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This application note demonstrates the CEM MARS 6 for microwave digestion of mixed cannabis and hemp containing products in a single run and elemental analysis of these products.
Compositional Depth Profile Analysis of Galvanized Steel
Compositional Depth Profile (CDP) using the LECO GDS950 rapidly provides analysis of various galvanized coatings on steel.
Robust Trace Metals Analysis for Li-ion Batteries
Better sample prep leads to better analysis; discover the keys to a better battery digest, leading to better analysis, for samples from R&D testing to quality control.
ICP-MS Analysis of Elemental Impurities in Oral Drug Products
This note describes using ICP-MS to analyze oral drug products in accordance with the accuracy, precision, and quantitative limits described in the JP, EP, and USP.
Microwave Digestion of Agricultural Samples for Metals Analysis
In this industry report, a study on certified reference fertilizer materials was performed to prove how the ETHOS UP is optimal for metals analysis.
Trace Element Analysis of Sulfuric Acid
This note highlights the ability of ICP optical emission spectroscopy to characterize trace elements in high sulfuric acid matrices with good precision and accuracy.
Acid Digestion of Difficult Oils and Plastics (June 2024)
Digestion of oils and plastics can be a challenge even to analytical laboratories. Herein, samples ranging from robust to routine are completely digested in minutes.