Symmetry, Part II: Groups," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. January, p. 18.

"Group Theory and Symmetry, Part III: Representations and Character Tables," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. April, p. 16.

"Group Theory and Symmetry, Part IV: Great or Grand, We've Got GOT," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. September, p. 18.

"Happy Sesquicentennial, Spectroscopy," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. June, p. 16.

"Neutron Spectroscopy," in The Baseline. David Ball. December, p. 12.


"Analysis of Lignin and Cellulose in Biological Energy Sources by Raman Microscopy," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. February, p. 18.

CHCA or DHB? Systematic Comparison of the Two Most Commonly Used Matrices for Peptide Mass Fingerprint Analysis with MALDI-MS. Cunjie Zhang, Haixia Zhang, David W. Litchfield, and Ken K.-C. Yeung. February, p. 48.

Measuring Cellular-Scale Nutrient Distribution in Algal Biofilms with Synchrotron Confocal Infrared Microspectroscopy. Justin N. Murdock, Walter K. Dodds, John A. Reffner, and David L. Wetzel. October, p. 32.

Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Analysis of Human Blood Glucose: Influence of Repeating Errors on Prediction Accuracy. Yaping Li, Qingbo Li, and Guangjun Zhang. June, p. 46.


"Classical Least Squares, Part I: Mathematical Theory," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. May, p. 16.

"Classical Least Squares, Part II: Mathematical Theory Continued," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. June, p. 20.

"Classical Least Squares, Part III: Spectroscopic Theory," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. October, p. 22.

"Statistics and Chemometrics for Clinical Data Reporting, Part III: Using Excel for Data Plotting," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Jerome Workman and Howard Mark. February, p. 24.


Assessing Accuracy. Volker Thomsen. February, p. 32.

"Classical Least Squares, Part I: Mathematical Theory," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. May, p. 16.

"Classical Least Squares, Part II: Mathematical Theory Continued," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. June, p. 20.

"Classical Least Squares, Part III: Spectroscopic Theory," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. October, p. 22.

Differentiation Between Origins of Extra Virgin Olive Oils by GC–C-IRMS Using Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Andreas Baum, Yao Lu, Zeland Muccio, Glen P. Jackson, and Peter B. Harrington. February, p. 40.

"Statistics and Chemometrics for Clinical Data Reporting, Part III: Using Excel for Data Plotting," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Jerome Workman and Howard Mark. February, p. 24.


"Dear Esteemed Vendor?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. September, p. 22.

"Fat Finger, Falsification, or Fraud?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. December, p. 15.

"Understanding and Interpreting the GAMP 5 Life Cycle Models for Software," in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. April, p. 22.

"Where Are We Now with USP <1058>?" in Focus on Quality. R.D. McDowall. November, p. 24.


Differentiation Between Origins of Extra Virgin Olive Oils by GC–C-IRMS Using Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Andreas Baum, Yao Lu, Zeland Muccio, Glen P. Jackson, and Peter B. Harrington. February, p. 40.


"Happy Sesquicentennial, Spectroscopy," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. June, p. 16.

"Mass Spectrometry–Mass Spectrometry Retrospective," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. July, p. 14.

Milestones in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Steve Brown. June, p. 34.

Spectrometers for Elemental Analysis, Part I: The Basic Spectrometer. Volker Thomsen. January, p. 46.

Spectroscopy Moves into the Digital Age. David Walsh. June, p. 42.

Spectroscopy Uncensored: An Insider's Story of the First 15 Years. Michael MacRae. June, p. 26.


Differentiation Between Origins of Extra Virgin Olive Oils by GC–C-IRMS Using Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Andreas Baum, Yao Lu, Zeland Muccio, Glen P. Jackson, and Peter B. Harrington. February, p. 40.


"Reducing the Effects of Interferences in Quadrupole ICP-MS," in Atomic Perspectives. Kenneth Neubauer. November, p. 30.

Speciation of Mercury in Crude Oil Using Speciated Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry. G.M. Mizanur Rahman, Timothy M. Fahrenholz, H.M. Skip Kingston, Matt Pamuku, J. David Hwang, and Lyman A. Young. January, p. 36.

