September 4th 2024
Spectroscopic analytical techniques are crucial for the analysis of agricultural products. This review emphasizes the latest advancements in several key spectroscopic methods, including atomic, vibrational, molecular, electronic, and X-ray techniques. The applications of these analytical methods in detecting important quality parameters, adulteration, insects and rodent infestation, ripening, and other essential applications are discussed.
Rapid Determination of Trace Metals in Oil Using Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
July 1st 2014Determination of trace metals in oil and petroleum typically is based on ICP-OES methods, requiring signficant sample preparation and expensive instrumentation. This article presents an alternative method, based on the use of a handheld energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer, that involves minimal sample preparation, uses authentic standards for calibration, gives low parts-per-million detection limits, and provides significant time and cost savings.
First Regulatory Limit for Hexavalent Chromium in Drinking Water Awaited in California
May 16th 2014The California Department of Public Health has proposed to establish the first regulatory limit in the United States for hexavalent chromium (chromium-6) in drinking water. The proposed Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) sets the limit for hexavalent chromium at 10 parts per billion. California, like those of other states and United States federal government, currently only regulates total chromium levels.
The Top 13 Articles from Spectroscopy in 2013
January 21st 2014Everyone loves a list, and the editors of Spectroscopy are no exception! In 2013, Spectroscopy covered a wide array of topics throughout the year to bring you the most relevant information for your work, on topics ranging from selecting the right ICP-MS system to deciding which Raman technique is right for you, from our annual salary survey to calibration transfer. Here is a list of 13 popular articles and columns from 2013
Improving Trace Metals Data Quality Through In-Lab Acid Purification
September 1st 2013In-lab acid purification offers significant benefits compared to commercial bottled high purity acid. In-lab purified acid is extremely pure, produced fresh on demand, and the cost savings compared to bottled high purity acid are significant.
Advancing Laser Ablation Chemical Analysis
May 15th 2013Rick Russo, the winner of the 2013 Lester W. Strock Award, is known for important advances in laser ablation for use in spectrochemical analysis. In a new interview, he talks about those developments, how his career developed, and what it's like, as a research scientist, to lead a start-up company.
Single Reaction Chamber Microwave Digestion of Heavy Crude Oil for Trace Metals Analysis
September 1st 2012Single reaction chamber (SRC) microwave digestion offers multiple benefits over traditional dry ashing for the sample preparation of heavy crude oils for trace metals analysis. These include increased sample throughput, reduced risk of contamination, more complete digestion and retention of volatile analytes.
EDXRF Analysis of Trace Elements in Aqueous Solution with UltraCarry
September 1st 2012Elemental analysis of aqueous solutions into the low ppm and sub-ppm concentration ranges is demonstrated, using the advanced Cartesian geometry Rigaku NEX CG Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer in conjunction with the patented UltraCarry? sample preparation technique.
The Orbis Micro-XRF Analyzer Series
February 1st 2012Building on more than 10 years of Micro-XRF experience, the Orbis spectrometer yields a system with excellent Micro-XRF capability while setting a new standard in analytical flexibility. The Orbis incorporates a unique motorized turret integrating video and X-ray optics allowing coaxial sample view and X-ray analysis. The turret can accommodate two additional collimators along with the X-ray optic for a total of three X-ray beam sizes to expand the Orbis analytical capabilities beyond traditional Micro-XRF analysis. Primary beam filters can be used with all spot sizes available on the turret to allow true XRF analytical capabilities in a micro-spot analysis. The working distance is increased to allow analysis over rougher sample topography without sacrificing signal intensity.
Benchtop WDXRF for Cement Analysis
February 1st 2012Cement is one of the most important materials in the construction industry. Traditionally, WDXRF spectrometers used in cement plants have been large, floor-standing models with substantial installation requirements and ownership expenses. This application note demonstrates the capabilities of the Rigaku Supermini - a new low-cost, benchtop wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer - for the rapid quantitative elemental analysis of cement raw meal.