
Vincent Bonneterre


LIBS Imaging Is Entering the Clinic as a New Diagnostic Tool

Great interest has recently aroused in the study of the dysregulation of chemical elements within tissues. Information about the distribution of elements in biological tissues can contribute to a more complete medical diagnosis, and can guide therapeutic procedures for many pathologies.

Alan G. Higgins


Optimized Explosives Analysis Using Portable Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for Battlefield Forensics

When explosives are encountered on the battlefield, the use of portable GC–MS is valuable for the detection and confirmatory identification of pre- and post-detonation threats. In addition, this technique provides information about the source of explosives based on the detection and identification of trace-level chemicals in the sample. The data presented here confirm this capability.

Gunda Koellensperger


Single-Cell Analysis by ICP-MS—Current Status and Future Trends

Single-cell analysis is important in biology and medicine, because it takes into account cell heterogeneity and cellular dynamics, which are governed by cellular crosstalk and the vicinity of cells. Thus, it is of utmost importance to obtain not only information about the heterogeneity of a cell population, but also about their spatial arrangement.

Fei Li


A Facile Synthesis of Tannic Acid–Protected Copper Nanoclusters and the Sensitive Fluorescence Detection of Nitrite Ion Under Mild Conditions

Nitrite poses health risks. This study evaluates the results of using tannic acid- protected fluorescence copper nanoclusters (TA-CuNCs) to detect nitrite in food.

Huinan Yang


Determining Nitrophenol Isomers Using Raman Spectroscopy

In this study, the nitrophenol isomers, in solid and liquid phases, were analyzed using Raman spectroscopy, laying the groundwork for determining nitrophenol isomers in environmental monitoring with this technique.

Jenni Briggs


Common Problems with FT-IR Instruments and How to Avoid Them

Those inexperienced in using FT-IR spectrometers can encounter problems when measuring spectra. This article discusses several main issues that most users experience while using FT-IR spectrometers and how to remedy each problem.

Bing Chen


Study on Estimating Total Nitrogen Content in Sugar Beet Leaves Under Drip Irrigation Based on Vis-NIR Hyperspectral Data and Chlorophyll Content

The relationship between leaf nitrogen content (LNC) and hyperspectral remote sensing imagery (HYP) was determined to construct an estimation model of the LNC of drip-irrigated sugar beets, to enable real-time monitoring of sugar beet growth and nitrogen management in arid areas.

Nan Gao


Specific Recognition Technology of Infrared Absorption Spectra Based on Continuous Wavelet Decomposition

IR absorption spectroscopy technology can solve the problem of line aliasing in gas detection. Here, continuous wavelet transform was used in time-frequency analysis to improve spectral component identification and quantitative detection of gases.

Hongwen Han


Analysis of Serum from Acute Leukemia Patients Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)

This study shows that surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) of serum can provide an experimental basis for diagnosing leukemia in patients.

Zhipeng Yu


Detecting Chicken Freshness Utilizing VNIR, SWIR Spectroscopy, and Data Fusion

This study uses hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology, in synergy with machine learning and deep learning algorithms, to innovate a non-destructive method for the assessment of chicken freshness.

Peng Shang


Detection of Acute Kidney Injury Induced by Gentamicin in a Rat Model by Aluminum-Foil-Assisted ATR-FT-IR Spectroscopy

A recent study used aluminum foil-assisted ATR-FT-IR spectroscopy to detect acute kidney injury (AKI) in a rat model using plasma samples. The results show how ATR-FT-IR could be used to study more types of clinical samples in the future.

Giuseppe Schettino


Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Analysis of Nanomaterials for Use in Nuclear and Material Applications

Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) is combined with an extreme learning machine (ELM) model, tailored by genetic algorithm (GA) parameter searching, to produce a more robust analytical method for trace gas analysis of ethylene.

Jiming Sa


Flexible Stacked Partial Least Squares for Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Glucose Detection

A new FID-FM fusion model for infrared measurements of glucose in synthetic samples is proposed, comparing prediction performance to full PLS, SMR, XGBoost, CBR, and DSFPLS modeling methods.

Jaime Orejas


Solution-Based Glow Discharges for Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Come of Age

The SCGD ambient-atmosphere microplasma has emerged as an alternate excitation source for atomic emission spectroscopy that is able to perform admirably compared to established, conventional approaches—with lower cost.

