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* Achieving high sensitivity and selectivity in complex matrices. * Useful tools and tips for ICP-QQQ * Environmental applications for ICP-MS
Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)
By adding a FLIM module to the inVia Raman microscope, you can directly correlate Raman and fluorescence lifetime images with ease.
Investigating Coatings Using Glow Discharge Spectrometry (Mar 2023)
This application note shows how LECO’s GDS instruments are ideal for investigating PVD coatings and the factors that determine their protection of substrate.
Tracking Polymorphic Changes Using Non-Invasive Analysis
By utilizing the Crystalline device coupled with a Tornado Raman spectrometer, it is possible to monitor and track polymorphism and morphology at low working volumes.
Five Reasons to Consider Fully-Automated Enzyme Assays
Measuring enzyme activity and enzyme assay can be influenced by many variables. Automated enzyme analyzers simplify the overall method development and results reliability.
Heavy Metals Analysis and Cannabis-Derived Products
Fast Analysis of Water Sample by DIN EN ISO 11885:2009
To demonstrate the suitability of ICP-OES for fast, sensitive, and robust analysis of elements in water samples, following the DIN EN ISO 11885:2009 requirements.