Using ICP-OES for Accurate Monitoring of Metallic Contaminants in Water According to U.S. EPA Method 200.7. Matthew Cassap. May, p. 64.

"Using Qualifier Ions to Validate Multielement ICP-MS Data in Complex Samples," in Atomic Perspectives. Steven Wilbur and Ed McCurdy. May, p. 22.


"Analysis of Lignin and Cellulose in Biological Energy Sources by Raman Microscopy," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. February, p. 18.

"CMOS Technology for Scientific Imaging," in Laser and Optics Interface. Ken Kaufmann. July, p. 20.

"Depth Resolution of the Raman Microscope: Optical Limitations and Sample Characteristics," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. March, p. 16.

Measuring Cellular-Scale Nutrient Distribution in Algal Biofilms with Synchrotron Confocal Infrared Microspectroscopy. Justin N. Murdock, Walter K. Dodds, John A. Reffner, and David L. Wetzel. October, p. 32.


Measuring Cellular-Scale Nutrient Distribution in Algal Biofilms with Synchrotron Confocal Infrared Microspectroscopy. Justin N. Murdock, Walter K. Dodds, John A. Reffner, and David L. Wetzel. October, p. 32.

X-Ray Fluorescence and FT-IR Identification of Strontium and Carbonate in Domestic and Imported Gypsum Drywall. Jeffrey Hirsch, Steven R. Lowry, and Mick Dowd. July, p. 30.


"CMOS Technology for Scientific Imaging," in Laser and Optics Interface. Ken Kaufmann. July, p. 20.

"How Optical Advances Helped Deliver the Promise of Miniature Spectrometers," in Laser and Optics Interface. Robert Morris. January, p. 30.

"Terahertz Technology: Moving from the Laboratory into the Process World," in Laser and Optics Interface. Philip F. Taday, Michael Evans, Axel Zeitler, Yaochun Shen, and Dipankar Dey. April, p. 32.


A Quantitative Analysis of Neodymium and Samarium at Low Pressure by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Seung-Hyun Kim, June-Sik Ju, Hee-Sung Shin, Ho-Dong Kim, and Ki-Ju Yee. November, p. 38.


Spectroscopy Bounces Back. Lawrence S. Schmid. March, p. 40.

Spectroscopy Market: Weathering the Storm and on the Path to Recovery. Sivakumar Narayanaswamy. December, p. 19.

2010 Salary Survey: A Year of Pluses and Minuses. Megan Evans. March, p. 36.


"Derivatization in Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. November, p. 18.

"Ion Burn and the Dirt of Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. September, p. 32.

"Mass Spectral Libraries: The Next Generation," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. January, p. 24.

"Mass Spectrometry–Mass Spectrometry Retrospective," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. July, p. 14.

"A Random Walk Through the Web of Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. March, p. 24.


CHCA or DHB? Systematic Comparison of the Two Most Commonly Used Matrices for Peptide Mass Fingerprint Analysis with MALDI-MS. Cunjie Zhang, Haixia Zhang, David W. Litchfield, and Ken K.-C. Yeung. February, p. 48.

"Derivatization in Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. November, p. 18.

Differentiation Between Origins of Extra Virgin Olive Oils by GC–C-IRMS Using Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Andreas Baum, Yao Lu, Zeland Muccio, Glen P. Jackson, and Peter B. Harrington. February, p. 40.

"Ion Burn and the Dirt of Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. September, p. 32.

"Mass Spectral Libraries: The Next Generation," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. January, p. 24.

"Mass Spectrometry–Mass Spectrometry Retrospective," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. July, p. 14.

"A Random Walk Through the Web of Mass Spectrometry," in Mass Spectrometry Forum. Kenneth L. Busch. March, p. 24.

Speciation of Mercury in Crude Oil Using Speciated Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry. G.M. Mizanur Rahman, Timothy M. Fahrenholz, H.M. Skip Kingston, Matt Pamuku, J. David Hwang, and Lyman A. Young. January, p. 36.