Giorgia Purcaro


Comprehensive Gas Chromatography Coupled to Simultaneous Dual Detection (TOF-MS/FID) as a Confirmatory Method for MOSH and MOAH Determination in Food

Food contamination from mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSHs) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAHs) is problematic and requires a sensitive analytical technique. These contaminants were analyzed using GC×GC with flame ionization detection (FID) and time-of-flight–MS (TOF–MS) parallel dual detection. The method provides enhanced chromatographic separation, along with the full mass spectra information, and overcomes difficult interferences, resulting in reduction of false positives over conventional GC–MS methods.

Glenna Thomas


The Application of Atomic Spectroscopy Techniques in the Recovery of Critical Raw Materials from Industrial Waste Streams, Part II

This article explores the current landscape of global critical raw materials (CRM) trends in research and the applications of atomic spectroscopy (AS), including inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), and X-ray analytical techniques in their identification of diverse industrial and environmental media.

Litong Ma


Spectroscopic Analysis of the Effects of Alkaline Extractants on Humic Acids Isolated from Herbaceous Peat

To study the effect of various extractants on the structure of peat humic acid, peat humic acid was extracted using NH3·H2O, Na2CO3, NaHCO3, and Na2SO3 via alkali-extraction and acid-precipitation methods.

Hongyang Wang


Synthesis of Differently Sized Gold Nanoparticles for SERS Applications in the Detection of Malachite Green

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), using gold nanoparticles, is useful for detection of low-levels of many analytes, including the water pollutant malachite green (MG).

Naoki Iwayama


Analyzing the Elemental Composition of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Emitted as Air Pollution Using Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)

This study describes how interference-free, low-level analysis of toxic elements as well as major elements in particulate matter (PM), with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 μm or smaller, can be accomplished. Comparison study examples are given for two locations.

Gayane S. Tonoyan


Vibrational Spectroscopic Analysis of Six New Hexafluorosilicate Salts Containing Different Amino Acids

Vibrational spectra of six new hexafluorosilicate salts containing different amino acids (glycine (Gly), sarcosine (Sar), dimethylglycine (DMG), betaine (Bet), β-alanine (β-Ala) and l-proline (l-Pro)) are typically recorded and discussed on the basis of their structures. The presence of cations, dimeric cations with short hydrogen bonds, and hexafluorosilicate anions is reflected in the spectra.

Jürgen Popp


Errors and Mistakes to Avoid when Analyzing Raman Spectra

Seven common mistakes in the analysis of Raman spectra can lead to overestimating the performance of a model.

Wenguang Jiao


Simultaneous Determination of 50 Elements in Geochemical Samples by Low-Pressure Closed Digestion-ICP-MS

The article describes a method for geochemical sample analysis using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) crucibles and ICP-MS, achieving detection limits below 0.2 μg/g and relative standard deviations ranging from 1.1% to 16.4%. The approach minimizes acid usage, prevents dust contamination, accurately determines volatile elements, and is deemed suitable for high-throughput laboratories with numerous samples and diverse elements to be tested.

Xiantao Feng


Fluorescence Quenching Effects of Fe3+ Ions on Carbon Dots

The “selective fluorescence quenching effects” of Fe3+ ions on carbon dots are examined to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the interactions of metal ions with a variety of fluorescent materials.

David Leslie


Archaeological, Geochemical, and Remote Sensing Applications in the Search for Pleistocene Landscapes of New England

Here, a series of developing methods is presented for locating and analyzing deeply buried late Pleistocene archaeological sites, which includes the initial investigation of the geomorphology of a potential archaeological site with a suite of analytical geochemical techniques.

Luis A. Serrano


Fiberoptic Formaldehyde Field Sensors for Industrial Environments: Capitalizing on Evanescent-Wave Spectroscopy

An inexpensive fiberoptic-based formaldehyde field sensor is described for monitoring low-levels of formaldehyde, a widespread indoor air pollutant, based on the principle of evanescent wave absorption of light. Sensor prototypes following that principle are being tested in two plywood board production plants.

Yingying Ma


Spectrophotometric Determination of Thiosulfate in Desulfurization Solutions by Decoloration of Methylene Blue

To ensure the stable operation of fuel plant desulfurization systems, it is critical to maintain the content of thiosulfate within an appropriate range. This new method for thiosulfate determination is highly sensitive and easy to perform.

Chen Lei


Fingerprinting of Mineral Medicine Natrii Sulfas by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

We show how FT-IR may be used for quality control analysis of natrii sulfas, a transparent crystalline material used in natural medicine that primarily contains sodium sulfate decahydrate, crystallized from sulfate minerals.