October 9th 2024
In this article, we introduce the concept of a gas exchange device (GED) and how it can be used to monitor organometallic compounds and metallic particles in specialty gases.
Contaminant Analysis in the Food Manufacturing Process by EDXRF and FTIR
September 15th 2015Using EDX and FTIR techniques in conjunction with one another permits a more detailed elucidation of contaminant characteristics, thereby enhancing the validity of the respective results. This note presents an example of the analysis of various types of foreign matter entered during the food manufacturing process.
A comparative study of Groundwater EPA 245.7 VS ISO 17852
September 10th 2015This application is a comparative study of Groundwater, ERM-CA615, EPA Method 245.7 and ISO Method 17852 using a Mercury analyzer. Contamination, interferences and sample preparation are a few of the major obstacles that can arise when monitoring Mercury at this level. Mercury is prevalent through point source contamination that often comes from industry and bio-accumulation.
ICP Analysis of Heavy Metals in Toys and Accessories
August 12th 2015The presence of heavy metals such as lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in toys poses a health risk. These toys and accessories must be evaluated for safety with respect to their content using defined test methods. This note presents an example of high-sensitivity ICP analysis conducted quickly and at low cost.
EDXRF Analysis of Lead-Zinc Ores
July 21st 2015Rigaku EDXRF application note #1495 demonstrates the analysis of lead-zinc ore using the empirical calibration method. Elemental analysis is important in the examination of ores, from screening throughout the processing areas to final determination. The described method yields excellent results for screening and characterization of lead/zinc ore at the mine site or processing facilities for optimum product QA/QC.
ICP Analysis of Elemental Impurities in Accordance with the ICH Q3D Guideline
June 16th 2015In the ICH Q3D Guideline for Elemental Impurities, 24 elemental impurities were identified as elements of concern due to their toxicity, and permitted daily exposure limits (PDE) were established. This application note presents a quick, accurate analysis of these elements.
Analysis of Stainless Steel by Dual View Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry
June 10th 2015This application note will demonstrate the ability of High Dispersion ICP-OES in the determination of alloying elements in stainless steels. The dual viewing capability will be used to determine the high concentration elements on the radial view while the axial view will determine the lower concentration, such as phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S). Stainless steels are a corrosion resistant family of iron alloys. The corrosion resistance is due to the formation of a passive chromium (III) oxide (Cr2O3) layer on the surface of the steel. If this layer is damaged by cutting, scratching or abrasion, it will regenerate, provided sufficient oxygen is available, preventing corrosion. Stainless steels have poor corrosion resistance in low oxygen environments since the oxide layer cannot be repaired quickly enough.
Analysis of the State of the Art: XRF
June 1st 2015In honor of Spectroscopy's celebration of 30 years covering the latest developments in materials analysis, we asked a panel of experts to assess the current state of the art of X-ray fluorescence and to try to predict how the technology will develop in the future.
Analysis of the State of the Art: LIBS
June 1st 2015In honor of Spectroscopy's celebration of 30 years covering the latest developments in materials analysis, we asked a panel of experts to assess the current state of the art of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and to try to predict how technology will develop in the future.
stainless and low alloy steel analysis using handheld LIBS
May 22nd 2015Analysis of stainless steels and nickel alloys with handheld LIBS has proven challenging because Molybdenum – a key alloy element in the 0.5-3% level – is refractory and requires a much hotter plasma than many miniature, commercially available lasers can provide. A new proprietary laser design was utilized in a handheld LIBS analyzer and is shown to provide much better quantitative analysis of Mo down to 0.15% concentration.
EDXRF Analysis of Agricultural Soils & Plant Materials
May 14th 2015In the agri-food sector it is important to not only study the soil composition and use of fertilizers, but also the uptake of nutrients and potentially toxic elements within the plants and crops themselves. Rigaku Application Note 1350 describes the analysis of agricultural soils and plant materials by EDXRF.
Mercury Determination in Lichen, BCR-482
April 20th 2015Due to its ability to absorb trace amounts of mercury, analysis of lichen is a potential model for mercury contamination in a micro-ecosystem modeling system. The purpose of this application note is to validate the capabilities of the QuickTrace® M-7600 Cold Vapor Atomic Absorbance (CVAA) mercury analyzer in the ug/L range.
EDXRF Analysis of Glass and Raw Materials
March 17th 2015The analysis of glass and raw materials is demonstrated in the manufacturing of soda-lime glass, which makes up 90% of the global glass production and is used to make windows, glassware and bottles. The Rigaku NEX CG spectrometer yields excellent performance for the elemental analysis of raw materials and final characterization of finished glass.
ICP Analysis of Multiple Elements in Drinking Water
March 16th 2015Typically, there are many target elements included in the testing of drinking water, such as sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). This note presents how ICPE spectrometry can provide accurate measurement of many elements, from those present at trace levels to those at high concentrations.
Trace Heavy Element Analysis for Wastewater and River Water by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
February 1st 2015This report introduces an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis for the detection of ppb levels of hazardous heavy elements in wastewater and river water using "Ultracarry®" high sensitivity micro-droplet filter paper and the "Ultradry™" vacuum dryer.