Pittcon 2010 New Product Review. Howard Mark. May, p. 32.

"Thoughts About ICORS 2010 and Where Raman Spectroscopy Is Headed," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. October, p. 16.


"Analysis of Lignin and Cellulose in Biological Energy Sources by Raman Microscopy," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. February, p. 18.

"Depth Resolution of the Raman Microscope: Optical Limitations and Sample Characteristics," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. March, p. 16.

"Thoughts About ICORS 2010 and Where Raman Spectroscopy Is Headed," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. October, p. 16.


Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Analysis of Human Blood Glucose: Influence of Repeating Errors on Prediction Accuracy. Yaping Li, Qingbo Li, and Guangjun Zhang. June, p. 46.

Preliminary Field Measurement of Cotton Fiber Micronaire by Portable NIR. James Rodgers, Sho Yeung Kang, Chanel Fortier, Xiaoliang Cui, Gayle Davidonis, Ernest Clawson, Don Boquet, and William Pettigrew. September, p. 38.


"Depth Resolution of the Raman Microscope: Optical Limitations and Sample Characteristics," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. March, p. 16.

"How Optical Advances Helped Deliver the Promise of Miniature Spectrometers," in Laser and Optics Interface. Robert Morris. January, p. 30.


"Analysis of Lignin and Cellulose in Biological Energy Sources by Raman Microscopy," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. February, p. 18.

"Depth Resolution of the Raman Microscope: Optical Limitations and Sample Characteristics," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. March, p. 16.

"Thoughts About ICORS 2010 and Where Raman Spectroscopy Is Headed," in Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench. Fran Adar. October, p. 16.


Comparison of Different Sample Preparation Procedures for the Determination of RoHS/WEEE Regulated Elements in Printed Circuit Boards and Electrical Components by EDXRF. John E. Martin, Lea L. Anderson Smith, Gloria Adjei-Bekoe, and Robert Thomas. April, p. 40.


"Classical Least Squares, Part I: Mathematical Theory," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. May, p. 16.

"Classical Least Squares, Part II: Mathematical Theory Continued," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. June, p. 20.

"Classical Least Squares, Part III: Spectroscopic Theory," in Chemometrics in Spectroscopy. Howard Mark and Jerome Workman. October, p. 22.

"Electron Transitions in Optical Emission and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. Volker Thomsen and Carlos Augusto Coutinho. March, p. 30.

"Group Theory and Symmetry, Part II: Groups," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. January, p. 18.

"Group Theory and Symmetry, Part III: Representations and Character Tables," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. April, p. 16.

"Group Theory and Symmetry, Part IV: Great or Grand, We've Got GOT," in The Baseline. David W. Ball. September, p. 18.

Spectrometers for Elemental Analysis, Part I: The Basic Spectrometer. Volker Thomsen. January, p. 46.


A Common Sense Laboratory Guide to Reducing Errors and Contamination in ICP and ICP-MS Analysis. Patricia Atkins, Laszlo Ernyei, Vanaja Sivakumar, and Ralph Obenauf. November, p. 42.

Determination of Trace Elements in Over-the-Counter Cough Syrup by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Manuel Almeida, Maura Rury, John Condon, and Peter Brown. November, p. 12.

Direct, Automated Analysis of Organic Solvents Using Quadrupole ICP-MS Coupled with a Dual Syringe Pump Sample System. Tomoko Oki, Julian D. Wills, Shona McSheehy, Meike Hamester, Torsten Lindemann, and Joachim Hinrichs. November, p. 6.

Interference-Free Drinking Water Analysis Using ICP-OES. Uwe Oppermann and Jürgen Schram. November, p. 36.

Optimizing Performance for a Collision/Reaction Cell ICP-MS System Operating in Helium Collision Mode. Ed McCurdy, Naoki Sugiyama, and Steven M. Wilbur. November, p. 20.

Trace Elemental Determination in Residual Fuel Oils Using ICP-MS. Riccardo Magarini. November, p. 30.


