February 1st 2020
The total market for NIR was measured at about $470 million in 2019 and is expected to reach over $570 million by 2024.
December 1st 2019
Market Profile: Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
January 1st 2012Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a relatively new and advanced subsegment of the fluorescence spectroscopy market. FCS can provide a wealth of very specific physiochemical information that is most useful to those in biology and related sectors.
Environmental Market for UV-vis
October 17th 2011UV-vis spectroscopy, which includes photometers and turbidimeters, provides a simple method for addressing a wide range of basic water analysis parameters that are crucial to environmental analysis. The environmental market for UV and visible spectroscopy techniques accounts for close to 30% of the entire laboratory and portable UV?vis spectroscopy market.
Market Profile: Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
October 1st 2011Ellipsometry is a spectroscopic technique used to measure dielectric properties of thin films. Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), which is the largest subset of the technique, is a very useful research tool, and is a popular analytical tool in many fast-growing industries. The market for SE is currently in the midst of a very strong upswing in demand.
Market Profile: Handheld and Portable FT-IR
September 1st 2011Major technological advances have allowed the market for handheld and portable Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to develop almost overnight. Demand from a variety of industries and applications is continuing to take shape, and many major vendors in the market have taken note and made sure to grab themselves a major stake in this fast growing area.
Market Profile: Process FT-NIR for PAT in Pharma and Biopharma
June 1st 2011Fourier-transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy continues to be a rapidly growing process analytical technique, particularly in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. The technique offers a number of advantages for online applications, and most of the major NIR instrument vendors now compete in this segment of the market.
Raman Spectroscopy for Security
April 1st 2011One of the fastest growing new areas of demand for Raman spectroscopy is in the security market. Technological improvements have helped to unlock the large potential of the technique for security applications. There has been a rash of acquisitions in the market that have completely reshaped the competitive landscape over the last few years, which is typical of such dynamic markets.
Total Reflectance X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
February 11th 2011X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) provides sensitive analysis of the atomic composition of samples. The technique is particularly well-suited for analyzing the elemental range from sodium to uranium, which covers the majority of the metallic elements.
Market Profile: Process Raman Spectroscopy
June 1st 2010Raman spectroscopy has rapidly become an established analytical technique in the lab, in the field, and online. Its inherent advantages make it very well suited for industrial applications, which has led to the rise of significant demand from a broad range of industries. Strong potential growth for process Raman remains, even after the impact of the recent recession.
Market Profile: Triple Quadrupole GC–MS
May 1st 2010Until recently, triple-quadrupole gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) has been a relatively obscure segment of the GC–MS market. However, it is now exploding into a major market segment. New entrants and recent instrument introductions indicate that there has been a significant unmet need in the GC–MS market for such capabilities.
Market Profile: Portable and Handheld Raman
April 1st 2010Raman spectroscopy in general, and specifically, handheld and portable Raman, has developed very rapidly over the past decade due to technological developments that have unleashed the advantages of the technique. Portable/handheld Raman spectroscopy has gone from an insignificant market to the largest portable molecular spectroscopy technique in just a few years.
Market Profile: Magnetic Sector ICP-MS
January 1st 2010The ultimate in atomic spectroscopy performance, magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometery (ICP-MS) instruments are used for the most demanding analyses. There is significant demand across several industries, despite the fact that the global market for such instrumentation is a niche area.
Market Profile: Process FT-NIR
December 1st 2009Fourier transform–near infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy is one of a number of molecular spectroscopy techniques that are already used for online process analysis across a number of industries, but are still seeing significant growth in demand. FT-NIR technology has a number of inherent advantages for online analysis.
Market Profile: Portable fluorometers
November 1st 2009A small niche market within fluorescence spectroscopy is portable fluorometers. Primary applications are in the agricultural industry, but there is considerable potential elsewhere. The market landscape is small and fragmented, with no dominant leader, and significant potential for growth.
Market Profile: Laboratory FT-Raman
October 1st 2009Fourier transform (FT)–Raman spectroscopy is one of two general categories of Raman spectroscopy. Its adoption helped make Raman spectroscopy a commercially viable analytical technique, and it is still widely used. Although it has become somewhat of a niche technique, demand continues to grow.
Market Profile: Raman-Enabled FT-IR
June 1st 2009Infrared (IR) spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy are very complementary methods. The strongest demand tends to come from applications that require analytical information from a potentially broad range of compounds and functional groups. The global market for combined Raman and FT-IR accounts for a small but growing percentage of both the broader IR and Raman spectroscopy markets.
Market Profile: LC-MS Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
May 1st 2009An oft-overlooked segment of the mass spectrometry market is time-of-flight LC–MS. Although LC-TOF does not possess the capabilities of more expensive mass spectrometry techniques, it fills an important price-to-performance segment of the market. The trickling down of technology and heavy competition are contributing to a strong market outlook for the area.
Market Profile: Lifetime Fluorescence
March 1st 2009Lifetime fluorescence is a subset of fluorescence spectroscopy in which the time between excitation and relaxation is measured, rather than just the intensity of the emitted energy. The technique is used primarily in biological applications, but has a number of other uses as well. Lifetime fluorescence is a well-established niche market.