John Burgener Details His Career and Shares Advice for Young Spectroscopists
January 17th 2024At the Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, John Burgener of Burgener Research discussed his work with nebulizers and how it led to advancements in inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and ICP–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
How ICP-MS Advanced the Mission of the CDC: An Interview with Robert L. Jones
January 17th 2024At the Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Spectroscopy sat down with Robert Jones to discuss his career at the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and how their ICP-MS laboratory helped advance the work of the CDC.
Spectroscopy’s Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy: A Look at ICP-MS Analysis of Nanostructures
January 15th 2024On Monday January 15th at 8 am local time, Eduardo Bolea-Fernández of the University of Zaragoza, in Zaragoza, Spain, was recognized as Spectroscopy’s Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy for 2024. Here’s a recap of this award session.
The Single-Bullet Theory Comes to New York – But Was it a Direct Hit?
November 22nd 2023Pete Diaczuk of John Jay College of Criminal Justice gave a recollection at EAS 2023 of a case he worked on in Manhattan involving a victim fatally shot, incomplete ballistic evidence, and the wrong gun recovered at the scene.
More Than Just Acronyms at EAS 2023
November 14th 2023Award recipient John McLean of Vanderbilt University said hybrid techniques do not exist purely as combinations of letters, slashes, and hyphens—they have been built on the shoulders of decades’ worth of analysis intended to refine and simplify workflow.
John McLean Receives 2023 EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in Mass Spectrometry
November 14th 2023John A. McLean, Stevenson Professor of Chemistry and Chair of the Department of Chemistry, Associate Provost for Graduate Education, and Director of the Center for Innovative Technologies at Vanderbilt University, has been named the winner of the 2023 EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in Mass Spectrometry.
Gulf Coast Conference: Kevin Schug Discusses Predicting Gas Phase Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectra
October 25th 2023At the 2023 Gulf Coast Conference, Spectroscopy spoke with Kevin Schug of the University of Texas at Arlington, about predicting gas phase vacuum ultraviolet spectra using machine learning. This interview was one of four conducted live at GCC 2023.
Gulf Coast Conference: Elena Hagemann Discusses Using Raman and NIR to Analyze Petrochemicals
October 24th 2023At the 2023 Gulf Coast Conference, Spectroscopy spoke with Elena Hagemann of Metrohm USA, about spectroscopy in relation to petrochemicals. This interview was one of four conducted live at GCC 2023.
SAS and Applied Spectroscopy William F. Meggers Award Presentation, Plenary Lecture, and Symposium
October 12th 2023At SciX, Johannes Pedarnig of Johannes Kepler University will be recognized as the 2023 SAS and Applied Spectroscopy William F. Meggers Award recipient. Here's a summary of the award session.