Handheld FT-IR and Raman as Tools in the Analysis of Improvised Explosive Materials. Robert L. Green, Michael D. Hargreaves, and Christopher D. Brown. April, p. 14.

Laser-Based Technologies Target Terrorists. Jason Eichenholz, Kevin Kaye, and Steve Buckley. April, p. 26.

Raman Chemical Imaging of Explosive Contaminated Fingerprints for Forensic Applications. Erik D. Emmons, Ashish Tripathi, Jason A. Guicheteau, Steven D. Christesen, and Augustus W. Fountain III. April, p. 8.

Raman Spectroscopy of Documents. Thomas J. Tague Jr., Marco Leona, and Peng Wang. April, p. 20.

Rapid Chemical Threat Identification by SPME-GC–TMS. Edgar D. Lee, Philip A. Smith, Christopher R. Bowerbank, and Douglas W. Later. April, p. 30.


Characterizing Colored Fibers by FT-IR and Raman Spectroscopy. John Reffner, Shay Smith, and Fran Adar. August, p. 6.

Handling Spectra from FT-IR Foreign Matter Analysis. Tsuyoshi Tsuchibuchi. August, p. 16.

Hollow Waveguides: The Next Generation of Mid-IR Remote Sampling Accessories. Jenni L. Briggs. August, p. 36.

Improved FT-IR Instrumentation and Software for Complete Confidence in QA/QC Testing. Mike Bradley and Jeffrey Hirsch. August, p. 24.

Using FT-IR Microscope ATR Objectives to Resolve Complex Samples. Richard A. Larsen, Ken-ichi Akao, Jun Koshoubu, and Hiroshi Sugiyama. August, p. 42.


Advancing TOF-MS–Based Screening for Food Safety Residue Analysis with a Positive Approach. Tim J. Jenkins, Keith Worrall, Peter Hancock, James Morphet, Emmanuelle Cognard, and Didier Ortelli. March, p. 25.

Analyzing Small Molecule Metabolite Profiles of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Urine Samples Using GC×GC–TOF-MS and Statistical Software as a Data Mining Strategy. John Heim. March, p. 30.

Bioanalysis Using Dried Blood Spots: The Biggest Advancement in Bioanalysis Since LC–MS-MS? Robert S. Plumb, Paul D. Rainville, and Christopher A. Evans. July, p. 22.

Branching Out: Mass Spectrometry and the Shape of Biotherapeutics. Joomi Ahn, Vera Ivleva, St John Skilton, and Yingqing Yu. May, p. 28.

Comparing the Capabilities of Time-of-Flight and Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers. Joe Binkley, and Mark Libarondi. July, p. 28.

Comprehensive Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Using a Microfluidic Chip-Q-TOF Platform. Keith Waddell, and Ravindra Gudihal. March, p. 15.

Development of a High-Throughput LC–MS Assay for Drugs of Abuse from Biological Matrices. Michael McGinley and Carl Sanchez. October, p. 24.

Development of a High-Throughput LC–MS-MS Assay for 13 Commonly Prescribed Pain Management Drugs from Urine with Cleanup Using Solid-Phase Extraction. Carl Sanchez, Philip J. Koerner, and Sky Countryman. July, p. 34.

Dried Blood Spots and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Discovery Fast PK Bioanalysis. Rohan A. Thakur, Michael Koleto, Dahai Dong, Benjamin Begley, and Lee Koetzner. October, p. 14.

Enhancing Mass Spectral Formula Determination by Heuristic Rules. Ming Gu. May, p. 42.

58th ASMS Conference Review. Megan Evans. July, p. 44.

Increasing Productivity of ADME Studies Using Accurate Mass Technology. Hesham Ghobarah, Suma Ramagiri, and Jim Ferguson. October, p. 39.

Interaction of Dichloromethane Solvent with n-Alkylamines Analyzed by Electron Ionization GC–MS. O. David Sparkman, Matthew Curtis, and Patrick R. Jones. March, p. 8.

LC–MS-MS–Based Strategies for the Targeted and Nontargeted Screening of Contaminants in Food, Environmental, and Forensic Samples. André Schreiber and Nadia Pace. March, p. 34.

