


Volume 27
Issue 1

Products Resources

Raman microscope

BaySpec's Nomadic Raman microscope is available with 532-, 785-, 1064-nm, and custom excitation wavelengths. The microscope reportedly features a high-throughput volume phase grating; a dispersive, no moving parts design; optimized detector cooling; and software for data and image analysis. BaySpec, Inc., San Jose, CA;

FT-NIR spectrometer

The Tango FT-NIR spectrometer from Bruker Optics is designed for QC analysis of liquids and solids. The spectrometer reportedly provides fast measurements for high sample throughput, simultaneous evaluation of different components, and intuitive operation for nonexperts. According to the company, the instrument can be used with an integrated PC and monitor or as a separate analysis station. Bruker Optics Inc., Billerica, MA;

Consumer safety compliance standards

Spex CertiPrep's USP-TXM1 consumer safety compliance standards kit is designed for use in complying with recent USP regulations for elemental impurities in pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. The company also offers consumer safety compliance standards designed to test for levels of heavy metals and phthalates in waste electronics, consumer, and children's products. Spex CertiPrep, Metuchen, NJ;

Raman polymer analysis system

B&W Tek and Gnosys have partnered to provide the PolymerIQ Raman spectroscopy system for real-time, nondestructive identification and quantification of polymers. The system combines the i-Raman spectrometer with PolymerIQ chemometric software. B&W Tek, Newark, DE;

Mercury analyzer

Milestone's DMA-80 mercury analyzer is designed to enable an operator to analyze for mercury in matrixes that include solids, liquids, and gases. According to the company, the system can be used in laboratories serving industries that include toxicology, environmental, energy, chemical, quality control, and gases. Milestone, Inc., Shelton, CT;

Dual laser source Raman module

PD-LD's LS-2 LabSource benchtop Raman module has two laser sources. According to the company, the laser sources are VBG-stabilized, and are available in standard and custom wavelengths. When the two laser sources' wavelengths are closely spaced together, the module reportedly is capable of performing surface enhanced Raman differential spectroscopy. PD-LD, Inc., Pennington, NJ;

USB-to-Ethernet converter

The AvaGigE USB-to-Ethernet converter, from Avantes, enables the company's Avaspec USB-controlled spectrometers to plug into an Ethernet network. According to the company, the hardware device supports the connection of as many as eight spectrometers (via USB hub) and a web-based configuration utility. Avantes, Broomfield, CO;

Pressurized microwave digestion

CEM Corporation's Discover SP-D pressurized microwave digestion system includes a venting system that safely vents excess gaseous by-products while allowing a digestion to continue uninterrupted. The digestion system is designed to process a typical digest in 10 min, including cool down. According to the company, the system can be placed on a benchtop or in a fume hood. CEM Corporation, Matthews, NC;

UV-vis-NIR microspectrophotometer

The 20/20 PV UV–vis–NIR microspectrophotometer from Craic Technologies is designed to nondestructively analyze microscopic samples at wavelengths ranging from the deep ultraviolet to the near infrared. According to the company, analysis of samples can be done by absorbance, reflectance, luminescence, and fluorescence. Craic Technologies, San Dimas, CA;

Fluorescence spectrometer

The LifeSpec II fluorescence spectrometer from the Photonics Division of Edinburgh Instruments is designed to measure decays from 5 ps to 50 µs using high-repetition rate pulsed femtosecond, picosecond, or supercontinuum lasers. According to the company, measurements can be made from liquid, solid, film, and powder samples. Edinburgh Instruments, Livingston, UK;

Mercury analyzers

Teledyne Leeman's Hydra II mercury analyzers are designed to provide configuration flexibility. According to the company, the analyzers can be configured to conduct the analysis of liquids by sample digestion followed by cold vapor atomic absorption or cold vapor atomic fluorescence, and the direct analysis of solid or semisolid sample matrices through thermal decomposition followed by cold vapor atomic absorption. Teledyne Leeman Labs, Hudson, NH;

FT-NIR analyzers

Precalibrated FT-NIR analyzers from Thermo Fisher Scientific feature the Antaris II FT-NIR analyzer and are designed for feed and ingredient analysis in agriculture and for flour and milling analysis in the food processing industry. According to the company, the analyzers can analyze multiple components simultaneously without consumables, chemicals, or disposables. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Madison, WI;

EDXRF analyzer

An application note from Rigaku demonstrates the use of its NEX CG benchtop EDXRF analyzer in the determination of precious metals in catalyst material. According to the publication, a calibration method built using the company's RPF-SQX Fundamental Parameters software provides direct analysis of powdered catalytic converter cores. Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc., Austin, TX;

Materials characterization database

Release 2011 of the Powder Diffraction File from ICDD contains ~747,000 unique material data sets. According to the company, each data set contains diffraction, crystallographic, and bibliographic data, as well as experimental, instrument, and sampling conditions, and select physical properties in a common standardized format. International Centre for Diffraction Data, Newtown Square, PA;

UV polarizers

Moxtek's ProFlus Nanowire UV polarizers are designed for UV applications at wavelengths ranging from 240 nm to 400 nm. According to the company, the instruments are broadband capable, and on fused-silica substrates, function at IR wavelengths up to 4 µm. Moxtek, Orem, UT;

Cathodoluminescence systems

Horiba's Cathodoluminescence Universal Extension (CLUE) systems for imaging and spectroscopy analysis are designed to provide high resolution spectral information with the spatial resolution of an electron probe. According to the company, the systems can be combined with other microscopy applications such as EDS and EBIC. Horiba Scientific, Edison, NJ;

