Achievements with Raman Spectroscopy: A SciX Interview with Karen Esmonde-White
October 11th 2023At the SciX Conference in Sparks, Nevada, Spectroscopy magazine sat down with Karen Esmonde-White of Endress+Hauser to talk about her career transition and how Raman spectroscopy has evolved over the years.
Telling the Story of Art Using Mobile Raman Technology
October 11th 2023Anastasia Rousaki and her team at Ghent University in Belgium are utilizing advanced Raman spectroscopy techniques, including mobile non-invasive methods, to analyze the composition of art from various historical periods, from prehistoric rock art paintings in Patagonia to 19th to 20th century Greek paintings and 21st-century murals in Reggio Emilia, providing insights for art preservation and historical understanding.
Reflections from SciX 2023: Distinguishing Edible Oils with FT-IR
October 10th 2023In the Chemometrics in Food and Agriculture oral symposia today at SciX 2023, Barry Lavine of Oklahoma State University delivered a talk titled, “Authentication of Edible Oils Using an Infrared Spectral Library and Digital Sample Sets for Calibrated and Uncalibrated Adulterants.” Here is a brief reflection of his talk.
The Mysteries of Noisy Single-Particle ICP-TOF-MS Data: Insights from SciX 2023
October 10th 2023At SciX 2023 in Sparks, Nevada, Alexander Gundlach-Graham from Iowa State University delivered a groundbreaking talk on the origins of noise in single-particle ICP-TOF-MS data and its impact on particle analysis accuracy. His presentation unveiled a promising Monte Carlo simulation approach to better understand and mitigate signal variability in this cutting-edge analytical technique.
Revolutionizing Food Analysis: LIBS Shines at SciX 2023
October 10th 2023At SciX 2023, Ismail Boyaci from The Ohio State University unveiled the transformative potential of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) in food analysis, offering rapid and precise solutions to enhance food safety and quality. LIBS emerges as a game-changing tool, poised to reshape how we scrutinize and safeguard our food supply.
Wei Xiong Presented with the 2023 Coblentz Award at SciX
October 9th 2023Wei Xiong of the University of California, San Diego, is the 2023 winner of the Coblentz Award at SciX. Xiong was recognized in a plenary session at SciX on October 9th at 11:00 am for his contributions on the ultrafast dynamics of molecular polaritons.
Unearthing Ancient Power Networks: Chaco World Paint Production Revealed at SciX 2023
October 9th 2023Explore the hidden world of Chacoan paint production and its profound societal implications in Kelsey Hanson's groundbreaking talk at SciX 2023. Uncover the secrets of ancient power networks through meticulous analysis of paint recipes and their circulation within the Chaco communities.
Unlocking the Secrets of Volcanic Glass: How Archaeological Fires Leave Their Mark
October 9th 2023Archaeologists at SciX 2023 uncovered the hidden impact of ancient fires on volcanic glass, reshaping our understanding of its use in dating and correlation at archaeological sites. Jayde N. Hirniak's groundbreaking research sheds light on taphonomic processes, offering crucial insights for the field of archaeology.
Artificial Intelligence in Spectroscopy: A SciX Interview with Ishan Barman
October 6th 2023As a preview to SciX 2023, Spectroscopy magazine sat down with Ishan Barman of Johns Hopkins University to ask him about his thoughts on how artificial intelligence may impact spectroscopic research going forward.
Developing Linear and Non-linear Raman Approaches to Address Important Biomedical Questions
October 6th 2023As a preview to SciX 2023, Spectroscopy magazine sat down with Juergen Popp of the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology to ask him about his research exploring the use of Raman spectroscopy in applications such as infectious diseases and cancer diagnostics.
Previewing the Biomedical Raman Imaging 2023 Conference
May 11th 2023Biomedical Raman imaging is growing in the biomedical space, where technical advances and new information processing tools and techniques aim to propel the field into the future. An upcoming conference in Atlanta, Georgia, will explore these developments while bringing scientists in this field together.