This work will demonstrate a simple methodology using automated solid-phase extraction (SPE) and HPLC coupled with mass spectrometric detection. This work will demonstrate a simple methodology using automated solid-phase extraction (SPE) and HPLC coupled with mass spectrometric detection. This work will demonstrate a simple methodology using automated solid-phase extraction (SPE) and HPLC coupled with mass spectrometric detection.
Implementation of MicroNIR PAT for Blend Monitoring
June 13th 2016A wireless NIR spectrometer is deployed on solid dose blending formulation for end-point monitoring. The MicroNIR PAT is democratizing the use NIR spectroscopy in pharmaceutical manufacturing facilitating Quality by Design (QbD) adoption.
GOOD LABORATORY PRACTICE Agilent Cary 8454 UV-Visible Spectroscopy System
June 13th 2016This note looks at specific components that require validation; the instrument, software, and validated test methods, and describes the features of the Agilent Cary 8454 UV-Visible system that is designed to meet the requirements of both initial and recurrent validation.
QA/QC PHARMACEUTICAL SOLUTIONS - Cary 8454 UV-Visible Spectroscopy System
June 13th 2016This note describes how the design of the Cary 8454 UV-Vis exceeds performance requirements stipulated by global pharmacopeia guidelines including USP and EP/BP. Configured for compliance, with 21 CFR Part 11, the instrument performs multi wavelength analysis, time-based kinetics assays, and routine QA/QC measurements.
Agilent Cary 630 FTIR Pharmacopoeia Compliance
June 13th 2016This application note demonstrates how Agilent’s Cary 630 FTIR easily meets the specifications of the US, European, Japanese, Chinese, Indian and International Pharmacopoeia. Its combination of compact size, design, intuitive and regulation-compliant software makes the Cary 630 FTIR an ideal instrument for pharmaceutical quality control.
June 13th 2016The Agilent Cary 8454 UV-Visible system is ideal for regulatory Pharma QA/QC applications, and can acquire a complete spectrum in less than 1 second. This technical note outlines both applications-based and technical considerations for choosing a diode array UV-Vis
Agilent Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer Quickly Identifies and Qualifies Pharmaceuticals
June 13th 2016This application note describes a very sensitive classification method, partial least squares–discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), incorporated in Agilent innovative MicroLab software, to classify and qualify materials of interest with greater sensitivity and specificity than possible with simple library search methods.
Variable Angle Reflectance and Transmittance of Thin Film Coatings Using UV-Vis-NIR
June 8th 2016The ability to easily characterize thin films by variable angle transmission and reflection is very important in both the design/development process and in the final production. This note presents the use of UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy to characterize film samples in the full spectral region, from UV to NIR.
Using MicromATR Vision™ for Food Analysis: Measurement of the Macro-Nutrients
June 1st 2016This application note describes the measurement of food macronutrients by diamond attenuated total reflectance (ATR) mid infrared spectroscopy. Specific examples include the measurement of sugar content of grapes (grape juice) and the measurement of fats in cheese, chocolate and milk.
Application of Miniature X-ray Sources to Residual Stress Measurements
June 1st 2016Miniature X-ray sources reached the development level that is appropriate for their use in the handheld and portable X-Ray diffraction (XRD) instruments. This note describes the application of X-ray sources for the residual stress measurements using XRD.
Infrared Microspectroscopic Imaging of Biological Samples
May 12th 2016FT-IR microscopy constitutes a very fast and efficient alternative to the well-established staining methods. It allows to analyze biological samples with minimal sample preparation and without the need for any agents for contrast enhancement.
Plastic Recycling with NIR Spectroscopy
May 5th 2016Single use of plastic products contributes to a dramatic trash problem worldwide. Since the near-infrared spectrum of every polymer is unique, spectroscopy can be used to identify and sort a large variety of plastics with high specificity. This application note demonstrates the principle of plastic sorting using near-infrared spectroscopy.
Raman spectroscopy applied to art, archaeology and earth sciences
April 29th 2016IR and Raman spectroscopy are powerful analytical techniques to detect, discriminate and identify material on a molecular level. In particular Raman spectroscopy offers some advantages when applied to art and archaeology as well as earth sciences.
How to Achieve Excellent Results for Trace Elements in Petrochemical Samples
April 26th 2016Analysis of trace elements in petrochemical samples is routinely carried out for quality control and process monitoring using protocols set by organizations such as ASTM. However, analysis of these samples is often challenging due to the high matrix and potential for interferences. This executive summary will provide essential information on how to develop robust methods over coming these challenges and ensure excellent results when analyzing trace elements in petrochemicals samples by ICP-OES.
Mixed-Batch Food Sample Microwave Digestion
April 15th 2016The Milestone UltraWAVE is a bench-top instrument that operates at very high pressures and temperatures, capable of processing large, dissimilar and difficult samples quickly, easily-all without batching. The data shown in this technical note demonstrates that the digestion of samples in the UltraWAVE results in uniformly high analytical data quality, making it the ideal solution for trace metals detection in food.
PeakFinderTM Fiber Optic Raman Video Probe
April 14th 2016BaySpec’s PeakFinderTM Raman video probe combines a flexible fiber optic probe with microscope objectives allowing sampling down to several microns. Combined with various benchtop Raman spectrometers, the Raman video probe is a unique micro-Raman system available in 532, 785 or 1064nm excitation and various microscope objectives offering unprecedented flexibility and versatility.