DPSS lasers

Cobolt's continuous-wave diode pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers are designed to operate at fixed and precise wavelengths. According to the company, the lasers qualify as Raman excitation sources and provide a wavelength stability of ±0.02 nm, typically 2 pm over ±2 °C and 8 hs, and a spectral purity of -60 dB.Cobolt, Vretenvägen, Sweden;

XRF kit

Amptek's XRF Kit is designed to help users begin performing elemental analysis via X-ray fluorescence. According to the company, the kit includes the company's X-123 complete spectrometer with an SDD or Si-PIN detector; a mini-X USB controlled X-ray tube; XRF-FP QA software; a mounting plate; and a test sample. Amptek Inc., Bedford, MA;

InGaAs detector array

Andor's iDus InGaAs detector array series provides a platform for spectroscopy applications up to 2.2 µm. According to the company, the TE-cooled, in-vacuum sensors reach cooling temperatures of -90 °C. Andor Technology, Belfast, Northern Ireland;

UV–vis spectrophotometers

Compact UV–vis spectrophotometers from Shimadzu are designed to reduce stray light during routine analysis and research applications. According to the company, the model UV-2600 spectrometer has a measurement wavelength range to 1400 nm, and the model UV-2700 achieves stray light of 0.00005% at 220 nm. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., Columbia, MD;

AA spectrometers

The PinAAcle atomic absorption spectrometers from PerkinElmer are available with a variety of configurations and capabilities, including flame only, furnace only, or stacked designs featuring both; flame, furnace, flow injection, FIAS-furnace, and mercury/hydride capabilities on a single instrument; and with deuterium or longitudinal Zeeman background correction. The spectrometers include the company's TubeView color furnace camera and WinLab32 software. PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA;

Topographic Raman imaging

WITec's True Surface Microscopy imaging mode is designed to allow large-area topographic coordinates from the profilometer measurement to be precisely correlated with the large-area confocal Raman imaging data. This option reportedly enables samples that would normally require extensive preparation to obtain a certain surface flatness to be automatically characterized as they are. According to the company, it allows scan ranges as large as 50 mm ? 100 mm with a spatial resolution of 100 nm vertically and 10 µm laterally. WITec GmbH, Ulm, Germany;

Diffraction gratings

Zeiss mechanically ruled or holographically recorded diffraction gratings from Hellma are designed using holographic exposure systems and ultrahigh-precision ruling engines. According to the company, the gratings are used with monochromators, spectographs, spectrophotometers, dye lasers, and other laser types. Hellma, Plainview, NY;

ICP valve system

Glass Expansion's Assist automation accessory combines a dual syringe module with a multiport valve module to automate sample and internal standard (or diluent) introduction to an ICP-OES or MS spectrometer. According to the company, when used with the instrument's standard autosampler, the accessory speeds the cycle time by a factor of two or more and provides more reproducible signals than a conventional pump-driven system. Glass Expansion, Pocasset, MA;

Optical components

Optical components from CVI Melles Griot are designed for ultrafast spectroscopy. The company's mirrors, beam splitters, polarizers, and prisms for Ti:sapphire or fiber lasers can be used in time-domain measurements, spectroscopy, imaging, sensing, and biomedical applications. CVI Melles Griot, Albuquerque, NM;

Raman analyzer

The EZRaman-N analyzer from Enwave Optronics is designed for fast carbon nanotube characterization. According to the company, the 100–3300 cm-1 spectral range covers full carbon nanotube bands of interest from the radial breathing mode to the G'-band. Enwave Optronics, Inc., Irvine, CA;

Photovoltaic measurement system

Newport Corporation's Oriel IQE-200 photovoltaic cell measurement system is designed for simultaneous measurement of the external and internal quantum efficiency of solar cells, detectors, and other photon-to-charge converting devices. The system reportedly splits the beam to allow for concurrent measurements. The system includes a light source, a monochromator, and related electronics and software. According to the company, the system can be used for the measurement of silicon-based cells, amorphous and mono/poly crystalline, thin-film cells, copper indium gallium diselenide, and cadmium telluride. Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA;

Dichroic shortpass filters

Edmund Optics' Techspec dichroic shortpass filters are designed for a 45° angle of incidence. According to the company, light rejected by the filter is reflected at 90°. The filters reportedly feature low polarization dependence, broad spectral ranges, and a precision fused-silica substrate. The filters can be used in fluorescence applications and as spectral beamsplitters. Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ;

Raman microscope

Renishaw's inVia Raman microscope can be used for nondestructive testing of sperm DNA for assessing the healthiness of sperm cells. The instrument can be customized to integrate optical tweezing, which enables researchers to immobilize sperm cells with a tightly focused laser beam. The resulting Raman spectra contain information about the vibrations of molecules within the sperm cells and can be used to assess the state of its DNA. Renishaw, Hoffman Estates, IL;


StellarNet's Black-Comet-HR concave grating spectrometer is designed for high-resolution applications. According to the company, the system is available for measurements in two ranges, UV (200–600 nm) and visible (380–750 nm), and can achieve resolving resolutions of 0.4 nm. The system reportedly is USB-2 powered, shock-proof, and vibration tolerant with no moving parts StellarNet, Tampa, FL;

Gas generators

Parker Balston FT-IR Purge Gas generators from Parker Hannifin are designed for use with FT-IR spectrometers to provide a purified purge gas and air bearing gas using standard compressed air. According to the company, they remove impurities such as water vapor and carbon dioxide to a -100 °F pressure dew point and less than 1 ppm, respectively. The wall-mountable generators reportedly are available with flow capacities of 3.1–102 L/min Parker Balston, Haverhill, MA;

Solar analysis system

The RaySphere spectroscopic system from Ocean Optics is designed for irradiance measurements in the 380–1700 nm range. According to the company, the system includes two thermoelectrically cooled detectors. Applications include absolute irradiance measurements of solar simulators and other radiant sources. Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL;

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