Application Notes: General
Analysis of selenized yeast cells
This note demonstrates how ICP-MS can be used to assess trace elements in individual yeast cells and display the mass distribution across several hundred cells.
Two for One: Structural + Chemical Composition with ONE Measurement
Maximize Returns and Limit Competition with Optimized Identification
Analysis of Trace Metal Impurities in High Purity Hydrochloric Acid Using ICP-QQQ
Ultra-low level determination of phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and chlorine using the Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ
Agilent Atomic Spectroscopy Solutions for the Semiconductor Industry (Oct 2022)
Ultrapure Process Chemicals Analysis by ICP-QQQ with Hot Plasma Conditions
Analysis of Ultratrace Impurities in High Silicon Matrix Samples by ICP-QQQ
Automated Analysis of Ultratrace Elemental Impurities in Isopropyl Alcohol
Automated Analysis of Semiconductor Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and DI Water using ICP-QQQ
Multielement Nanoparticle Analysis of Semiconductor Process Chemicals Using spICP-QQQ (Oct 2022)
Food Analysis with Confocal Raman Microscopy (Oct 2022)
This survey shows how Raman imaging can characterize food samples such as honey, chocolate, and fat spreads to help understand the products and production processes.
FTIR Analysis Made Easy. Agilent MicroLab 5.7 Software
Aggregation Analysis of Innovator and Biosimilar Therapeutic Proteins Using FTIR
The Agilent Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer for Material Identification Applications
Quantification and Chemical Identification of NOx Reduction Agent AdBlue (AUS32) Using ATR-FTIR
As Easy as 1, 2, 3, Makes FTIR Analysis Fast and Simple
Microwave Digestion Cookbook
This reference notebook provides the tools you need to quickly and efficiently develop digestion methods for inorganic sample preparation needs.
AOAC Method 2015.01 for Toxic Elements in Food
In this work, the analysis of toxic elements in various food matrices following AOAC 2015.01 was validated using the NexION® 2000 ICP-MS.
Determination of Toxic and Trace Elements in Baby Foods
Analysis of toxic elements (As, Cd, Hg, and Pb) and other trace elements (Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Mo, and Tl) in baby foods following U.S. FDA EAM 4.7
Analysis of Micronutrients in Fruit Juice Using ICP-OES
This work focuses on the analysis of micronutrients in a variety of commercial juice products using the Avio® 220 Max hybrid simultaneous ICP-OES.
ICP-MS Elemental Analysis of Wines
In this application note, the NexION® 2000 ICP-MS was used for the determination of toxic elements in wine.
Determination of Heavy Metals in Cassava Flours by FDA EAM 4.7 Method
This work describes a procedure for the accurate quantification of heavy metals in cassava flours following U.S. FDA’s EAM 4.7 using PerkinElmer’s NexION® ICP-MS
Arsenic Speciation Analysis in Rice Following Method GB 5009.11-2014
Five arsenic species characterized in a commercial rice sample and certified reference material using a gradient anion-exchange method in accordance with GB 5009.11
Toxic Trace Metals in Edible Oils by GFAAS
This work concentrates on the selectivity, simplicity, and high sensitivity of GFAAS analysis for toxic trace metals in edible oils.
Analyzing Industrial Coatings with Renishaw's Virsa™
Renishaw’s Virsa Raman analyzer is a transportable, fiber-coupled system that is well suited to assessing the chemical, phase, and structure of materials.
Analyzing Gemstones with Renishaw's inVia™
Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies have become the best techniques for gemstone certification and characterization.
Monitoring Crystallographic Phase Changes with Raman Spectroscopy (Sept 2022)
Raman spectroscopy offers sampling flexibility and can monitor changes in chemistry and crystallography during phase transitions.
In Vivo Biological Studies with Renishaw's Virsa™
The Virsa Raman analyzer and probe are optically matched to ensure efficient light coupling with maximum sensitivity and low noise.
Analyzing Catalytic Powders with Renishaw's Virsa™
Renishaw’s Virsa Raman analyzer is well suited to identifying chemicals and determining the phase and crystal structure of materials.