Application Notes: General
Optimizing Data Using a Variable Angle ATR
Data show that for applications where increased absorbance leads to added sensitivity, a variable angle ATR offers a powerful tool for making FTIR measurements.
Fast and Robust Assessment of Water Quality
This note demonstrates the suitability of ICP-OES for fast, sensitive, and robust elemental analysis of water samples, following the DIN EN ISO 11885:2009 requirements.
How to Achieve a Wide Range of Signal Stability Performance with LA-ICP-MS
Teledyne Photon Machines and Glass Expansion present two interface designs that increase the flexibility and signal stability that can be achieved with the Irida system.
TOC Determination in Raw and Drinking Water v2
This note describes how to acquire reproducible, reliable determination of total organic carbon (TOC) content in drinking water providing a high inorganic-carbon matrix.
Chemical Nanoscale Characterization of Heterogenous Polymeric Materials Using Photothermal AFM-IR
Use of Microwave Digestion and ICP Methods for Elemental Analysis of Food Samples
XRD Quantitative Analysis of Polymorph Impurities
This application note demonstrates whether the active pharmaceutical ingredient maintains its original crystal system, and whether there are polymorph impurities.
How Do Isotope Fingerprints Support Forensic Investigations? v2
This Smart Note demonstrates how isotope fingerprints support forensic investigations on human, criminal, environmental, ecological, food, and archaeological materials.
Quantitative Analysis of Cannabis and Hemp with HR ICP-OES v2
This application note describes the analysis of heavy metals in cannabis with high sensitivity, precision, and accuracy using HR ICP-OES.
Non-destructive, Diffuse Reflection Measurements of Solids
A useful, non-destructive sampling technique for the analysis of non-particulate solids is demonstrated. Diffuse reflection and ATR spectra are compared.
Monitoring Environmental Elements and Climate Conditions
Partners from the environmental sensing company JB Hyperspectral discuss the challenges of field measurements and their use of Ocean Insight spectrometers.
Using Isotope Fingerprints for Analysis of Materials: From Food and Beverage Adulteration to Crime Scene Investigations
Atomic Pair Distribution Function and its Uses for Pharmaceutical Material Characterization
Digesting Food Samples for Trace Element Analysis
Single Reaction Chamber (SRC) technology to simplify and optimize food and mixed-food microwave sample preparation for trace metal analysis using ICP-MS is described.
Spectroscopy for Plastics Recycling
In this application note, we explore how spectroscopy can be used in plastics recycling to identify and sort a variety of plastics with a high degree of specificity.
Chemical Characterization of Polymeric Films, Blends, and Self-Assembled Monomers
This application note discusses and provides examples of the use of AFM-IR to address nanoscale chemical characterization on a range of polymeric and thin film samples.
Analysis of Polymer Fibres
The Virsa Raman analyzer is ideal for fiber analysis; whether in a laboratory setting or in industrial research, development, or quality assurance.
ParticleScout for Automated Raman Imaging Analysis of Microparticles v2
This overview of advanced microparticle analysis shows how particles can be found, classified, and identified automatically using confocal Raman microscopy.
Residual Catalysts Screening by XRF
Elemental Analysis for N/S/Cl Determination in Biofuels & Their Precursors
This application note describes quantitative digestion of biofuel samples and their precursors without soot formation in the shortest measurement time.
Data Integrity within Material Analysis using the Rigaku Progeny Handheld 1064 nm Raman Analyzer
Cl, Pb, & Metals in Refuse Derived Fuel
This app note demonstrates the measurement of chlorine, lead, and metals using the Rigaku NEX QC+ QuantEZ for the general screening of refuse-derived fuel (RDF).
Cl & S in Waste Oil and Used Oil
This application note demonstrates the analysis of chlorine and sulfur in oil as it relates to waste oil and used oil using the Rigaku NEX QC+ EDXRF spectrometer.
Identification of Contaminants and Unknown Substances in the Quality Control Process
Minimize Your Analytical Blank during Trace Metals Analysis
Target Anode Material for HHXRF Instruments
This application note provides insights for the proper selection of anode materials and thicknesses for HHXRF applications.
Reflectance of Aluminum Alloys for Wheels
In this application note, we use an Ocean Insight spectrometer to measure the color shift that occurs with deposition of an aluminum alloy to a powder-coated wheel.
Petrochemical Sample Preparation for Trace Metals Analysis V2
Learn how to ensure high quality and productivity in elemental analysis of petrochemical samples.
Eliminate time-consuming sample analyses during fermentation
Nicro, Endress+Hauser and BIOCentre worked together to create a safe, in-line bioprocess control solution with real-time monitoring.
Robust and Consistent Data Acquisition for the Analysis of Water Samples using ICP-MS
This note highlights the robust and consistent data acquisition of the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ RQ ICP-MS for the unattended analysis of drinking water samples.