Application Notes: General
Where Do Pollutants in Soil and Sediment Come From?
Isotope fingerprints can be used as a tool for environmental forensics investigations of potentially carcinogenic pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Essentials for Heavy Metal Testing in Cannabis and Hemp
New data and tips for using ICP-MS in the cannabis and hemp testing lab Factors that affect heavy metals in cannabis Analysis of hemp plants for toxic heavy metals using new technology
Correlative Confocal Raman and Scanning Electron Microscopy
This paper details RISE (Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron) microscopy and demonstrates its advantages using geological, polymer, biological, and nanomaterial samples.
Correlative Raman Imaging of Semiconducting Materials
See 2D/3D Raman, AFM, SEM, and SHG/THG microscopy measurements of GaN, Si, and MoS2 for characterizing composition, crystallinity, topography, and stress fields.
Characterizing Pharmaceutical Samples with Raman Microscopy
This study shows examples of the pharmaceutical research benefits from Raman microscopy, which characterizes distributions, homogeneity, drug states, and contaminants.
ParticleScout for Automated Raman Imaging Analysis of Microparticle
This overview of advanced microparticle analysis shows how particles can be found, classified, and then identified automatically using confocal Raman microscopy.
Raman Technology for Today’s Spectroscopists
Download the eBook
Platinum Group Elemental Analysis with ICP-OES
A demonstration of vertical dual-view instrument analysis of high-concentration metal matrices with excellent accuracy in place of traditional radial instrumentation
ICP-MS Cones: Why, When, and How to Maintain
We highlight why, when, and how to properly maintain your ICP-MS interface cones, and the importance of cone conditioning. We also discuss the benefits of Platinum-tipped cones.
Photocurrent Measurements on the inVia™ Confocal Raman Microscope
The capability to simultaneously collect Raman and photocurrent data using the photocurrent mapping module concurrently with an inVia Raman microscope is demonstrated.
Quantitative Analysis of Cannabis and Hemp with HR ICP-OES
This application note describes the analysis of heavy metals in cannabis with high sensitivity, precision, and accuracy using HR ICP-OES.
Pharmaceutical research benefits from Raman microscopy, which characterizes distributions, homogeneity, drug states and contaminants. This study provides examples.
Measuring Picosecond Fluorescence Lifetimes Using a Photoluminescence Spectrometer
Measurement of fluorescence lifetimes provides a wealth of information. Here a photoluminescence pectrometer is used for the measurement of sub-20 picosecond lifetimes.
Analysis of Carbon Black
The analysis of carbon black, residual oil and oil ash by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) is demonstrated using semi-quant Fundamental Parameters (FP).
The Power of Polycapillary Optics and Their Critical Role in Seeking Life on Mars
Polycapillary optics greatly enhance micro-XRF analysis suchas on the Mars 2020 rover, where an XOS optic for elemental mapping is crucial in seeking past life on Mars.
Beer Analysis by Total SO2 and Pararosaniline Methods
This study shows the correlation of an automated discrete analysis Sulfur dioxide method to standardized pararosaline methods in the analysis of beer
Safe and Fast Determination of N/S/Cl Contents in Lactic Acid by Means of Organic Elemental Analysis
This application note describes a how to achieve quantitative digestion of lactic acid without soot formation in the shortest measurement time.
Elemental Analysis for N/S/Cl Determination in Biofuels and Their Precursors
This application note describes quantitative digestion of biofuel samples and their precursors, without soot formation, in the shortest measurement time.
U.S. EPA Method 200.7 Using ICP-OES
This note describes the fast and accurate analysis of water samples for heavy metals using US EPA Method 200.7 using the Thermo Scientific iCAP PRO series ICP-OES.
Instrument Start Up Solutions
The VHG™ Instrument Start Up Solution Product Brochure and FAQ's sheet are key resources intended to help answer some of the frequently asked questions that your laboratory may have when optimizing your instrument.
Raman Imaging & Correlative Techniques in Life Sciences
See Raman imaging investigate living cell components and plant cell walls, recognize atherosclerosis, differentiate malignant cells, monitor lipid uptake, and much more.
Spectroscopy in Modern Agriculture
This application note discusses the use of spectroscopy in the future of smart agriculture.
Direct Analysis of Saline Matrices by HR ICP-OES
Metals in Crude and Residual Oil
The analysis of nickel, vanadium, and iron in crude and residual oil per ASTM D8252 is demonstrated. The measurement includes analysis of sulfur complying with ASTM D4294.
Investigation of Emission Tail of InP QDs
Semiconductor QDs have unique tuneable photoluminescence properties. Here, a spectrofluorometer investigates the emission tail of InP QDs.
How to Select an Inert Nebulizer for your ICP
This guide details Glass Expansion’s high-quality inert nebulizer designs and provides guidance on which nebulizer is best suited to your laboratory’s requirements.
Determination of Arsenic Species in Beverages by HPLC-ICP-MS
This application note describes a reliable and fast method for the separation of more than five As species by coupling a PQ LC HPLC system and a PlasmaQuant® MS, ICP-MS.
Fingerprinting Sources of Environmental Pollution Using Stable Isotopes
-Environmental pollution: a nitrogen case study -Evaluating isotopic signatures of nitrogen helps us understand the N cycle -Fingerprinting tools can help identify the causes of environmental degradation
Detector Calibration in ICP-MS
This paper describes detector cross calibration, which is used to align the pulse and analog modes of ICP-MS detectors, and its importance to reliable calibration curves and accurate data.