Meeting the Surge in Demand for Seafood Screening on the Gulf Coast. Joan Stevens and Mike Szelewski. October, p. 8.

Nontargeted Screening and Accurate Mass Confirmation of Pesticides Using High-Resolution LC–Orbital Trap Mass Spectrometry. Allen Zhang, James S. Chang, Christine Gu, and Mark Sanders. July, p. 40.

Phosphorylation Site Localization Using Probability-Based Scoring. Steven P. Gygi. October, p. 28.

Qualitative and Quantitative Metabolite Identification for Verapamil in Rat Plasma by Sub-2-µm LC Coupled with Quadrupole TOF-MS. Kate Yu, Alan Millar, Henry Shion, Stephen McDonald, Jeff Goshawk, and Brian Murphy. October, p. 32.

Reliable and Efficient Sulfur Detection in Proteins Using ICP-MS with Capillary LC. Meike Hamester, Shona McSheehy, Daniel J. Kutscher, Tobias Konz, and Jörg Bettmer. October, p. 21.

A Study of Matrix Effects on Multiply Charged Compounds. Rohan Thakur. March, p. 21.

TOF-MS: A Viable Solution for Crude Oil Extract Analysis. Nick Bukowski. May, p. 22.

Translating HPLC Performance Gains of Core-Shell Media to LC–MS Applications. Michael McGinley and Carl Sanchez. May, p. 36.

Ultralow Detection of Estrogenic Compounds by GC–NCI-MS-MS. Anthony Macherone, Melissa Churley, and Robert White. May, p. 10.

Ultralow Quantification of Pesticides in Baby Food. Gerd Vanhoenacker, Frank David, and Pat Sandra. July, p. 10.

The Use of Novel Software for the Identification of Trace Compounds in Complex Mixtures. Gareth M. Roberts. July, p. 16.

Using Comprehensive GC×GC–TOF-MS for Enhanced Detection and Separation in Antidoping Control Screening. John Heim and Doug Staples. May, p. 16.

Using Novel TOF-MS to Increase Sensitivity and Confidently Detect Drugs of Abuse in Urine. Petra Gerhards, Pierre Schanen, and Gerhard Horner. October, p. 18.


Confocal Raman AFM Imaging of Paper. U. Schmidt, A. Jauss, T. Dieing, and O. Hollricher. June, p. 32.

High-Throughput Trace Analysis Using SERS-Active Microtiter Plates with a Raman Plate Reader. David Drapcho, Igor Zlatkin, Frank Inscore, Chetan Shende, Atanu Sengupta, Hermes Huang, and Stuart Farquharson. June, p. 42.

Low-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy in Science Education. Jorge Macho. June, p. 12.

Transmission Raman: A Method for Quantifying Bulk Materials. Eunah Lee and Fran Adar. June, p. 6.

Understanding Raman Spectrometer Parameters. Dick Wieboldt. June, p. 20.


Spectrometers for Elemental Analysis, Part I: The Basic Spectrometer. Volker Thomsen. January, p. 46.

Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part II: X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers. Volker Thomsen and Carlos Augusto Coutinho. July, p. 38.

Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part III: Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometers. Volker Thomsen. October, p. 42.


Comparison of Different Sample Preparation Procedures for the Determination of RoHS/WEEE Regulated Elements in Printed Circuit Boards and Electrical Components by EDXRF. John E. Martin, Lea L. Anderson Smith, Gloria Adjei-Bekoe, and Robert Thomas. April, p. 40.

"Electron Transitions in Optical Emission and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry," in Atomic Perspectives. Volker Thomsen and Carlos Augusto Coutinho. March, p. 30.

Spectrometers for Elemental Spectrochemical Analysis, Part II: X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers. Volker Thomsen and Carlos Augusto Coutinho. July, p. 38.

X-Ray Fluorescence and FT-IR Identification of Strontium and Carbonate in Domestic and Imported Gypsum Drywall. Jeffrey Hirsch, Steven R. Lowry, and Mick Dowd. July, p. 30.

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