Raman Spectroscopy

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Best of the Week: SciX Interview, Raman Imaging, Diagnosing Brain Disorders
Best of the Week: SciX Interview, Raman Imaging, Diagnosing Brain Disorders

July 26th 2024

Top articles this week include another SciX interview with, using Raman imaging to measure the impact of glucose on cancer cells, and diagnosing brain disorders.

A 3D representation of a brain tumor © 220 AI Studio - stock.adobe.com
Glucose's Impact on Brain Cancer Cells Unveiled Through Raman Imaging

July 25th 2024

Australian shepherd dog outside in beautiful colorful autumn. | Image Credit: © Evelina - stock.adobe.com
Using Raman Spectroscopy for Analysis of Canine Urinalysis

July 25th 2024

Using Raman for liquid brain biopsies © Leo - stock.adobe.com
Revolutionary Advances in Diagnosing Brain Disorders: The Promise of Liquid Biopsy and Raman Spectroscopy

July 24th 2024

Illustration of lively E. coli bacteria in microbiology. Generated by AI. | Image Credit: © Matthew - stock.adobe.com.
Real-Time Chemometric Analysis of Multicomponent Bioprocesses Using Raman Spectroscopy

July 24th 2024

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Developing Portable Raman Spectroscopy Methods for Identification of Raw Materials Used in Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing

February 1st 2017

Portable instrumentation for Raman spectroscopy has rapidly evolved over the last decade, where sample testing that once occurred in the laboratory is now executed in the field (e.g. warehouse).   Portable Raman spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the rapid identification of diversely sourced raw materials used in pharmaceutical processing.  In addition to portability; reduced cost, rapid data acquisition and ease of use make this powerful technique attractive and accessible to both expert spectroscopists and non-specialists.  In most cases, the method development can be easily accomplished in the laboratory after which the instrument and methods are transferred to field for sample analysis or warehouse areas for inspection of incoming raw material.  Qualitative Raman methods for identification of raw materials typically utilize spectral libraries for sample to standard comparison.  When developing Raman spectral libraries for raw material identification, great care is required when considering critical factors (e.g. instrument type, Raman capability, container type, container interference, background interference, material variability) that can potentially influence the identity of the material.  This paper discusses portable Raman techniques and approaches for raw material identification, as well as key considerations for developing and validating Raman spectral libraries.