PIKE Technologies, Inc.



Volume 32
Issue 12
Pages: 66

Company Description

PIKE Technologies specializes in the design and manufacture of accessories and optical systems that enhance the performance of commercial spectrometers. Our goal is to make the lives of laboratory personnel easier with a wide range of FTIR, NIR and UV-Vis spectroscopic sampling accessories that deliver greater energy throughput, higher spectral quality and faster results. Our products are built with craftsmanship and care to exceed customer expectations.

Chief Spectroscopic Techniques Supported

PIKE products are compatible with most FT-IR and molecular spectrometers and are based upon the principles of spectroscopic measurement via:

  • Attenuated total reflectance (ATR)

  • Diffuse reflectance

  • Specular reflectance

  • Transmission, including sample cells and IR windows

  • Remote sensing

  • High-throughput automation

  • Integrating spheres

  • Polarization control

  • IR microscopy

  • Microsampling

  • Gas cells

Markets Served

PIKE products serve a broad range of markets including the petrochemical, food testing, forensic, optical, agricultural, and material science industries. We also specialize in the custom design of products and optical components for specific applications.

Visit our website and take advantage of our unique, interactive FT-IR Calculator and Crystal Properties program.

Major Products/Services

  • MIRacle™ – patented “universal” sampling accessory (Diamond, ZnSe, Ge, and Si)

  • HATR – multiple reflection horizontal ATR

  • GladiATR™, GladiATR Vision™ – highest performance diamond ATR

  • VeeMAX™ – patented variable angle specular reflection and ATR accessory

  • ATRMax™ – variable angle multiple reflection horizontal ATR

  • Gas Cells – long and short path

  • Valu-Line™ Kits – the most often used sampling accessories, sample holders, cells, and optics combined

  • A wide range of fully automated FT-IR and NIR products with easy-to-integrate AutoPRO™ software


PIKE Technologies, Inc. is located in Madison, Wisconsin. We distribute directly to our customers worldwide and to OEMs for packaging with spectrometers of all manufacturers. Please call, or visit our website for additional product information.

PIKE Technologies, Inc.
6125 Cottonwood Drive
Madison, WI 53719

(608) 274-2721

(608) 274-0103


WEB SITEwww.piketech.com



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Jeanette Grasselli Brown 
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