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Learn how to select the most appropriate microwave digestion technology for determining trace and heavy metals via ICP-OES and ICP-MS.
Compositional Depth Profile Analysis of Galvanized Steel
Compositional Depth Profile (CDP) using the LECO GDS950 rapidly provides analysis of various galvanized coatings on steel.
Polymer processing influences on FTIR-ATR results
The polymer processing can impact FTIR-ATR spectra, and if these processing factors are not considered may lead to incomplete or inconsistent results.
3D Raman Imaging - Best Practice Examples (Sept 2024)
This study describes the generation of 3D confocal Raman images of pharmaceutical, food science, semiconductor, chemical and geoscience samples.
Micro-XRF for PEMFC catalyst research
HORIBA micro-XRF performs 2 applications for PEMFC catalyst research: Pt catalyst uniformity imaging and Pt catalyst loading mass determination on average.
Optimizing Environmental Sample Preparation and Analysis
This summary presents a total workflow approach to sample preparation for organics and metals, including a special case for mercury.
Application Note: Continuous industrial acetic acid production process monitoring using the Vortex™ process flow cell
Discover how Specac's Vortex™ process flow cell enables continuous monitoring in acetic acid production, enhancing efficiency and potentially boosting annual revenue by over $6 million with just a 1% throughput increase.