September 17th 2024
A pioneering study integrates laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) with Raman spectroscopy (RS) and applies machine learning (ML) to achieve exceptional accuracy in mineral identification. The combined approach not only leverages the strengths of both techniques but also enhances classification precision, achieving up to 98.4% accuracy.
September 16th 2024
September 16th 2024
Calibrationless Semiquantitative Analysis of a Heterogeneous Sample Using Raman Microscope Mapping
June 1st 2006Advances in Raman spectroscopy and imaging generate large amounts of information pertaining to the chemical and physical composition of materials. The distillation of meaningful and useful information from such quantities of data can be challenging. New image analysis software combined with powerful chemometric techniques permit an analyst to perform rapid calibrationless and quantitative analysis and discover features easily overlooked using less rigorous methods. This article describes mapping and analysis of a painkiller tablet using a dispersive Raman microscope and accompanying software.
Multimodal Multiplex Raman Spectroscopy
June 1st 2006In conventional designs for dispersive Raman spectrometers, there is a tradeoff between spectral resolution and light throughput. A new design approach using Multimodal Multiplex (MMS) technology provides approximately 12x the throughput of a conventional slit-based system with no compromise in spectral resolution. This translates into a signal-to-noise advantage of greater than 3.5x for equivalent measurement times. In addition, the wide area aperture is ideally suited to large sample spot illumination, which yields measurements that are more representative of the bulk of the sample being analyzed.
Investigating Carbon Nanotubes Using Confocal Raman Microscopy and AFM
June 1st 2006Carbon nanotubes are unique nanostructures with remarkable mechanical and electrical properties. Due to their tremendous potential for future innovations, great efforts are made to characterize these structures. In the following study, carbon nanotubes were investigated with Confocal Raman Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy using only one single instrument.
Increasing the Enhancement of SERS with Dielectric Microsphere Resonators
April 1st 2006Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a widely studied technique capable of adding single-molecule detection capability to the rich information provided by Raman spectroscopy. in this aricle, the authors show an additional system gain of more than two orders of magnitude to SERS by using a dielectric microsphere resonator to capture and excite the target system.
Combining Confocal Raman with Atomic force Microscopy for High-Resolution Material Analysis
June 2nd 2005Confocal Raman microscopy can be useful when applied to all samples that are heterogeneous on the micrometer to millimeter scale and that generally can be investigated by Raman spectroscopy. This article presents examples of confocal Raman microscopy from various fields of application including pharmaceutical analysis and stress measurements in semiconductors.
A New Approach to Simultaneous Raman and IR Spectral Searches
June 2nd 2005A new system for multitechnique spectral searching is described that utilizes analysis of several hit lists resulting from spectral similarity searches performed simultaneously in reference databases for multiple complementary analytical techniques. This paper demonstrates the benefits of this multitechnique approach using the complementary techniques of IR and Raman spectroscopy.
Raman and EDXRF Chemical Imaging for Formulation Process Development and Quality Control
June 2nd 2005Compounds of magnesium and calcium are common components of pharmaceutical formulations. Spectroscopic imaging can provide a complete understanding of a formulation. This paper compares two spectral imaging techniques — energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) microscopy and Raman microscopy.
Grating Corrected Laser Stabilization: A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Raw Material Identification
June 2nd 2005The authors present a novel technique for obtaining very high stability and reproducibility of a Raman spectrum, using grating corrected laser stabilization. An externally stabilized laser with a grating spectrometer provides exceptional quantum efficiency in the entire dynamic range. These components then are used to build a library of pharmaceutical raw materials and tested on samples of unknown material.
Reliable Substrate Technology for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
June 2nd 2005The acquisition of Raman spectra can be eased greatly through the use of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). In this article, the authors discuss a new substrate technology that delivers reliable and consistent surface enhancement.
Detecting Bacillus Spores by Raman and Surface-Enhanced Raman (SERS) Spectroscopy
June 2nd 2005Raman spectroscopy has been employed to detect Bacillus cereus spores, an anthrax surrogate, collected from a letter as it passed through a mail sorting system. Raman spectroscopy also has the ability to identify many common substances used as hoaxes. A three-step method also is described for the detection of dipicolinic acid extracted from surface spores by SERS.
Comparing Standard CCD and Electron Multiplication CCD for Low Light Level Spectroscopy
June 2nd 2005This article compares different CCD platforms by outlining CCD and EMCCD noise sources as well as an explanation of the two calculations to arrive at the signal-to-noise ratio for each. The data presented will show that a liquid nitrogen-cooled CCD camera still is the proper choice for low light level applications, such as Raman spectroscopy.
Powerful Partners Provide Complete Analytical Solutions (PDF)
June 2nd 2004This article examines advances that have been made to combine existing analytical techniques with Raman instrumentation. Some of these methods offer enhanced sample visualization, while others provide complementary vibrational spectroscopic information from a single sample point.
Raman Microscopy as a Valuable Tool for Failure Analysis (PDF)
June 2nd 2004The authors discuss several sample types encountered in their laboratory for which Raman spectroscopy is the only reliable method of analysis. The technique is shown to be a routine and cost-effective tool for the industrial laboratory.
Raman Spectroscopy for Homeland Defense Applications (PDF)
June 2nd 2004Raman spectroscopy is used routinely by the agencies tasked with homeland defense, and current research using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy shows promise for the detection of chemical warfare agents and other toxic chemicals. This article overviews some of the latest developments in the field.