Appendix V: Mid-IR



Volume 29
Issue 5

Appendix V: Mid-IR

Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies

Product name: 4300 Handheld FTIR

Mid-IR spectrometer

New this year: Next-generation mobile spectroscopy product

Used for: Handheld/portable applications

Dimensions: 10 x 19 x 35 cm (4 x 7.5 x 13.6 in.)

Weight: 1.88 kg (4.15 lb) without batteries, 2.22 kg (4.9 lb) with batteries

Measurement Modes: Diffuse reflectance, external reflectance, grazing angle, diamond ATR, germanium ATR

Special features: Two internal batteries (3 h), 100/120/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 35% lighter than its predecessor, true non-destructive testing, ergonomic design, MCT detector, DTGS detector, MicroLab mobile software

Suggested applications: The analysis of polymers, coatings, composites and even historical artifacts and artwork advanced materials, art, historical objects, geology, agriculture, composites, coatings, polymers, high-value materials

Primary benefits: Analysis can easily be done in situ removing sample, true non-destructive testing, ergonomic design for ease of use, on the go sampling flexibility

Manufacturer: Anasys Instruments

Product name: nanoIR2

Mid-IR spectrometer

New this year: The world's highest spatial resolution IR spectrometer.

Special features: This second generation platform accommodates a wide variety of real-world samples: thin films on silicon, carbon fiber/epoxy composites, nearly any material with nanoscale features and domains.

Software: Available as separate product, compatible with other manufacturer's equipment

Special accessories: High-definition IR source provides the ability to image and acquire absorbance spectra of monolayer films at better than 50nm spot size.

Used for: Lab analysis

Suggested applications: Ultrahigh resolution identification and mapping of components in polymer blends; chemical identification of defects and nano-contaminants; sub-cellular imaging and chemical mapping; reverse engineering; semiconductor process R&D, development of composite materials.

Primary benefits: Spatial resolution better than two orders of magnitude better than state-of-the-art IR microscopes, with monolayer sensitivity.

Manufacturer: Bruker Optics

Product name: Vertex-70

Mid/far-IR/terahertz spectrometer

New this year: The first ever Spectrometer that covers the complete mid and far infrared/THz spectral range in one step.

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement modes: Transmittance, reflectance, and ATR

Suggested applications: Molecular vibrational analysis for inorganic and organometallic chemistry as well as for geological, pharmaceutical, and physical applications.

Primary benefits: One step measurement with no gaps

Unique features: New wide-range MIR-FIR DlaTGS detector combined with the recently introduced wide range MIR-FIR beamsplitter; compatible with other manufacturers' equipment.

Manufacturer: Daylight Solutions

Product name: Spero

Mid-IR spectrometer

New this year: Industry's first laser-based infrared microscope. Built around broadly tunable quantum cascade laser source

Used for: Lab analysis

Measurement mode: Transmission and reflection

Software: ChemVision

Suggested applications: Cell/tissue pathology, materials research, pharmaceutical research, food safety, forensics

Primary benefits: High spectral resolution with wide field of view, rapid area coverage

Unique features: Live, discrete frequency imaging, sparse data collection (arbitrary selection of wavelengths); automated stage

Manufacturer: Jasco Corp.

Product name: IRT-5000/7000 series

Upgradeable FT-IR microscope

New this year: An upgradeable FT-IR microscope series with upgraded S/N and enhanced performance.

Used for: Lab applications

Measurement mode: Transmission, reflection, ATR and grazing-angle reflection.

Software: 21CFR11 compliant, cGMP compliant

Suggested applications: Biochemical, Materials Science, chemical analysis

Primary benefits: Enhanced signal-to-noise performance on an upgradeable, user-friendly microscope accessory.

Unique features: Upgraded signal to noise and enhanced sample view video camera.

Manufacturer: Si-Ware Systems

Product name: MEMS FT-IR spectrometer

Mid-IR/near-IR spectrometer

New this year: Single-chip MEMS based monolithic Michaelson interferometer MEMS FT-IR spectrometer

Used for: Lab, process, handheld applications

Dimensions: 8 cm x 6.5 cm x 4.5 cm; weight: Less than 150 g

Measurement mode: Optical fiber based solution

Special features: Small size and light weight, low power, low cost, single photodetector reduces the size and cost of traditional spectrometers. The module includes the MEMS chip, the electronics board interfaces, fibers, and photo detector in an enclosure with attributes of decreased size, weight, power, and cost of a spectroscopy solution.

Software: Open library software for versatility in building application specific software. Available as separate product, may be used in other equipment.

Suggested applications: Portable spectrometry, in-line industrial process monitoring, wireless spectrometry networks, affordable point of care medical devices, gas analysis for indoors and outdoors, on-site forensic analysis

Primary benefits: The single-chip MEMS-based modular architecture Michelson interferometer enables a FT-IR spectrometer that is the world's smallest, most rugged, and the lowest in price. Also enables users to customize software and sampling interfaces for unique applications.

Unique features: Single-chip monolithic interferometer, alignment-free, economy of scale, novel wavelength self-calibration technique.

Manufacturer: Tiger Optics, LLC.

Product name: HALO 3 CO and HALO 3 CO2

Laser-based, continuous wave cavity ring-down spectrometer

New this year: The HALO 3 CO brings the excellent sensitivity and wide dynamic range typical of continuous wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy to CO analysis for use in high-purity hydrogen production.

Used for: Lab, process, handheld/portable analyisis

Dimensions: 8.75 x 8.5 x 23.6, 28 lb

Measurement mode: Continuous wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy

Suggested applications: Continuous, online gas analysis in HyCO and SMR facilities.

Primary benefits: The HALO 3 CO covers range from 0 to 2000 ppm of CO in H2, reaches a lower detection limit of 100 ppb for CO and and 10 ppb of CO2 in N2.

Unique features: Saves time, money, and energy on maintenance. It is suited for continuous process analysis in high-purity hydrogen and other gas production facilities.

Product name: Prismatic 2

Laser-based, continuous wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy

New this year: Combined electronics and sensor module; measures multiple species from ppt to ppm levels.

Used for: Lab, process analysis

Measurement mode: Continuous wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy (absorption)

Suggested applications: Hydrogen fuel cell production, spec gas production, laboratory research

Primary benefits: Fast speed of response for multi-species analysis.

Unique features: Simultaneous measurement of H2O, CH4, CO, CO2 in a standard configuration, to ensure high-purity hydrogen necessary for fuel cell production.

Shimadzu - see listing under NIR

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Jeanette Grasselli Brown 
Jeanette Grasselli Brown